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Vacancy for Pharmacists Under the National Health Scheme

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Vacancy for Pharmacists Under the National Health Scheme

Under the National Health Scheme, the newly established dental unit in Thoothukudi district and the following contract basis posts which are already vacant are invited to be filled on monthly basis within 5 pm on that day.

Post : Pharmacist

No of post : 02 (PHC : Kadampur - RBSK Male Team  ; PHC : Keela Iral RBSK Female Team)
Qualification : D.Pharma
Salary : Rs. 15,000/-

Age Limit : SC/SC - 37 years
BC/MBC/DNC - 34 years
OC- 32 years

1. This work is purely temporary.
2. The work shall not be made permanent at any time.
3. At the time of selection, the employment contract for 11 months should be given. 
4. Number of Vacancies, Subject to Transfer
5. This appointment is Government Order issued by Health and Family Welfare Department (EAP II-1, 2).  123. : 09.05.2014, Aam Shunge Chastha 486, Lakshi : 16.11.2020, Apologize today.  144, Dated: 03.05.2023, Ordinance No.65, Department of Labor and Employment, Dated: 30.05.2020, 30.06.2021, 23.08.2023 Letter No.347/E/SHS of the Director of National Health Group  /2019-2, subject to the provisions of N.C. No:7902/P14/SH/19.

Self-attested copies of educational qualification and other proofs mentioned in the application form should be submitted along with the application in person or by post to the above mentioned office by 5 PM on 27.02.24.  Applications received after the specified date will not be considered.  

Address to which application should be sent
Executive Secretary, District Welfare Society / Deputy Director, Office of Health Services, Mappillayurani, - 628002.

Application Form & More Info

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