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Government Pharmacy Job in Karnataka

Clinical research courses

  • Job Openings for Pharmacists at Air India Limited | Government of India

    Air India is the flag carrier airline of India. It is owned by Air India Limited, a government-owned enterprise, and operates a fleet of Airbus and Boeing aircraft serving 94 domestic and international destinations. The airline has its hub at Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi, alongside several focus cities across India. Air India is the largest international carrier out of India with an 18.6% market share.Over 60 international destinations are served by Air India across four continents.

    Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for Engagement as Contract Para Medic at Bengaluru (one vacancy) on a fixed term engagement, for an initial period of three years, as well as to maintain a wait list for future requirement. Government Directives on reservation for SC/ST/OBC/EWS will apply.

  • Join Indian Army as Sepoy Pharma

    The Indian Army promises both professional and personal growth at every stage of the career. Opportunities to excel through various courses are abundant including opportunities to enhance your educational qualification by availing two years paid study leave. The inherent adventure and extra-curricular activities in the Army ensure an all round development essential in today's world. Art of War-Engineering-Medicine-Administration-Human Resource Development and Management; the army teaches you all.

    Post : Soldier Pharma (Sepoy Pharma)

  • Recruitment for Pharmacists (34 posts) under Health & Family Welfare Society | Government Jobs

    Bangalore City Health & Family Welfare Society (BCH&FWS) intends to conduct walk-in interview for below mentioned posts vacant under various programme under National Health Mission for one year purely on contractual basis.

  • Vacancy for Pharmacist at Ayush hospitals

    Applications are invited to fill up the Paramedical staffs to the following Ayush hospitals temporarily, Purely On Contract basis.

    Post : Pharmacist

  • Recruitment for Pharmacists (277 posts) in Indian Railways | Government Jobs

    Railway Recruitment Board, initially was known as 'Railway Service Commission' but in January 1985 it was renamed as Railway Recruitment Board. These were the small’s beginnings which is due course developed into a network of railway lines all over the country. By 1880 the Indian Railway system had a route mileage of about 9000 miles. INDIAN RAILWAYS, the premier transport organization of the country is the largest rail network in Asia and the world’s second largest under one management.

  • Job for Pharmacists (04 posts) in KPSC - Government Jobs

    The Public Service Commission was constituted under the provisions of the Constitution of India on 18-05-1951. In accordance with the provisions of clause 14 of the Public Service Commission Regulations 1950, the staff of the Public Service Commissioner as it stood on 18-05-1951, was continued as the nucleus of the staff of the Public Service Commission.  The Office of the Central Recruitment Board which was a part of Mysore (Now Karnataka) Government Secretariat followed the Government Secretariat Manual, for office procedures. This was continued even in the office of the Public Service Commissioner and later in the office of the Public Service Commission with necessary notifications to carry out recruitment and conduct of Competitive Examinations, Departmental Examinations etc.

    Post : Pharmacist

  • Mega Recruitment for Pharmacists (415 posts) under ESIC, India | Salary upto Rs 92,300

    Employees’ State Insurance Scheme of India,  is a multidimensional social system tailored to provide socio-economic  protection to worker population and their dependents covered under the scheme.  Besides full medical care for self and dependents, that is admissible from day  one of insurable employment, the insured persons are also entitled to a variety  of case benefits in times of physical distress due to sickness, temporary or  permanent disablement etc. resulting in loss of earing capacity, the confinement  in respect of insured women, dependents of insured persons who die in industrial  accidents or because of employment injury or occupational hazard are entitled to  a monthly pension called the dependents benefit.

    Post : Pharmacist (Allopathy)

  • Job for Investigation Officer at KAPL - Government Enterprise

    Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., (KAPL) Bangalore is a Government Enterprise.  From a modest beginning in 1984, KAPL has grown from strength to strength in the areas of manufacturing and marketing of various life saving and essential drugs. With an ISO accredition from KPMG, Netherlands, KAPL is recognised for its total commitment to quality and services in domestic and international markets. On profit from inception, KAPL facilities are approved by many international clients.

    Post : Inquiry / Investigation Officer

  • ESIC Model Hospitals invites application for post of Pharmacists | 26 posts

    Employees’ state Insurance Scheme of India,  is a multidimensional social system tailored to provide socio-economic  protection to worker population and their dependents covered under the scheme.  Besides full medical care for self and dependents, that is admissible from day  one of insurable employment, the insured persons are also entitled to a variety  of case benefits in times of physical distress due to sickness, temporary or  permanent disablement etc. resulting in loss of earing capacity, the confinement  in respect of insured women, dependents of insured persons who die in industrial  accidents or because of employment injury or occupational hazard are entitled to  a monthly pension called the dependents benefit.

  • Career for B.Pharm, D.Pharm as Soldier Pharma in Indian Army, Raichur

    The Indian Army promises both professional and personal growth at every stage of the career. Opportunities to excel through various courses are abundant including opportunities to enhance your educational qualification by availing two years paid study leave. The inherent adventure and extra-curricular activities in the Army ensure an all round development essential in today's world. Art of War-Engineering-Medicine-Administration-Human Resource Development and Management; the army teaches you all. Moulding the officers into leaders capable of leading from the front in any field. Joining the Army is possible both after finishing school as well as after graduation.

    Post : Sepoy Pharma

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