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397 Pharmacists Recruitment under Subordinate Services Selection Commission

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Pharmacists Recruitment under Subordinate Services Selection Commission

Online applications are invited from the citizens of India for selection to 397 posts of Homeopathic Pharmacist under the control of Directorate of Homeopathy, Uttar Pradesh under Advertisement No.-09-Exam/2024, Homeopathic Pharmacist Main Examination (PRA-2023)/09 of Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission, Lucknow. The shortlisting of candidates for Homeopathic Pharmacist Main Examination (PET-2023)/09 will be done on the basis of their score in Preliminary Eligibility Test-2023, hence only those candidates can apply online for participation in this examination who have appeared in Preliminary Eligibility Test- PET-2023 and have been issued a score card (with valid numerical score) by the Commission. Candidates obtaining zero or less / negative marks in the absolute score or normalized score in Preliminary Eligibility Test-2023 will not be shortlisted for the main examination.

Post : Homeopathic Pharmacist 

Important information for candidates applying online- Online Application System is applicable for applying under this advertisement. Applications sent through any other medium will not be accepted. Candidates should apply online through the Commission's website
No of posts : 397 (General - 161, EWS-39, OBC-107, SC-83, ST-07)
Salary : Level - 5 (Pay Scale 29900-92300)
Eligibility Criteria : Passed Preliminary Eligibility Test 2023 by UPSSSC Class 12 with Science stream from CBSE or UPMSP Two-year Diploma in Homeopathic Pharmacist and registration with Homeopathic Medicine Board
Age Limit as on 01/07/2024 : Minimum Age - 21 years, Maximum Age 40 years
Application Fee
General / OBC / EWS : 25/-
SC / ST : 25/-
PH (Dviyang) : 25/-
Pay the Examination Fee Through State Bank of India SBI I Collect Fee Mode or Pay the Exam Fee Through E Challan
• Dependents of freedom fighters, ex-servicemen, women, disabled and outstanding sports candidates will have to pay fee as per their original category mentioned.
• Examination fee for Main Examination will have to be paid separately only by the candidates shortlisted for Main Examination. The examination fee for the Main Examination (as determined by the Commission/Government) will be paid by the candidates shortlisted for the Main Examination before downloading the admit card for the Main Examination.
Application Process
Candidates can download/view the said advertisement by clicking on the relevant advertisement under Live Advertisement Segment on the Homepage of the Commission's website All the processes for filling the application form can be completed by the candidate in one go. In the application process, the guidelines related to filling the online application are being given below. Therefore, before applying, the candidates should read the application process carefully and understand it well.
1. Candidates are expected to read the advertisement carefully and understand well that they possess the desired mandatory qualification (educational) and other qualifications for the advertised post and fall under the prescribed age limit. Candidates should start the process of filling the application form only after possessing the prescribed qualification and educational qualification mentioned in the advertisement.
2. It is mandatory for the candidate to acquire/possess the relevant essential qualification (educational) and other qualification/qualifications and related certificates by the last date of application (19-07-2024).
3. Candidates seeking benefit of reservation/age relaxation must obtain caste certificate/reservation certificate issued by the competent authority on the prescribed format printed in the appendix of this detailed advertisement and available on the website in support of the respective reserved category, which has been issued till the date of application or till the last date of application mentioned in the advertisement and they will have to submit the said certificate to the Commission when required.
4. Those applicants who are willing to apply under Economically Weaker Section (EWS) category are expected to ensure that they hold the EWS certificate issued between 01-04-2024 to 19-07-2024 (last date of application) before applying, which is based on the income of the financial year 2023-24 and is valid for the financial year 2024-25. It will be mandatory for the applicants of this category to submit the certificate on the format prescribed by the Government Order No. 3/2019/4/1/2002/Ka-2/19 TC-II, dated 14-03-2019 of Uttar Pradesh Government Personnel Section-2. (Please take the trouble of observing paragraph 11.14 of the advertisement).
5. Only one application is to be made for the advertised post.

I. After logging in, in this part, the candidate will automatically display his personal information recorded in the Preliminary Eligibility Test-2023 such as name, father/husband's name, mother's name, details related to being a resident of Uttar Pradesh, category, EWS, details related to horizontal reservation, date of birth, gender, marital status, mobile number for contact, email etc.
II. In this part, the candidate will have to fill the details related to the mandatory qualification (educational) published in the advertisement. After selecting the Yes/No option regarding the educational qualification held by the candidate, the name of the board/institution/university, year of passing, certificate/roll number, date of issue of qualification certificate and details related to marks etc. will have to be mentioned.
Ш. After filling the above information, the candidate will have to enter the verification code shown in "Enter Verification Code" at the bottom of the registration page and then click on the "Submit" button. As soon as the form is submitted, the "Candidate's Application Form" will be displayed, which will contain other details including the 11-digit registration number. Candidates should print a copy of it and keep it safe with them, which will have to be submitted when required.
Photo and Signature : In this section, the photo and signature uploaded by the candidate in the Preliminary Eligibility Test-2023 will be displayed automatically. No modification or change can be made by the candidate in this. After uploading the candidate, photo and signature, on clicking the "Continue" button, they will go to the next page.
Other Details : In this section, the candidate will have to choose one of the options Yes/No regarding the preferred qualification (if any). In this section, the permanent and correspondence address registered by the candidate in the Preliminary Eligibility Test-2023 will also be displayed automatically.

Important instructions for candidates
• All the candidates of reserved category of Uttar Pradesh must mention their category in the application.
• Candidates claiming more than one reserved category will be allowed only one exemption, which will be more beneficial.
• Candidates who are not natives of Uttar Pradesh state are not allowed the benefit of reservation. Such candidates will be considered as unreserved category.
• Reservation to ex-servicemen (who have retired by the last date of application i.e. 19-07-2024) will be allowed as per the provisions of Uttar Pradesh Public Service (Reservation for Physically Handicapped, Dependents of Freedom Fighters and Ex-Servicemen) Act, 1993 (as amended) and latest relevant rules/government orders.
• It will be mandatory for the outstanding players of Uttar Pradesh to submit the certificate issued on the prescribed format by the competent authority to avail the benefit of reservation under the Uttar Pradesh Government Department (Direct Recruitment of Outstanding Players to Group-C Posts) Rules-2022.
• The benefit of reservation will be admissible only to the son or daughter of a person falling in the category of Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Class, as the case may be, of Uttar Pradesh, if he or his family normally resides in Uttar Pradesh. A female candidate, whose caste certificate mentions her being the wife of a person falling in the category of Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Class, as the case may be, of Uttar Pradesh, will be allowed the benefit of this reservation only on the basis of the certificate issued by her father's side.
• Such candidates who claim to be dependents of freedom fighters of Uttar Pradesh should ensure that they have a certificate in accordance with the Government Order dated 21st April, 2015 issued in continuation of the Uttar Pradesh Public Service (Reservation for Physically Handicapped, Dependents of Freedom Fighters and Ex-Servicemen) Act, 1993 as amended.
• Such candidates who claim to be physically handicapped should ensure that they have a disability certificate issued by the competent authority on the updated format prescribed by Government Order No. 5/2022/18/1/2008/47/Ka-2/2022, dated 18-04-2022 of Uttar Pradesh Government Personnel Department-2 and that the type and percentage of disability of the candidate is clearly mentioned in the said certificate. 11.09- Candidates who are serving in the Central or State Government must obtain a No Objection Certificate from their employer which will have to be submitted as per the prescribed method on demand by the Commission. 11.10- Employees working in State Government services will be given relaxation of five years in the maximum age limit as per Government Order No. 2-EM/2001-Ka-4-2013, dated 27th August, 2013 of the Personnel Department of the Government of Uttar Pradesh.
• The decision of the Commission regarding eligibility/ineligibility of the candidate will be final.
• Candidates selected under the quota of freedom fighters dependents and ex-servicemen of Uttar Pradesh will be placed in the categories to which they belong as per the existing rules in the Uttar Pradesh Reservation Act 1993 as amended for freedom fighters dependents, disabled and ex-servicemen.
• Only the date of birth mentioned in the certificate of high school or equivalent examination will be valid. No other record other than the said certificate will be valid for date of birth.
• In confirmation of age and educational qualification, self-attested copy of mark sheet, certificate, degree will have to be submitted on demand.
• Information regarding date, time and examination center etc. will be given through the admit card along with the roll number. Candidates will have to appear for the examination at the allotted examination center only. Change in examination center will not be allowed under any circumstances. Candidates should not do unnecessary correspondence in this regard.
• Candidate will be rejected if date of birth is not mentioned in the application form, if the candidate is an adult or a minor, if he does not possess the minimum educational qualification or if wrong/false information is given.
• Any candidate giving wrong facts in his application form, which cannot be confirmed on the basis of certificate, can be debarred from the Commission's examination in question and all other examinations and selections.
• The Commission will give provisional admission to the candidates in the written examination on the basis of the information given by them, but if it is found later at any stage that the candidate had given wrong information and he did not possess the eligibility till the last date of application or did not possess the relevant certificate or his application was not acceptable at the initial stage, then in the above situation his candidature will be cancelled.
• The candidature will be cancelled in case of cheating i.e. cheating/making others copy, indiscipline, misbehavior and undesirable acts in the examination hall. In case of disobeying these instructions, the candidate can be debarred from this examination and future examinations.
• The Commission does not enter into any personal correspondence with any candidate. All the information is uploaded on the Commission's website, hence all the examinees/candidates are expected to regularly visit the Commission's website for all the information related to the advertisement.

Important Dates 
Application Begin : 20/06/2024 
Last Date for Registration : 19/07/2024 
Fee Payment Last Date : 19/07/2024 
Correction Last Date : 26/07/2024 

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