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Terms of use



Clinical research courses

These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) apply to the website. They apply regardless of the means of delivery of the Site to you.

Thank you for visiting the Site. In consideration of us making the Site and its functionality available for your use, you accept and agreed to be bound by these Terms. If you do not accept these Terms, do not use the Site. We may change these Terms from time to time, so you should review them each time that you visit the Site. You should print a copy of these Terms for future reference.

Using the Site

1.      Users, whether or not registered, must be over 16 years of age. If you are under 18, you must first obtain the consent of your parent or guardian to use or register with the Site.

2.      You may view (and, where applicable, listen to) the content and applications available on the Site for your private non-commercial use. You may occasionally print individual webpages on the Site for your private non-commercial use, provided that such printing is not substantial or systematic and our trade marks, and copyright and trade mark notices, are not removed.

3.      Registered users may customise some of the Site's features to create personalised areas of the Site for their own non-commercial use. Users must not otherwise alter, adapt or reverse engineer any part of the Site.

4.      Unless otherwise stated in these Terms, you must not (whether directly or indirectly) (a) distribute, transmit, syndicate, sell or offer to sell or otherwise make available all or any part of the Site or any content, files, feeds or data from the Site, whether publically available or not; or (b) copy, download, or store any content, files, feeds or data from the Site, whether publically available or not, to make or populate a database or publication of any kind whatsoever, provided that for the avoidance of doubt this is not intended to restrict copying of an insubstantial part of any such material or where you are able to show “fair dealing” with it.

5.      You must not use or allow others to access or use, all or any part of our Site or the contents and/or applications on it for commercial purposes without our permission.

6.      Users should be aware that content and applications may be removed from the Site with or without notice at any time and reliance on their continued availability is at the user's risk.

7.      Users, whether or not registered, must not abuse our Report this Comment facility e.g. by making malicious reports.

8.      To seek permission to do anything prohibited by or not contained in these Terms, or which requires our prior consent or agreement, you can contact us by emailing:

Third party content and links available on the Site
We are not liable or responsible for the third party content on the Site. Third party content includes, for example, comments, blogs and articles posted by  or through users, the content of advertisements, applications posted by users and content accessed through applications.
Where the Site and/or applications contain links to other sites and resources, which are provided or taken from third parties, these links and resources are provided for your information only and you access them at your own risk. We are not liable or responsible for the content or operation of third party sites or resources. You should read any user terms and privacy policies and the like on third party sites, as they are likely to differ from ours.
If you see something which you reasonably believe breaches these Terms or our Community Guidelines, please contact us on

Our liability

  1. The information contained on the Site is for information purposes only and does not constitute advice. You should check any information on the Site and use your own judgment before doing or not doing anything on the basis of what you see. We make no representations or warranties with respect to the Site or its contents. All warranties, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of satisfactory quality and fitness for purpose relating to the Site and/or its content and/or any web site to which it is linked are hereby to the fullest extent permitted by law excluded. No representations or warranties are given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on the Site, or any web site to which it is linked.
  2. PharmaTutor is not providing any guarantee of getting job using this website. The jobs & vacancies appear on this website are taken from different sources with the aim to provide information on same. Few vacancies are posted through HRD of companies or placement agencies and few are taken from external sources. PharmaTutor is not responsible for any personnel damage to you and/or your entity by any terms through this information.
  3. Articles appear on pharmatutor website are provided by users of website. PharmaTutor is not responsible for any copyright infringement occur by those articles. If it found any copied material, PharmaTutor may remove those articles on request of original authors.
  4. Except for liability for fraudulent misrepresentation or deliberate breach of these Terms by us, we are not liable for:
    1. any action you may take as a result of relying on any information provided on the Site or for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of you taking this action;
    2. any dealings you have with third parties (e.g. other users, advertisers or promoters) that take place using or facilitated by the Site;
    3. any liability for losses which are not a foreseeable or likely consequence of (i) your use of the Site, or (ii) a breach of these Terms;
    4. any business loss connected with your trade, business or profession.
  5. We are not responsible if you cannot access the Site properly or at all or if some of its features are unavailable to you because of any event outside our control, for example (without limitation) the performance of your or our ISP, your browser or the Internet or limitations in the capability of your accessing device.
  6. Further we shall have no liability to you for any loss or inconvenience suffered from the unavailability or withdrawal of content and/or applications from the Site. We may withdraw content and/or applications from the Site at any time at our discretion with or without notice to users.
  7. While we require that application developers adhere to these Terms, the Community Guidelines and our Privacy Policy, we are not responsible for ensuring continued compliance. Installation and/or use of any application is at the user's risk.
  8. The Site relies in part on software to work. Software has bugs. Whilst we will monitor the Site and try to fix bugs, we cannot guarantee that the Site or any individual feature of the Site will be error free, available all the time and/or free from viruses.

Job Seekers

PharmaTutor Email services / Email subscribers / anonymous or registered users on, you agree to the following terms For
1.       Applying for job or following it by the user alone, free of cost
2.       PharmaTutor offers neither guarantee nor warranties that there would be a satisfactory response or any response at all once the resume sent or submitted to companies or institutes.
3.       PharmaTutor neither guarantees nor offers any warranty about the credentials bonafides, status or otherwise of the prospective employer/organization which downloads the resume or information and uses it to contact the user.
4.       PharmaTutor would not be held liable for loss of any data technical or otherwise, or of the resume or information/data or particulars supplied by user due to acts of god as well as reasons beyond its control like corruption of data or delay or failure to perform as a result of any cause(s) or conditions that are beyond PharmaTutor's reasonable control including but not limited to strikes, riots, civil unrest, Govt. policies, tampering of data by unauthorized persons like hackers, distributed denial of service attacks, virus attacks, war and natural calamities.
5.       It shall be sole prerogative and responsibility of the user to check the authenticity of all or any response received pursuant to the resume or information/data being fed into or through the network system of PharmaTutor by the user, for going out of station or in station for any job or interview. PharmaTutor assumes no responsibility in respect thereof and expressly disclaims any liability for any act, deed or thing which the user may so do, pursuant to the receipt of the response.
6.       PharmaTutor reserves its right to reject and delete any user or resume or information/data fed in by the user without assigning any reason.
7.       PharmaTutor has the right to make all such modifications/editing of resume in order to fit resume in its database.
8.       The user represents that he/she is not a minor and is not under any legal or other disability which limits his/her ability to comply with these Terms or to install and use the services subscribed and purchased with minimal risk of harm to you or others.
9.       The User of these services does not claim any copyright or other Intellectual Property Right over the data uploaded by him/her on the website.
10.   Jurisdiction for any disputes arising from and related to this contest shall be Surat, India to the exclusion of all other courts.
11.   Disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of India as applicable.