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National Symposium and Workshop on Emerging Perspectives in Pre-clinical and Clinical Research at NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Clinical research courses

Nitte (Deemed to be University) established in 2008, has been placed under Category 'A' by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India. It has also been accredited 'A' Grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and ranked 77th by National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.

About Indian Pharmacological Society
Indian Pharmacological Society is the member - International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR). The genesis of pharmacology in India dates back to the beginning of 20th Century when Col.Ram Nath Chopra took over the reins in 1921 as the first Professor of Pharmacology at the School of Tropical Medicine, Calcutta. At the Fifth IUPHAR held in San Francisco in July 1972, IPS was declared official National Society of Pharmacologists of India. In the glorious century of scientific advancement, the contribution of Pharmacologists in India is well recognized. In spite of sophisticated infrastructural facilities, we have abundant expertise and magnificent ancestral legacy of indigenous systems of medicine. This is still vibrant and promises to show to the world the immense potential of Indian Pharmacologists.

Indian Pharmacological Society Sponsored

National Symposium and Workshop on "Emerging Perspectives in Pre-clinical and Clinical Research”

Date : 28th - 29th March 2019

Venue: University Auditorium, Paneer Campus, Deralakatte, Mangaluru

About the Symposium and Workshop
The Clinical pharmacist's role in health systems continues to evolve from a product focus to a patient-centered care system ensuring the safe and responsible use of medications in all practice. It also provides a platform for the researchers to present the finding of their research work and discuss the outcomes with the experts in different areas. We also envisage the possibility of collaboration during the two day deliberations which is the need of the hour for the advancement of scientific temper. The main focus of the workshop is to understand the different methods of screening of drugs for neurodegenerative disorders for preclinical studies and also the importance of clinical pharmacist and their responsibilities. Organizers have planned hands on training of some of these experimental methods for both topics which will be very useful for the young researchers working in the area of neurodegenerative disorders.

Who Can Attend
• B.Pharm, M.Pharm, Pharm.D Students
• Research Scholars and Faculty
• MBBS, MD (Pharmacology & Community Medicine), MPH Students
• All other Allied health sciences related to preclinical and clinical research

Call for Papers: (E-Poster)
Research Areas
• Pharmacology/ Pharmacy Practice/Clinical Pharmacy
• Pharmaceutics/Pharmaceutical Technology
• Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Biomedical Sciences/Medicinal Chemistry Guidelines for

Abstract should not exceed 200 words with the titles of the paper, author's name, contact no ,e-mail id, Affiliation. The Best Poster will be awarded with Cash prize.

Registration Fee
UG & PG Students
Symposium : Rs 600
Symposium & Workshop : Rs 1000
Workshop : Rs 600

Research Scholars and Faculty
Symposium : Rs 800
Symposium & Workshop : Rs 1200
Workshop : Rs 800

Registrations on or before 21st March 2019
Note: Workshop is limited to 40 Participants ( First come first serve ) please confirm with organizers before you register

Mode of Payment:
DD or Online Payment/NEFT Bank Details:
Demand Draft (DD) towards registration should be made in favour of ''NET-NGSMIPS1', payable at Syndicate Bank, Mangaluru
Online Payment: Name: NET-NGSMIPS, A/C No.: 02452200032122, Syndicate Bank, ABSMIDS Branch, Deralakatte, Mangaluru, IFSC Code: SYNB0000245 Submit your abstract, register online upload the payment details by following the link available at

Organized by
Paneer, Deralakatte, Mangaluru-575018

To submit your abstracts and register online, click on this link : Click Here

Dr. M Vijay Kumar
Assistant Professor
Dept of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Nitte(Deemed to be University), Mangalore
Mob:+91 9036584058


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