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Opportunity for M.Pharm, MSc as Project Associate at PCIM&H

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Opportunity for M.Pharm, MSc as Project Associate at PCIM&H

Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine & Homoeopathy (PCIM&H), is a subordinate office under Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India.Development of Pharmacopoeias and Formularies as well as acting as Central Drug Testing cum Appellate Laboratory for Indian systems of Medicine & Homoeopathy are the key fields of activity of PCIM&H.  The Commission was initially established as Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine (PCIM) on 18th August, 2010 as an autonomous body under Ministry of AYUSH and was registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 on 31st August, 2010.

A walk-in-Interview is scheduled at Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine & Homoeopathy (PCIM&H) on 19.07.2024 to engage the following staff under the NMPB funded project entitled “Establishment of Regional Raw Drug Repository (Gangetic Plain Region)” on Contract basis.

Project Associate-I (Pharmacognosy)
Age Limit : 35 years
No of post : 01
Qualifications : Master’s Degree in Pharmacognosy / Botany from a recognized University or equivalent
Desirable : Working expertise in pharmacognostical and anatomical techniques, Plant based Drug standardization in the field of medicinal plants. Skills of drafting and editing of scientific documents/technical reports
Works to be carried out : Cataloguing & Documentation, Macro & Microscopic studies of 100 drugs per year.
Monthly Remuneration : Rs.31,000/- + 24% HRA (As per approved by the Funding agency) to Scholars who are
(a) Qualified National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE
or (b) Qualified any other examinations conducted by Central government or state government and their Departments, Agencies and Institutions. or (ii) 25,000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above

Project Associate- I (Microbiology)
Age Limit : 35 years
No of post : 01
Qualifications : Essential : Master’s Microbiology/ Biotechnology from a recognized University or equivalent.
• Working experience in Microbiology laboratory.
• Skills of drafting and editing of scientific documents/technical reports
Works to be carried out : For testing microbial load.
Monthly Remuneration : Rs.31,000/- + 24% HRA (As per approved by the Funding agency) to Scholars who are
(a) Qualified National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE
or (b) Qualified any other examinations conducted by Central government or state government and their Departments, Agencies and Institutions. or (ii) 25,000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above

Note :
1. The engagement will be purely on contractual basis and no claim for continuance or regular appointment will be entertained.
2. The contract initially would be for a maximum period of 01 year and may be further extended on year-to-year basis up to the tenure of the projects, subject to appraisal of the performance in the projects and also subject to functional requirements.
3. For appearing in the interview at PCIM&H, No TA/DA will be paid.
4. Principal Investigator of the Projects cum Director, PCIM&H reserves the right to terminate tenure of the engaged manpower at any time for their non-performance w.r.t. milestone/target to be achieved in the projects or also due to functional requirements.
5. The Director, PCIM&H reserves the right in relaxation of eligibility criteria & age for experience holder candidates.
6. The Director, PCIM&H reserves the right to accept or reject the candidature and postpone or cancel the interview without assigning any reason. 

Interested eligible applicants possessing the required qualifications may appear in the walk-in- interview to be held on 19.07.2024 at 10:30 AM onwards at PCIM&H, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Opp. M-Block (Sanjay Nagar), Ghaziabad - 201002, Uttar Pradesh with duly filled application in the prescribed Performa (Application format) alongwith one set of self-attested supporting documents and one passport size recent photographs.

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