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Recruitment for Pharmacists under NHM in the office of Civil Surgeon

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Recruitment for Pharmacists under NHM in the office of Civil Surgeon

The recruitment for the following Posts under NHM will be held in the office of Civil Surgeon, Faridabad purely on contract /Hiring basis contract up to 31.3.2025 which is extendable from time to time with subjected to approval from higher authority. 

Applicants who possess prescribed qualifications against the posts mentioned below may appear for document verification in the O/o Civil Surgeon, Faridabad on the date & time mentioned against the posts along with the original documents of qualification residence proofs, experience certificate & recent passport size photos.

No of post : 01-SC
Place of Requirement : UPHC
TOR as per Bye Laws : Essential :    
(i) 10+2 with Science (Physics & Chemistry). Diploma in Pharmacy from Recognized Institute.
(ii) Registered as Pharmacist with Haryana Pharmacy Council under section 31 (a) or 31 (c) or 32 (a) of the Pharmacy act, 1948 as applicable to Haryana State.
Desirable :
(i) Computer proficiency with familiarity of Data management and commonly used packages like MS word, Power Point and Excel etc.
(ii) Knowledge of Hindi up to Matric standard
Consolidated Honorarium (Pay Band + Grade Pay) : 9300-34800+3200GP
Entry Level Pay : 12500
Date of Document Verification : 12/7/2024

Homeopathic Pharmacist (Ayush)
No of post : 01-SC
TOR as per Bye Laws : (i) Unani Dispenser from any recognized University / Institution or Board or Faculty of Indian System of medicine established by Law in India OR Up-Vaidya of any recognized University/Institution or Board or Faculty of Indian System of medicine established by Law in India, having the knowledge of Urdu; and recognized by the Government OR Two year Diploma in Ayurveda Pharmacy from
any recognized University / Institution or Board or faculty of Indian System of medicine established by Law in India and recognized by the Government.
(ii) Two years’ experience of working as Pharmacist / Compounder in a Govt. Homeopathy Dispensary/Hospital OR Three years’ experience of working as Pharmacist / Compounder under Registered Medical Practitioner in Homeopathy
(Documentary proof with respect to salary drawn will be required)
(iii) 10+2 examination should be passed with Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
(iv) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric
Consolidated Honorarium (Pay Band + Grade Pay) : 5200-20200+2800GP
Entry Level Pay : 11170
Date of Document Verification : 15/7/2024

Important instructions
1. Number of Posts in any category may be increase or decrease at any time on the discretion of Health & Family Welfare Society as per the sanction received as on date from Mission Director (NHM) Haryana .
2. The Interested Candidates may appear for the interview with original testimonials in the O/o Civil Surgeon Faridabad & can deposited the fully filed application form along with photo,Photo copies of documents of essntial qualification .experience certificate! Any state Govt./UT/any Govt. Board/Corporation/NHM) & Residence proof self attested. Selection criteria as approved by NHM and reservation as per Haryana Govt. Reservation Policy will apply . List of documents for proof of Address (Passport,Voter Id Card, Ration Card with address. Caste and Domicile certificate with address and the photo issue bv State Government. Parivar Pehchan Patra and Electricitv Bill (not older than last three months) Any of the above three documents should be produced at the time of recruitment .
3. No TA DA will be paid to any candidate for any test and interview etc.
4. Application received after 05:00 PM on 01/07/2024 will not be entertained due to any reason.
5. The appointment of selected will be purely provisional & support to fulfillment of all eligibility criteria of it is found that information furnished by candidate is false his/her selection will be terminated.
6. Selection committee has all right resume to cancel/postpone selection process
7. Selection committee has right to reject any application if found improper or having misleading information or without signature.Original documents in support of academic qualification, work experience & residence proof shall be required and to be produced at the time of Document Verification.
8. Preference will be given to the candidate residing in local area & proof Of resident will be required.
9 .One application will be considered for one post only.      
10. Name of post with serial no. will clearly be mentioned in the application form.

11.One application form applied for multiple posts will be rejected.
12. Age Limit up to  18-42 year
13. The Candidate whose service have been terminated from any Govt./Semi Govt./Corporate/Board will not be eligible person against whom any pending criminal case/FIR is lodge will also be considered as not eligible.
14. Application fee for the submission will be charged 200/- except SC/ST which will be in the name of District Health & Family Welfare Society and if would be non refundable.
15. No written test or interview will be conducted . Merit list will be prepared as per new NHM guidelines.
16. All disputs are subjected to Faridabad jurisdiction.
17. Disputes of shall be decided by sole arbitration of DH& FWS Faridabad and Faridabad courts and their decession shall be final.
18. Any Instruction issued by Health Department Haryana/ NHM Haryana from time to time will be followed.

Last Date : 01/07/2024

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