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Pharma Assistant Professor Career at Saurashtra University | 8 vacancies

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Pharma Assistant Professor Career at Saurashtra University

The Saurashtra University was created on a rigorous demand, for a separate university out of Gujarat University (Ahmedabad), from the eminent educationists and freedom fighters of the Saurashtra region. The demand was more prominent after the creation of Gujarat state on May 1, 1961. The Saurashtra University Act was passed by the Legislative Assembly of Gujarat in the year 1965(Gujarat Act No. 39 of 1965). Saurashtra University, established on 23rd May, 1967, having two headquarters in the initial stage i.e. Rajkot and Bhavnagar.

Post : Assistant Professor

Applications are invited for the various teaching posts (purely on Contractual Basis) in various Academic Departments of Saurashtra University, Rajkot.

Department : Pharmaceutical Sciences For Pharm D. Course  
No of Posts : 08    
Fix Remuneration per month (Rs.) : 40,000
Qualification : a) A Bachelor (B.Pharm) and Master (M.Pharm) Degree in Pharmacy each with First Class or equivalence in appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy recognized by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI).
b) A PCI recognized Pharm.D degree holder shall also be eligible.

Specialization : Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance / Pharmaceutical Chemistry / Pharmacognosis / Pharmaceutical Biotechnology/ Pharmaceutical Technology/ Pharmaceutics/ Drug Regulatory Affairs Pharmacology/ Pharmacy Practice

General Instructions
1. These Posts are purely on Contractual Basis and will be filled for maximum of 11 months OR till the regular Appointment maid in concern Department/Center, whichever is earlier.
2. The envelope containing application should be marked with "Application for the Post of Assistant Professor (Contractual)" should reach to concern Head of Department on or before 18/05/2022 up to 18.00 hours. Applicant has to download, take the printout and fill the blank application form. The filled application form is to be submitted to concern Department/Center.
3. The Candidate if they called for interview will have to travel at their own cost for appearing in the Interview, No TA / DA will be paid to the Candidates for the same.
4. University reserves all rights offilling up or not filling up any or all of advertised vacant post / posts.

5. Candidate should attach self attested copies of mark sheets, certificates, testimonials and all other required documents, failing which the application treated incomplete and rejected.
6. Canvassing for any post in any manner will be disqualifying the candidature of an Applicant.
7. No Corresponds will be made in connection to this Employment Notice.
8. Last date for submission of application:- 18/05/2022 Copy of the filled application with all testimonials should reach to the Head Of the Department, (Concern), Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005 by Post/Courier/Hand delivery.
9. For any query related to this advertisement may kindly send on
10. In case of any dispute, legal jurisdiction will be Rajkot City only.

Application should be submitted at following address by Post/ Courier/Hand Delivery : Head of Department, Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005

Last date for submission of Application : 18/05/2022 up to 18:00 hours

Application Form & More Info

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