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Clinical research courses

  • Job for B.Pharm, MSc in CSIR HRDG funded project at AIIMS

    B.S. 4 years program, BPharm, MBBS, Integrated BS- MS, MSc, BE, BTech or equivalent degree, with 55% marks and passing of NET, GATE test. Exploring the relationship between sleep quality and glycemic control in patients with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus using Actigraphy- A prospective study.
  • Recruitment for Life Sciences candidates at North East Institute of Science & Technology
    1st class M.Sc. in Life Sciences, Botany, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Agriculture OR B.Tech. in Biotechnology. Centre of Excellence for Advanced Computation and Data Sciences: BIC at CSIR-North East Institute of Science & Technology
  • Vacancy for M.Pharm in Formulation & Development Department at Indoco Remedies
    M.Pharm; Responsible for development and execution of complex injectable, suspension, emulsion, ophthalmic formulations solution, emulsion for regulated markets. Should be responsible for review of trials and stability data throughout product development.
  • Job for M.Pharm or MSc to work in GSBTM sponsored Project at Kamdhenu University
    Post Graduate from any one among following branch with NET qualification. Zoology, Pharmacy, Industrial Biotechnology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, any relevant subject of life sciences. Natural Farming vs Conventional farming, Understanding the Translational Dynamics of Microbiome, Drug and Pesticide residues in Animal Products.
  • Job for M.Pharm or MSc, MTech as Research Scientist at premier institute NIAB
    Deciphering the molecular processes underlying oxidative stress-induced ovarian reserve decline and identifying potential therapeutic strategies for impeding Premature Ovarian Ageing. A first-class Postgraduate Degree, including integrated postgraduate degrees, in Life Sciences OR a Postgraduate Degree in a professional course such as M.V.Sc., M.Tech, M.Sc., or M.Pharm, with specialization in Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, or Immunology, and awarded with first division.
  • Apply Online for Research Associate at NIPGR - Life Sciences Apply | Salary Rs. 47000 plus HRA pm
    Candidates having Ph.D Degree in Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Botany, Life Sciences, Plant Molecular Biology or equivalent and fulfilling the guidelines. Candidates with exhaustive work experience in the laboratory with plant molecular biology, biochemistry and, or bioinformatics will be preferred.
  • o2h group Hiring Sr. Principal Scientist
    Lead and mentor a team of research scientists and chemists. Oversee projects, ensuring timely, budget-friendly, and high-quality delivery. Provide expertise in solving complex synthetic challenges and optimising reactions
  • Job for Ph.D or M.Pharm, MSc to work in project sponsored by the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Govt. of India NIPER
    Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences or Analytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis with first class post- graduation in M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry or M.Pharm, MS.Pharm Pharmaceutical Analysis, Quality Assurance, Natural Products, Medicinal Chemistry with 60% marks.
  • Hiring Life Sciences candidates at All India Institute of Medical Sciences
    Processing of blood samples, Isolation of serum, plasma and PBMCs cells from the blood samples. Isolation, purification, and culture of PBMCs cells. Estimation of enzymes activities involved in carbohydrates metabolism and Urea cycles. Maintenance of project data and recording of data on computer.
  • Applications are invited for post of Junior Research Fellow at SGPGIMS
    Determining the biological role of extracellular RNA eRNA in the pathogenesis of Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Masters degree in biological sciences from recognized Universities, Institutes, with valid CSIR, UGC-NET or valid GATE score.
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