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Vacancy for Scientist, Junior Health Economist in the Department of Health Research

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Vacancy for Scientist, Junior Health Economist in the Department of Health Research

The President notified the creation of the Department of Health Research under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare through an amendment to the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961 on the 17th September 2007. The Department of Health Research was formally launched on 5th October 2007 by the Minister for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences in a function presided over by the Minister for Health & Family Welfare, in the presence, inter-alia, of the Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare.

Applications are invited for filling up the following vacant positions in the Department of Health Research

Scientist-C (03 posts)
Essential Qualifications / Eligibility:-
(i) Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degree recognised by Medical Council of India or post graduate degree in any of the subjects viz- Biochemistry or Chemistry or Bioscience or Entomology or Genetics or Medical Genetics or Immunology or Microbiology or Molecular biology or Pharmacology or Pharmacy or Toxicology or Virology or Zoology or Biotechnology or Botany or Bio-Informatics or Biostatistics;
(ii) Four years experience of Research and Development or Teaching or working in public sector or Government recognised institutions.
Fixed Remuneration:- Rs.67,000/- + HRA as per city rate (per month)
Age limit:- Not exceeding 45 years. Relax-able up to 5 years for Government servants and SC/ST/OBC candidate in accordance with the instruction issued by the Department of Personnel and Training from time to time in this regard. Age relaxation may be considered for exceptionally qualified and experience persons or for retired professionals who will be taken as consultant if found fit.

1. Responsible for the scientific, and/ or technical aspects of the implementation of the schemes of DHR.
2. Invitation of applications/proposals from the States/Medical Colleges/ Institutions
3. Preliminary review examination of applications/proposals to determine their eligibility in terms of the project guidelines.
4. Organizing TEC and Approval Committee meetings.
5. Getting the requisite MoA signed by the States/Medical Colleges/Institutions.
6. Submission of the proposals for recommendations of the review/expert committees.
7. Seeking any clarification from the States/applicants on various issues/points.
8. Submission of proposal along with the recommendations of the expert committees.
9. Conveying acceptance of proposals to the fellow/concerned State/Medical Colleges/Institutions.
10. Monitoring of Physical progress and financial reporting against the release of funds for the new and ongoing projects.
11. Undertaking visits to the grantee organisations wherever necessary.
12. Seeking performance-cum-achievement reports and submission of these reports to the concerned committees/higher officers for further evaluation.
13. Any other work assigned by the Department

Junior Health Economist (02 posts)
Essential Qualifications and Experience / Knowledge :-
1. 1st class Masters in Public Health from any recognised University with Science/Medical background.
2. Hands on experience on Health Technology related work or Health Economics.
3. Computer proficiency with high level of familiarity with commonly used packages like MS Word, Excel, Power Point.
4. Knowledge of cost-analysis & economic decision modelling in MS Excel or Tree Age.
5. Having undertaken at least 1-2 full economic evaluation of health care program/intervention/drug or device.
6. Excellent communication and presentation skills
Desirable: 1. Experience of data collection and analysis for the purpose of informing health policy and decision-making 2. A working knowledge of Indian health care systems at national and state levels. Fixed Remuneration : Rs.60,000-70,000/- (per month)
Age limit:- Not exceeding 35 years. Relax-able up to 5 years for SC/ST/OBC candidate in accordance with the instruction issued by the Department of Personnel and Training from time to time in this regard. Age relaxation may be considered for exceptionally qualified and experienced persons, if found fit.

1. Contribute to technical and organizational planning of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) in India.
2. Contribute to identifying and communicating with technical partners in the field of HTA in India.
3. To undertake HTA studies for topics allocated by the State and Central Government.
4. Contribute to the writing, editing and publishing of reports and journal articles.
5. Taking advocacy initiatives on behalf of DHR to publicise the work of HTAIn including working with the media and other sources of information dissemination, such as circulars and newsletters 6. Respecting the confidentiality of work of the HTAIn Secretariat and Technical Appraisal Committee/Board
7. Adhering to DHR policies and procedures
8. Any other work assigned from time to time.

Other Terms & Conditions
• The Department reserves the right to hold or not to hold the selection in respect of all or any category of posts.
• The initial engagement would be for a period of 11 (eleven) months. Thereafter, the engagement would be reviewed and it can be extended on year to year basis based on the review of performance and requirements.
• The engagement would be on full-time basis and incumbent would not be permitted to take up any other assignment during the period of engagement with the Department of Health Research.
• The engagement is of a temporary nature against the specific jobs. The engagement can be terminated at any time by the Department without assigning any reasons
. • The engagement is purely on contract basis on consolidated remuneration basis and the incumbent will not have any claim whatsoever for regularization of appointment in the Government.
• Annual increase @5% every two years can be considered by the Department on satisfactory performance of duties and responsibilities.
• Candidates must enclose self-attested copies of date of birth certificate, copies of degree/diploma and mark sheet , experience certificate etc, with the application form (enclosed).
• For retired Government Servants, the remuneration including pension shall not be more than the last pay drawn by the officer
• Department reserves the right to evolve a uniform and reasonable criterion for short listing of eligible candidates, if needed.
• Candidate must clearly indicate the name of the post applied for.
• Applications received after due date will not be entertained

Allowances : No allowance/benefits such as Dearness Allowance, Transport Facility (except for official duties), Residential Accommodation, Personal Staff, CGHS, and Medical Reimbursement etc. will be admissible.
Leave : Eight days leave in a calendar year on pro-rata basis will be admissible. The DHR would be free to terminate the services in case of absence by more than 15 days beyond the entitled leave in a calendar year. 
TA/DA : No TA/DA shall be admissible for joining the assignment or on its completion.

Applications should be sent at: by 15.10.2023. No application will be entertained after this date. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for personal interaction through e-mail.

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