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Career for Ph.D, M.Pharm, MSc at NTTL, Government of India - 6 vacancies

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Career for Ph.D, M.Pharm, MSc as Project Human Resource Post at NTTL

The National Tobacco Testing Laboratories are Tobacco Research and Testing Laboratories established by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare at three centers as ICMR-National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research, Noida; Centre Drugs Testing Laboratory (CDTL), Mumbai and Regional Drugs Testing Laboratory (RDTL), Guwahati. NTTLs are envisioned to be the world class labs with latest facilities for the analysis of smoked and smokeless forms of tobacco products like cigarette, cigar, bidi, hukkah, gutkha, khaini, zarda, gul, qiwam etc. The laboratories will also share the expertise, experience and exploration with the world leaders on standard operating procedures, GLP, ISO etc.

The Director, National Tobacco Testing Laboratory (NTTL), Guwahati invites applications from eligible candidates for the following Project Human Resource position on purely temporary and contractual basis for its short-term project to be engaged at the National Tobacco Testing Laboratory, Guwahati within 15 (fifteen) days of the publication of this advertisement.

Senior Scientific Officer-I (One Post)
Max. age limit (years)* : 45
Qualification :
• Essential : M.Sc. with PhD in Chemistry / Analytical Sciences / Instrumentation / studies related to tobacco and tobacco products.
• Desirable : 3 years research experience in natural products/ synthesis/ analysis of organic compounds/ bio-chemical/ pharmaceutical sciences and experience in testing of tobacco products at any nationalized tobacco testing laboratory.
Job description : To plan and execute analytical work.
Consolidated emoluments monthly (in INR) : 65,000/-

Senior Scientific Officer-II (One Post)
Max. age limit (years)* : 45
• Essential : M.Sc. in Chemistry / Biochemistry / Pharmaceutical Chemistry / Sciences or M.Pharm. with five years research experience.
• Desirable : 3 years research experience in natural products/synthesis/analysis of organic compounds/bio-chemical/pharmaceutical sciences and experience in testing of tobacco products at any nationalized tobacco testing laboratory.
Job description: To work on advanced analytical equipments and protocols for tobacco products analysis.
Consolidated emoluments monthly (in INR) : 60,000/-

Technical Officer [Grade III (One Post)
Max. age limit (years)* : 45
Qualification :
• Essential : M.Sc. in Chemistry / Analytical Sciences / Biochemistry / Biotechnology or M.Pharm.
• Desirable : Five years Post degree research experience on handling analytical equipments/ synthetic reagents and experience in testing of tobacco products at any nationalized tobacco testing laboratory.
Job description : To carry out scientific work on instrumental analysis and tobacco protocol development.
Consolidated emoluments monthly (in INR) : 58,000/-

Technical Assistant (Three Posts)
Max. age limit (years)* : 45
Qualification :
• Essential : M.Sc. or B.Sc / B.Pharm. with three years of experiences in chemical/ physical/ biological analysis/computer applications.
• Desirable : Experience of operating analytical equipment and experience in testing of tobacco products at any nationalized tobacco testing laboratory.
Job description : To carry out analytical / synthetic work and to prepare relevant technical reports.
Consolidated emoluments monthly (in INR) : 38,000/-

General Instructions
1. Eligible candidates shall be required to submit application for the post to be applied in prescribed format along with self-attested copies of certificates of qualifications and experience to The Director in-charge. National Tobacco Testing Laboratory, at Regional Drugs Testing Laboratory, Six Mile, Panjabari Road, Guwahati - 781022 by post.
2. Applicants willing to apply for more than one post must send separate application for each post.
3. Submission of incorrect or false information for the selection shall disqualify the candidature at any stage and liable to the strict action against such person as per the provisions.
4. Applicants must mention the name of the Post for which he/she is applying in their applications and also in the outer cover of the envelope.
5. Incomplete application will be rejected summarily without showing any reason.
6. Application received after the stipulated time will not be entertained.
7. Cut-off date for calculating age and other eligibility criteria will be the last date of application submission.
8. Experience shall be counted after the date of completion of minimum essential educational qualification.
9. All original documents must be brought for verification at the time of interview, if invited.
10. No TA/DA will be admissible to the shortlisted candidates for appearing in interview etc.

11. Mere fulfilment of the minimum eligibility criteria shall not entitle an applicant for consideration for short listing of applicant. The criteria followed by the Authority in short listing of the candidates for any test/interview will be final. No appeal or representation will be entertained against such short listing criteria.
12. The date, time & venue of interview shall be communicated to the shortlisted candidates separately.
13. Engagement of the above Project Human Resource Position will depend upon availability of funds and approval of the Competent Authority. Therefore, it is not committed to fill up all the advertised Project Human Resource position and the process is liable to be withdrawn/cancelled/modified at any time.
14. All post (s) are purely temporary and contractual for the duration offered by the Competent Authority. The appointment may be renewed after every specific period of time subject to satisfactory performance and project requirement.
15. Contractual Appointment can be terminated at any time during the engagement from either side with notice period of one month without assigning any reason thereof.
16. No benefit of provident fund, Leave Travel Concession, Medical Claim etc. will be considered, since the posts are purely temporary basis.
17. The Director, NTTL Guwahati reserves the right to accept/reject any application or to cancel advertisement without assigning any reason thereof and no correspondence/recommendation will be entertained in this matter.
18. Any addendum / corrigendum in respect of above vacancies shall be issued on the website “" and no separate notification shall be issued in the press. Applicants are requested to regularly visit the website to keep themselves updated. 

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