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Vacancy for Research Associate, Sr.Executive at Novick Bio-Sciences - M.Pharm, MSc Apply

Clinical research courses

Vacancy for Research Associate, Sr.Executive at Novick Bio-Sciences

Novick Bio-Sciences is a rapidly-growing Contract Research and Development Organization (CRDO) providing chemistry and formulation development services to Global Pharmaceutical, Bio-tech, Agrochemical Research Organizations and Academics to help our customers achieve their goals.

Post : Formulation Research Associate, Sr.Executive in QA

Formulation Research Associate
Qualification : M.Pharmacy (Pharmaceuticals)
Experience : 3-6 years
Location : Hyderabad (Balanagar)
Skills Required :
1) Injectable dosage forms-Lyophilisation, aqueous and non-aqueous formulations.
2) Should be efficient in ICH Guidance and QbD Preparation.
3) Suppositories are preferred.
4) Should have Technology transfer exposure.
5) Should have knowledge in stability studies.
6) Better to have experience in the development of injectables.

Sr.Execuitve in QA (CRD Department)
Qualification : M.Sc / M. Pharmacy
Experience : 4-6 years
Location : Pashamylaram
Skills Required : 1. Issuance and Retrieval of Lab notebooks, columns and equipment usage log books.
2. Reviewing of Chemistry Lab notebooks.
3. Reviewing of Analytical data includes NMR. Mass, HPLC, GC, shipment data/COA’s, calibrations etc.
4. Review and Approval of all the equipment qualifications data (includes IQ.OQ and PQ documents) for chemistry and analytical departments.
5. Preparation, review and Approval of all the departmental SOPs.

Date : 24/02/2023 to 10/03/2023 (Mon to Fri)
Time : 10 am to 4 pm

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