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Career for Ph.D, M.Pharm, MSc as Scientific Officer, Technical Assistant at NICPR

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Career for Ph.D, M.Pharm, MSc as Scientific Officer, Technical Assistant at NICPR

National Institute of Cancer prevention and research (NICPR) was initially established as Cytology Research Centre (CRC) by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in 1979, and was elevated to the level of an Institute in 1989. It was granted national status in 2016 acknowledging its mandate and contributions towards cancer prevention. The institute has broadened its horizon to cater to prevention of prevalent cancers in the country. The thrust areas of research include pre-cancer and cancers of the uterine cervix, breast and oral cancers. NICPR has since made significant contributions in the field of cervical cancer research. The concept of clinical downstaging, visual inspection of cervix with selective cytology screening and development of novel diagnostic approaches for HPV and other oncogenes have been introduced for screening and early detection of cervical cancer.

ICMR-National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research, Noida intends to engage Non-Institutional Project Human Resource position purely on temporary and contractual basis for its short term project tenable at ICMR- NICPR, Noida. Accordingly, Online applications are invited in the prescribed format through link mentioned against each post.

Name of Project : “National Tobacco Testing Laboratory’’ at ICMR-NICPR Sector 39, NOIDA up to One year.
Senior Scientific Officer-I - 01 (One) UR
Monthly Consolidated Emolument (Rs.) : Rs. 65,000/- consolidated 
Essential Qualification : M.Sc. with PhD in Chemistry/ Analytical Sciences/ Instrumentation/ Studies related to tobacco and tobacco Products Desirable : 3 years research experience in natural products/synthesis/analysis of organic compounds/ biochemical/ pharmaceutical sciences 
Job Description : To plan and execute analytical work
Age limit : 45 years
Senior Scientific Officer -II - 01 (One) UR 
Monthly Consolidated Emolument (Rs.) : Rs. 60,000/- consolidated
Essential Qualification : M.Sc. in Chemistry/Biochemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Sciences or M. Pharm with five years research experience. 
Desirable : 3 years research experience in natural products/synthesis/analysis of organic compounds/ biochemical/ pharmaceutical sciences 
Job Description : To work on advanced analytical equipment’s and protocols for tobacco products analysis.
Age limit : 45 years
Technical Assistant - 03 (Three) 1 SC,1OBC, 1 UR
Monthly Consolidated Emolument (Rs.) : Rs. 38,000/- consolidated
Essential Qualification: M.Sc. or B.Sc. / B. Pharm with three years of experience in chemical/ physical / biological analysis/computer applications. 
Desirable : Experience of operating analytical equipment. 
Job Description : To carry out analytical / synthetic work and to prepare relevant technical reports.
Age limit : 45 years

Procedure for recruitment
1. Candidates meeting the prescribed criteria and having required educational qualification and experience may apply through link mentioned against each post up to 30th December 2024. Any submission made after the specified date will not be considered. No hard copy is required to be submitted and shall not be considered. 
2. Eligibility of candidates for interview will be done on the basis of the information regarding educational qualification and experience provided in online application. 
3. In case large number of eligible candidates apply for the post, shortlisting of candidates shall be done. 
4. The shortlisted candidates will be informed about the interview through email and NICPR website hence candidates are advised to check their email and NICPR website for updates from time to time in their own interest. 
5. Selection of the candidate(s) will be based on the performance in Interview.
6. Candidates are advised to keep a copy of application form submitted online for future reference. 
7. Candidates are advised to provide relevant and correct information in online application. 
8. Shortlisted candidates are required to submit copy of application form with complete set of all self- attested certified copies of educational certificates/experience and photo identity along with originals for verification at the time of Interview.

Terms and Conditions
1. Late/delayed/incomplete/unsigned or application without latest photograph will not be considered and will be summarily rejected without any correspondence. Hence candidates are advised to apply well before time without waiting for the last date. 
2. Institute will not be responsible, if candidate fails to submit online application within prescribed date for whatever reason. 
3. Submission of incorrect or false information during the process of selection shall disqualify the candidature at any stage. 
4. Engagement of the above Non-Institutional Project Human Recourse position will depend upon availability of funds, functional requirement and approval of the Competent Authority. Therefore, it is not committed to fill up all the advertised Non-Institutional Project Human Recourse position and the process is liable to be withdrawn/cancelled/modified at any time. 
5. The rates of emoluments/stipends shown in this advertisement are project specific and may vary according to sanction of the funding agency of the project.
6. All post (s) are purely temporary and contractual for the duration offered by the funding agency. The appointment may be renewed after every specific period of time subject to satisfactory performance and project requirement. 
7. Contractual Appointment can be terminated at any time during the engagement from either side with notice period of one month without assigning any reason thereof. 
8. Qualification and experience should be in relevant discipline/field and from a reputed Institution / organization recognized by relevant authority. 
9. Experience shall be counted from the date of completion of minimum essential educational qualification. 
10. No benefit of provident fund, Leave Travel Concession, Medical Claim etc. will be considered, since the posts are purely temporary basis. 

11. Age relaxation is admissible to SC/ST/OBC candidates in respect of posts reserved for respective category only and not for unreserved post as per GoI rules. Age relaxation to Ex-servicemen/Departmental candidates including projects shall also be applicable as per Govt. of India/ICMR Norms. 
12. Cut-off date for calculating age and other eligibility criteria will be the last date of application submission. 
13. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the walk-in-interview/personal discussion/written test. 
14. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification / experience does not guarantee for shortlisting/selection. 
15. Candidates already working against regular/permanent posts under government Department/organizations are not eligible to apply. 
16. Candidates already employed should submit a “No Objection Certificate” from their employer at the time of walk-in- interview/written test / personal discussion failing which he/she will not be allowed to appear in written/personal discussion. 
17. Community/ Caste certificate: Candidates applying under OBC category shall submit attested copy of OBC Non – Creamy Layer Certificate in specified format as applicable for GoI jobs, issued within one year from the date of walk-in- interview / written test and / or personal discussion by the appropriate authority. Only Non Creamy Layer as per Central list OBC certificates will be accepted and other certificates will not be accepted. 
18. Candidates applying for EWS category post must possess income and asset certificate to be issued by the District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner Additional Deputy Commissioner/SDM etc. as per DoPT OM dated 31.01.2019. 
19. The above posts are filled-up on purely temporary basis and contractual basis & the Candidate will have no right to claim on a regular post in ICMR or in any institutes/Center or any department of GoI and their project term with break or without break in any or multiple projects will no confer any right for further assignment or transfer or continuation to any other project or appointment/absorption/regularization of service in funding agency or in ICMR. 
20. The Director NICPR reserves the right to increase / decrease the number of vacancies as per requirement. 
21. The Director NICPR reserves the right to accept/reject any application or to cancel advertisement without assigning any reason thereof and no correspondence/recommendation will be entertained in this matter. 
22. Canvassing and bringing inside or outside influence in any form for short listing and Employment will be treated as a disqualification and the candidate will be debarred from selection process. 
23. No request for change of Date of Interview shall be entertained. 
24. The selected Non-Institutional Project Human Resource candidate will normally be posted at the study site, however, they he/she can be posted to any other sites in the interest of project work.

Last date for submitting the online applications is 30th December 2024.
Senior Scientific Officer-I : Click here
Senior Scientific Officer -II : Click here
Technical Assistant : Click here

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