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Job for Pharmacist in Zilla Parishad

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Job for Pharmacist in Zilla Parishad

As Mobile Medical Unit (Mobile Clinic) is being implemented from National Health Mission, Health Department, Zilla Parishad, Solapur for Karmala Taluka, through the said Mobile Medical Unit, providing health services and facilities to the remote and extremely remote villagers of Karmala Taluka. As the recruitment process is being implemented for 04 vacant posts in Sargwa, the said posts are on daily basis and on contract basis and on combined remuneration, applications are invited from the candidates who are eligible as per the table below.

Post : Pharmacist

Qualification : D.Pharm / B.Pharm with Valid Maharashtra State Pharmacy Council Registration
Age Limit : 38 Years for General Category and 43 Years for Reserve Category
Salary : Rs. 18,000/-
Place of Appointment : Mobile Medical Unit (Mobile Dispensary) Tal. Karamala

Terms and Conditions
1) All the posts are in the nature of government and on consolidated remuneration, and their duration will be upto 31/03/2024. Also, if the said post is rejected/cancelled in the future in the year 2023-24 or if the salary is not received for the said post for the year 2024-25, the service of all the above posts will automatically terminate on 31/03/2024. However, if the above posts are filled for the year 2024-25, re-appointment for the next 11 months will be given after satisfactory tenure.
2) The application from the candidate will be accepted only during office hours from 05/02/2024 to 13/02/2024, excluding holidays from 11.00 am to 04.00 pm. Application acceptance will be done at District Program Manager Room, National Health Mission, Health Department, Zilla Parishad, Solapur. If candidates want to apply for more than one post, they should apply for each post separately. However, if the interview/examination is held concurrently, one will have to appear for one of the posts. The candidate concerned will be accepted for the post for which he/she will be present and absent will be accepted for the other post.
3) A fee of Rs.150/- (literal amount hundred and fifty only) for each application for the recruitment process and Rs.100/- (literal amount of hundred only) for the candidates of reserved category, the said fee is It will be accepted in the form of Demand Draft. The said fee is non-refundable, the demand draft should be in the full name of District Integrated Health & Family Welfare Society, Solapur and should be attached on the top side of the application, on the back side of the demand draft candidates should write their full name, the name of the post applied for, Enter the post number. If any mistake is found in the name of the demand draft or if it is bad, the application of the concerned candidate will not be accepted for the further process of recruitment and also the candidate will not be allowed to submit a fresh demand draft at any stage.
4) Since all the above posts are daily wage and on consolidated remuneration, there will be no right or claim regarding the rules, terms and conditions as per the government service for the said post. Along with this, the government service rules are not applicable for all the above posts.

5) Candidates for all posts should first submit application in prescribed format, xerox of demand draft, 10th mark sheet and certificate (as proof of date of birth, 12th mark sheet and certificate, degree mark sheet (1st year to final year - including all Attempts) so that combined marks), degree certificate (Convocation Certificate), registration certificate from the council for which educational qualification is applicable, registration certificate from the council with doctor of that educational qualification, caste certificate, age domicile and nationality certificate, as proof of age (school leaving certificate , birth certificate) and all other necessary documents should be attached with the application in xerox copy (attested / self-attested), the certificate which has marks as per Grading System, the % Calculation Grade Card on the back of the relevant certificate should be attached with the xerox application. converted into marks and certified and appended with the application (especially CGPA/SGPA), page numbers should be inserted on all documents attached with the application, xerox of the top surface of the application for proof of submission.
6) Candidates should clearly mention the name of the post for which they are applying and the category according to social reservation and the name of the bank and the demand draft number in the application.
7) Candidates should note that as the posts at all levels in National Health Mission are of purely contract nature, as there is no policy regarding transfer at present, no change in posting will be given to the candidates after appointment.
8) All the instructions regarding the above recruitment (provisional eligible/ineligible, acceptance of objections, final eligible/ineligible, list of potential candidates, if decided to conduct interview or written test for certain posts through the selection committee, schedule and other matters are the official of Zilla Parishad, Solapur. The website and official website of Public Health Department will be published on Candidates should note that no notification, telephone message, SMS, email will be sent to the candidates. It will be mandatory to visit the website.9) Number of said vacancy, educational qualification, remuneration,
All rights to change age limit, social reservation, change in place of appointment, mentioned terms and conditions are reserved by this office and the right to change the recruitment process at any point of time is held by Hon. Chief Executive Officer and President, District Integrated Health and Kutub Welfare Society, Health Department, Zilla Parishad, Solapur have been retained.
10) If the application with the required qualification is not received for the said vacancy or if the required number of applicants are not received, the qualification for the said post will be relaxed as necessary.

Last Date : 13-02-2024

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