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BIRAC Innovation Fellowship for Post-Doc, Post-Masters

Clinical research courses

Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) is a Public Sector Section 25 ‘Not-for-Profit Company’ recently set up by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India to promote and nurture innovation research and growth of the biotech enterprise. BIRAC as an Interface agency serves the emerging biotech industries through gap filling interventions that facilitate high risk research, innovation and product development and also facilitates industry academia interaction. BIRAC’s focus is on empowering and enabling the biotech innovation ecosystem for affordable product development.

Advertisement for one position of BIRAC Innovation fellow i.e. either Post-Masters or Post-Doc (purely temporary basis) under Cluster Innovation Centre in Biotechnology (CIC-B) at Panjab University, Chandigarh. The CIC- B is sponsored by Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), Govt. of India.

For Post-Masters position

Who can apply? Applicants who have completed their Masters in any of the below given focus areas (I or II);

Focus Area I: Healthcare Diagnostics
Eligibility: M.Sc. in any one of the following: Biotechnology /Microbiology / Microbial Biotechnology/ Biomedical Engineering / Life Sciences/ Bio chemistry / Bio Physics/ Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Focus Area II: M.Sc. in any one of the following: Bioprocess Technology Eligibility: Areas of Biotechnology / Microbiology / Microbial Biotechnology/ Life Sciences & allied disciplines.

BIRAC Innovation Fellowship: Rupees 30,000/- per month and BIRAC Innovation Grant of Rupees 2,00, 000/- per year.

Period of Fellowship : Grant period is 2 years or co-terminus with the project, whichever is earlier. In all cases, to hold the fellowship the candidate is required to work at the CIC-B, PU premises.

For Post-Doc position

Who can apply?
Applicants who have completed their Ph.D.;

Focus Area I : Healthcare Diagnostics
Eligibility: Ph.D. Biotechnology /Microbiology / Microbial Biotechnology/ Biomedical Engineering / Life Sciences / Clinical medicines / Bio chemistry / Bio Physics/ Pharmaceutical Sciences & allied disciplines.

Focus Area II : Bioprocess Technology
Eligibility : Ph.D. in areas of Biotechnology / Microbiology / Microbial Biotechnology / Life Sciences / Chemistry / Food Technology / Pharmaceutical Sciences & allied disciplines.

BIRAC Innovation Post-Doctoral Fellowship : Rupees 50,000/- per month and BIRAC Innovation Grant of Rupees 5,00,000/- per year.

Period of Fellowship : Grant period is 1 years; extendable to 1 year more depending upon the progress in achieving commercialization co-terminus with the project, whichever is earlier.

How to Apply:
Proposal under UIC scheme has to be submitted by both hard copy and soft copy in the format “Application for the Award of BIRAC Innovation Fellowship” available in the website.

Download application form and view more details: The soft copy of the proposal should be send to:

The signed hardcopy of the proposal should be send to the following address:
Dr. Rohit Sharma, Chief Coordinator, Cluster Innovation Centre in Biotechnology (CIC- B), New Hospital building, Sector 25 (South Campus), Panjab University, Chandigarh- 160014 Applications should reach before 7 February, 2020 at the above mentioned addresses. The candidates shortlisted for the interview will be informed through email or telephone.
No TA/ DA will be paid if called for interview


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