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Faculty Recruitment in Department of Biotechnology at Alagappa College of Technology

Clinical research courses

Anna University was established on 4th September 1978 as a unitary type of University. It offers higher education in Engineering, Technology and allied Sciences relevant to the current and projected needs of the society.Besides promoting research and disseminating knowledge gained therefrom, it fosters cooperation between the academic and industrial communities.  The University was formed by bringing together and integrating two well-known technical institutions in the city of Madras.

Applications are invited from eligible, interested, suitable candidates for temporary Teaching Post for various departments at Alagappa College of Technology Campus, Anna University, Chennai 600025. The applicants should have the following qualifications.

No of Posts : 06

Name of the Department : Department of Biotechnology

Eligibility :
M.Tech. - Biotechnology / Food Technology / Bio-pharmaceutical Technology / Food Process Engineering / Food Safety and Quality Assurance
M.Sc. with Ph.D. in Biotechnology/ Biochemistry / Molecular Biology / Food science/lifescience

Desirable : Ph.D in the relevant field of study is desirable

In case there are more number of applicants, a written test will be conducted to select the candidates. The duly filled application in the prescribed format along with copy of degree and all other necessary certificates should be submitted at the following address in person or by post on or before 17.06.2019 (Monday) 5.00 p.m.

The Dean
Alagappa College of Technology
Anna University Chennai 600025

Superscribe the envelope as “Application for the Post of Teaching fellow, Department_________________"

General Instructions:
1. All UG and PG degree programmes should be completed in regular mode only.
2. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview
3. The actual date and time of interview will be intimated by e-mail or by telephone to the shortlisted candidates.
4. Candidates should appear for the interview with their original certificates and on their own expenses.
5. The appointment is purely temporary and the duration is for 6 months which may be extended depending on the performance and on requirement basis with periodical breaks.
6. Selected candidates shall report for duty immediately.
7. The selection criteria would be as per the guidelines of Anna University.
8. The applicant will be responsible for the authenticity of information and other documents submitted.
9. Write the name of the post along with the department name, on top of the envelope.
10. Duly filled in application along with enclosed self attested photocopies of relevant certificates.
11. For every department post separate application have to be filled.
12. Full address, name of the district and pin code should be clearly mentioned in the envelope.
13. The selection committee decision will be final.

Application Form & More Info>>

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