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Walk in interview for B.Pharm Apprentices at NMDC Limited

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Walk in interview for B.Pharm Apprentices at NMDC Limited

NMDC Limited, Bailadila Iron Ore Mine Kirandul Complex is organizing walk-in-Interview for Graduate Apprentices, Technician (Diploma) Apprentices and Trade Apprentices under Apprenticeship Act 1961 subsequently amended in 1964, 1968, 1973, 1986, 1997 & 2007, Apprenticeship rules 1992 & as per guidelines of BOAT ( NATS/NAPS). 

Post : Graduate Apprentices (Bachelor of Pharmacy)

No of post : 01
Qualification : Degree in Pharmacy Science
Qualification Criteria : 
1. Candidates applying for (A) Trade (ITI) Apprentices mentioned in the above table must possess ITI Trade Qualification Certificate from an institution which is recognized by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) / State Council of Vocational Training (SCVT). 
2. Candidates applying for (B) Graduate Apprenticeship, candidates must possess Degree in Engg,/ Technology from Govt. recognized university/ Institutive. 
3. For Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship must possess Diploma Certificate Engg./Technology from Govt. recognized university/ Institute Candidates will be interviewed only for prescribed Qualification as mentioned in Advertisement.

Eligibility Criteria
1. Candidates interested to appear for walk in interview of (A) Trade Apprenticeship are required to register themselves and get it approved in advance in National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) web portal ( 
2. For Graduate Apprenticeship and Technician (Diploma) Apprenticeship it is required to register themselves and get it approved in advance in National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) web portal ( 
3. Engineering graduate or Diploma Holder or Vocational Certificate holder who have undergone / undergoing / already contracted training or job experience for a period one year or more, after attainment of these qualifications shall not be eligible for apprenticeship under apprentice act 1961. 
4. The Candidate should have passed Degree/Diploma/ Trade Certification course after 31st August 2019. This is to ensure a maximum gap of 5 years after passing on the date of contract creation with NATS/ NAPS web portal. 
5. The age of candidates should not be less than 16 years as on the date of notification i.e. 14.06.2024. 
6. The selection of SC/ST/OBC will be as per Apprenticeship Rules 1992 and as per the quota fixed by the Govt. 
7. The caste certificate of SC/ ST is valid only, if issued by Class I Gazetted Officer. 
8. Caste Certificate for OBC Category is valid only, if issued by Class I Gazetted Officer within 06 (Six) months as on the date of notification i.e. 14.06.2024 in the Proforma as notified by Government of India. 
9. Only Indian National are eligible to apply.

10. All the above documents shall be checked by Interview help Desk members and Interview Board members. Interview of candidate will be taken only after fulfilling all the criteria as per Advertisement. 
11. Suppression of facts will lead to disqualification at any stage. The apprenticeship training scheme does not guarantee any employment on completion of apprenticeship training. The period of apprenticeship training will be for one year. 
12. NMDC LTD. BIOM, Kirandul Complex reserves all the rights to withdraw/ cancel the advertisement/selection process if circumstances so warrant without assigning any reason thereof. 
13. The number of vacancies mentioned above in the table are only indicative and may change at a later stage depending on the final assessment of the eligible candidates. 
14. Selection will be made on the basis of an interview as required subject to satisfactory verification of the documents.

Before interview, candidates shall ensure to bring
1. Approved copy of Profile pages of Registration proof in respective web portal (NAPS / NATS).
2. Bio-data form along with one Passport Size Photograph.
3. Self attested photo copy of 10th class certificate/ birth certificate for age proof.
4. Qualifications Certificate and Caste Certificate. Original certificate required for verification purpose.
5. Candidates shall fill-up online Google Form provided by Help Desk on the date of interview.

The walk-in-interview for the above-mentioned disciplines will be conducted from 9:00 AM to 5.30 PM on the dates mentioned against each category at Training Institute, B.I.O.M, Kirandul Complex, Kirandul, Dist. - Dantewada (C.G.)- 494556. Candidate must reach the interview site before 01:00 P.M to register himself / herself at interview help desk for appearing in the walk-in-interview. Reporting after 1.00 PM will not be entertained. 
The candidates appearing for interview shall not be paid or reimbursed any TA/DA. Accommodation and food arrangement has to be made by Apprentices themselves during Apprenticeship Training period. Stipend will be paid as per the Apprenticeship Rules, 1992.

Date of Walk in interview : 07/07/2024

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