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Work as Technical Assistant / Senior Laboratory Technician at BRIC-NIBMG

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Work as Technical Assistant / Senior Laboratory Technician at BRIC-NIBMG

The BRIC-National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (BRIC-NIBMG) is an Autonomous Institute of the Government of India, under the aegis of the Department of Biotechnology. This is the first Institution in India explicitly devoted to research, training, translation, service, and capacity building in Biomedical Genomics. 

Post : Technical Assistant / Senior Laboratory Technician

Post ID : 2403
No of Post : 01 (OBC)
Pay Level : Pay Level – 07 as per 7th CPC 
Upper Age Limit : Not exceeding 30 years (as on last date of submission of application against this advertisement) 
Essential Qualification : (i) Bachelor of Science/ Bachelor of Technology/ Master of Science or equivalent in Biotechnology and allied discipline from recognised University / Institute with 05 years of work experience equivalent in Platform Technology*
1. Molecular Biology Work 
2. Microbiological work 
3. Diagnostic Platform 
4. Separation and Analytical Platform 
5. Optical and other microscopical platform 
6. Biochemical Analysis Platform 
7. Sequencing Platform 
8. High Throughput Genomics Platform like whole genome targeted sequencing, RNA sequencing, GWAS and Methylation Array 
9. Any Other relevant Laboratory Technologies
Relaxation and Concessions : 
1. Reservation/Relaxation/Concession of candidates belonging to different categories shall be as per Government of India directives. 2. Reservation/Relaxation/Concession for SC/ST/OBC candidates (as applicable) will be subject to submission of Caste certificate in the GOI prescribed format issued by Post ID Post No. of Vacancy Category 2403 Technical Assistant / Senior Laboratory Technician One (01) OBC a competent authority along with the application and at time of selection process, if called for.

Selection Process
The selection process shall consist of scrutiny of Applications and Short Listing and Written Test and/or skill test of shortlisted candidates. Application of candidates shall be scrutinized based on the eligibility criteria and job description given and the details of experience provided by the candidates. 
1. In the event of number of applications being large, Institute will adopt Short Listing Criteria to restrict the number of candidates to be called for written test / to a reasonable number/Skill Test only from eligible candidates by any or more of the following methods. 
(a) On the basis of higher qualifications than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement; or 
(b) On the basis of Higher Experience in the relevant field than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement. or 
(c) By counting experience only after the acquisition of essential qualifications. or 
(d) By holding a Recruitment Test. 
2. The candidate should, therefore, provide complete information related to his/her qualifications and experience in the relevant field over and above the minimum qualifications. However, they must ensure that all information provided is true. 
3. “NIBMG reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standards/ criteria and /or to conduct a screening test, to restrict the number of candidates to be called for the recruitment process, if so required.” 
4. The decision of NIBMG regarding scrutiny of applications and shortlisting shall be final and binding. Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their medical fitness in the Pre-Employment Medical Examination and as per GOI norms.

Pay and Allowances
Pay & allowances and other benefits are same as applicable to Central Government Employees posted in Kalyani/Kolkata or place of posting. The pay and allowances etc. are presently admissible as per the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission of the Govt. of India. Other benefits include NPS, Medical reimbursement, LTC, etc. as per rules of the Govt. of India applicable to permanent employees of NIBMG.

How to Apply
1. Interested eligible candidates as per detailed eligibility criteria should apply in the prescribed application format through “ONLINE PORTAL” ( only. No other form of application will be accepted. 
2. Duly signed hard copy (Print out) of the successfully submitted online application along with Demand Draft and self-attested copies of essential documents should be sent to the address mentioned below in an envelope by SPEED POST/ COURIER SERVICE only. 
To The Director, 
National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, 
P.O.: NSS, Kalyani- 741251, West Bengal, India. 
On the top of the envelope containing the application, the following should be clearly mentioned: 
“Application for the Post of ……………………… Post ID…………………… 
3. Rs 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) is payable by candidates towards non- refundable application fees in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft drawn in favour of “NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BIOMEDICAL GENOMICS”, payable at Kalyani/Kolkata
4. List of essential documents need to send along with the Hard copy (Print out) of the successfully submitted online application are: 
a) Account Payee Demand Draft of Rs 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only). Candidate should write their name, POST ID, on the reverse of the Bank Draft. 
b) Recent Passport Size Photograph 
c) CV of the Applicant. 
d) Documents related to Essential Qualification 
e) Documents related to desirable Qualification. 
f) Documents related to Other Qualifications 
g) Documents related to Experience. 
i) Experience Certificate: (Present as well as Previous) 
Experience Certificate: - Proof of Experience indicating post held, period of service. Pay scale/emoluments and area of experience. (In respect of PSU/Govt Employees indicating revised as well as pre revised pay scales with period details). 
h. Pay Certificate from concerned organizations (Govt/Public/Private Sector) in support of relevant pay scale/emoluments/equivalent level etc.) 
i. Chart clearly indicating Executive/Gazetted Officer Cadre in the Organisation and position of the applicant in the hierarchy for relevant experience. 
j. All proof of experience shall be self-attested by candidate. 
k. Candidate will have to produce the originals for verification at the time of selection process, if called for. 
l. Proof of Date of Birth (Class X certificate / Birth Certificate) m. Caste Certificate (OBC) for claiming Reservation/ Relaxation/concessions n. Any other relevant document 
5. Once applied, the applicants are advised to check the Institute website ( as well as their registered e-mail regularly for any updates. Further communication in connection with the recruitment process will be made through e-mail only. 
6. Calculation of age, qualification, experience etc. will be counted from the Closing Date of application against this advertisement in Employment News/Rojgar Samachar. Traineeship period will not be counted as experience.

General Information and Terms & Conditions
1. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply for NIBMG. 
2. Before applying, the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in the advertisement. 
3. Essential qualification should be recognized in India and from a recognized Institution or University. 
4. The experience requirement specified should be the experience acquired after obtaining the minimum educational qualifications required for the post. 
5. Wherever CGPA/OGPA or Letter Grade in a degree/diploma is awarded, its equivalent percentage of marks must be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by University/Institute. 
6. If any certificate etc. is issued in a language other than Hindi/English, Candidates are advised to submit a certified translation of the same in either Hindi or English Language at the time of selection process, if called for. 
7. Applications that are not in conformity with the requirements indicated in the advertisement, incomplete applications, or necessary documents as prescribed or received after the last date of online application will be rejected. 
8. Mere submission of Application, fulfilment of the minimum prescribed qualification and experience will not vest any right on a candidate for being called for selection process. Candidature shall be considered valid only after receipt of completed application form and required documents, as indicated in the ‘How to Apply’ section by the last Date of application for the post. Only the candidates shortlisted by a duly constituted Selection Committee will be called for the Written Test. The decision of the Institute regarding the selection process shall be final and binding. 
9. NIBMG will not be responsible for any technical glitches during filling up of online application. 
10. NIBMG reserves the rights to cancel / restrict /enlarge/modify/alter the recruitment /selection process, if needed, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason whatsoever. 

11. Candidates working in Central Govt./State Govt./PSU/Autonomous Bodies/Universities or Equivalent are required to forward their application through proper channel or produce “No Objection Certificate” at the time of Interview. 
12. Candidates selected in NIBMG may be posted anywhere in India. 
13. DISQUALIFICATION OF CANDIDATE FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE SERVICE ON REGULAR BASIS OR ENGAGEMENT ON CONTRACT BASIS AT ANY POINT OF TIME IF THE PERSON i. entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living. OR ii) is having a spouse living, has entered in or contracted a marriage with any other person, shall be eligible for appointment to any of the said posts. OR 
iii) whose character and antecedent have been objected by District Magistrate & Collector or whose identity has not been established by the Police. 
14. REVOCATION of APPOINTMENT can be done at any stage during the period (without notice) or during service (after the expiry of period of 14 days from the issue of show cause notice and the same received by the employee) if the appointed person at any stage before or after appointment has :
 I. Withheld information, given any false information or provided false certificates/testimonials so as to secure appointment through wrongful means or intent. 
II. lied under oath. 
III. has been convicted of a criminal offence under Criminal Procedure Code and awarded punishment under any of the provisions of Indian Penal Code/Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) and /or Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam (BSA). 
IV. indulged in activities which are prejudicial to the interests of the STATE. 
15. For any further queries regarding the recruitment please send email to Candidates are required to add this email id in their address book in order to avoid any email communication gap. 
16. Applications are liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment /selection process or after joining , if any information provided by the candidate is not found to be in conformity with the eligibility criteria notified or if NIBMG comes across any evidence/knowledge that the qualification /experience/and any other particulars indicated in the application /other forms/formats are not recognized/false/misleading and /or amounts to suppression of information/particulars which should have been brought to the notice of NIBMG. 
17. JURISDICTION OF THE COURT: In case of any dispute, the jurisdiction of High Court state of West Bengal shall be recognised. 
18. Canvassing in any form will lead to disqualification. 
19. All information regarding this recruitment process will be made available in the Career Opportunity Section of NIBMG Website only. Applicants are advised to check the website periodically for important updates.

Last date of receipt of application at NIBMG is 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in Employment News and 45 days for the candidates residing abroad, Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Island, States / Union Territories in the Northeastern region, Ladakh, Jammu, Kashmir, Sikkim, Subdivision Chamba and Lahaul and Spiti districts of Himachal Pradesh

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