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NIPER M.Pharm, M.S Pharm, MSc, MTech Recruitment - Research Scientist Post | Emoluments Rs. 71,120 pm

Clinical research courses

NIPER M.Pharm, M.S Pharm, MSc, MTech Recruitment

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Hyderabad is an "Institute of National Importance" with proclaimed objectives of becoming Centre of Excellence for advanced research in pharmaceutical sciences. NIPER-Mohali was the first institute established in the year 1998 under the aegis of Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, the Govt. of India. Later, the DOP established 6 new NIPERs across the country including NIPER-Hyderabad which started functioning from 19th October 2007, from the premises of erstwhile R&D Centre of IDPL, Balanagar, Hyderabad. 

Post : Project Research Scientist-I (Non-Medical) in ICMR funded project

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for Project Research Scientist-I (Non-Medical) position for the below mentioned project funded by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The position is purely temporary in nature and co-terminus with the project. The period of employment may be initially for 01 year and renewed up to 03 years based on the satisfactory performance. The essential qualification & experience etc. required for the position have been mentioned below.

Project ID No. : IIRP-2023/7715
Project Title : Overcoming the Inflammatory Cascade in Neonatal Sepsis: a Nanomedicine Approach
Project duration : 36 months 
Salary : 56,000 INR per month + House Rental Allowances (HRA) as per the ICMR norms [OR] As per ICMR norms (Approximate emoluments may be 71,120 INR). 
Qualification : Essential: (i) First class post-graduate (PG) degree (including integrated PG degree) such as M.S. (Pharm)/ M.Pharm/ M.Sc/ M.Tech or Equivalent (with specialization in Pharmacology & Toxicology/Regulatory Toxicology/Biotechnology/Life Sciences. The MSc candidates need to have 3 years post PG experience. [OR] (ii) Second class post-graduate degree in aforementioned disciplines with Ph.D. Aforementioned qualification(s) must be from the recognized Board/ University/ Institute. 
Desirable : Candidates having experience in In vitro and In vivo models, Animal handling, Histopathological techniques, Molecular Biology techniques will be given preference.
Age Limit : 35 years as on the date of 5 July 2024.

Terms and Conditions 
• Interested candidates may send their bio-data/ CV in the prescribed format via email to the project investigator (PI): Dr. Chandraiah Godugu at Email: on or before 5th July,2024. 
• Please write “Application for ICMR - Project (IIRP-2023/7715) Research Scientist-I (Non-Medical)” in the subject line of the email. Incomplete applications will not be considered. 
• Shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview and the same will be intimated via e-mail. Interviews will be conducted in physical/online mode. The date, time and venue/weblink for the interview will be shared to the shortlisted candidates. Candidates should furnish supporting documents such as the printouts of the application form along with original and self-attested photocopies of all the documents at the time of the interview. 
• No canvassing in any form will be entertained. 
• No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. 
Note : The post will be governed as per terms and conditions of ICMR and is advertised in accordance to fund released by ICMR.

Interested candidates may send their bio-data/ CV in the prescribed format via email to the project investigator (PI): Dr. Chandraiah Godugu at Email: on or before 5th July,2024.

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