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Openings for Pharmacists in Municipal Corporation - 83 vacancies | Pay upto Rs. 92,300 pm

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Openings for Pharmacists in Municipal Corporation

Gujarat Urban Health Project (Ahmedabad) for Urban Primary Health Center and Urban Community Health Center under Gujarat Urban Health Project for the purpose of making health services equipped, accessible and health infrastructure strong in the metropolitan area of ​​the state with the various resolutions of the Department of Health and Family Welfare of the Government of Gujarat.  By setting up a separate structure named below, the regular posts as mentioned below have been allotted on a 100% grant basis by the Government of Gujarat on a totally village basis.

Post : Pharmacist

Gujarat Urban Health Project (Ahmedabad) invites online applications only for the purpose of selection / waiting list to fill up the vacancies and future vacancies or newly created posts in the under mentioned Fed Salary by direct recruitment.  As per the existing provisions of recruitment rules and examination rules of the respective post, the eligible and willing candidates may apply on 04/09/2023 from 09:30 AM to 18/09/2023 05:30 PM at Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation.

No of posts : 83

Eligibility : Registered Pharmacist from a recognized institution

Salary : Fixed Pay Rs.31340/- up to five years after which performance appraisal will be considered Pay Scale Level – 5 Pay Matrix Rs. 29200/92300 in the grade of Basic + other allowances as per rules.
Age Limit : Not more than 35 + 1 year unless employed by AMC

Important instructions to be observed by the candidate while applying online for the above post :-
• Stay Committee Resolution No. 670 dt. According to 20/09/2018 candidates belonging to non-reserved category (other than disabled category) have to pay Rs. 112 per application (one hundred and twelve rupees complete) online by 22/09/2023.
• The above posts have been created on an absolutely final basis till the grant of the Government. The candidates appointed above will have to be released on the condition that the candidates appointed above will be released after the closure of the Government's grant / project in which the candidate will not be entitled to get permanent or other benefits in future. And the appointed candidate will not be considered as an employee of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation
• The details filled by the candidate in the online application form will be considered final for the entire recruitment process and the proofs must be submitted in original (including attested copies) when the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation asks for it.
• The candidate has to keep more copies of the passport size photograph uploaded in the online application form and present the same photograph at the time of recruitment process (Written Test / Interview / etc.)
• A candidate can make only one application for one cadre In case of more than one application for one cadre only the last online confirmed application will be accepted Authority to decide on cancellation of remaining applications Hon. shall belong to the Municipal Commissioner and the fee paid in addition shall not be refundable. Age, qualification and experience will be considered as on the last date of receipt of online application.
• In case the grade is mentioned in the mark sheet, degree certificate, its equivalent in percentage should be furnished the conversion table of the recognized university.
• Experience only after obtaining the educational qualification / degree as sought in the advertisement will be considered prior experience will not be considered admissible under any circumstances At the time of verification of original certificates the candidate has obtained the question of period of experience (days, months, years) and duties performed in support of the experience mentioned in the application. Certificate with inward outward number and date of recognized institution with details of experience has to be submitted. Offer letter or appointment letter alone shall not be considered as proof of experience but if it is accompanied by Ijafa or promotion order issued by the organization from time to time, salary proof or other supporting evidence, after sufficient verification, such experience shall be considered valid.
• In the cadre where the registration certificate is mandatory, it has to be submitted.
• Candidates working in Government / Semi-Government Organizations shall compulsorily submit the No Objection Certificate issued by the Competent Officer / Authority of the concerned organization and if such candidates are appointed in the employment of Gujarat Urban Hay Project (Ahmedabad), the relieving order from the existing employing organization or the reasons thereof. The certificate has to be produced at the time of reporting for duty at Gujarat Urban Health Project (Ahmedabad).
• Employees serving in this MU Co. will have to produce the last month's payslip at the time of verification of original certificates. In addition, in case of serving more than one post, a copy of the order of promotion or selection must be submitted.
• Whether a reserved caste candidate originally from Gujarat has to apply on reserved seat or non-reserved seat? It has to be clearly stated in the online application form and if candidates belonging to reserved castes of Gujarat origin apply on non-reserved seats then the norms applicable to candidates on non-reserved seats will be applicable to such candidates.

• According to the Roster opinion, the candidate belonging to the said reserved caste has to submit a certificate issued by the competent authority of the Govt. about his/her Caste, Sub-caste, S/P and Economically Weaker Section (EWS/E.N.V.) as per the pattern prescribed by the Government of Gujarat. The above certificate number and date must be mentioned in the online application
• According to the rules female candidates will be given a relaxation of five (5) years in the upper age limit.
• If the female candidate wants to apply in the name of her husband instead of her father, she has to compulsorily produce the marriage registration copy at the time of verification of original certificates.
• A submission to change the category later in the caste (category) indicated by the candidate in the online application will not be entertained.
• A shortlist/waiting list will be prepared for the said cadres based on such criteria as may be deemed fit by the Hon'ble Municipal Commissioner/Appointing Authority by taking into account the number of applications in the advertisement under the recruitment process taking into account the basic qualification and/or experience of the post, written test (MCQ TEST)/ The criteria for conducting the practical test / oral interview will be decided and the approved candidates will be informed about it by publishing the collator on the website or through a message on the mobile number indicated by them in the online application. For the said cadre Hon. A selection list / waiting list will be prepared on the basis of such criteria as the Municipal Commissioner / Appointing Authority may deem fit by taking into account the number of applications in the advertisement under the recruitment process taking into account the basic qualification and / or experience of the post, written test (MCQ TEST) / practical test.
• The criteria for conducting the interview will be decided and the information about it will be communicated to the approved candidates by publishing the collator on the website or through a message on the mobile number indicated by them in the online application.
• It is mandatory for the candidate to write his mobile number in the appropriate place in the online application form, on which the message about future recruitment can be given. Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation shall not be responsible for any situation arising in future where the correct mobile number is not entered or the message does not reach the candidate due to any other reason.
• Candidates have to appear for the written test / interview at their own expense. Candidates have to appear for the written test / interview at their own expense.
• Please note that no written correspondence will be sent to the candidates regarding the recruitment process of the post. Candidates are requested to visit AMU website for information regarding further recruitment process of this post.
• In the case of written examination, the written / online examination may be conducted through a reputed institute in more than one session / different sets of questions under different question papers if necessary. Candidates will not be able to make any dispute regarding this
• The appointment of the selected candidate shall be subject to such conditions as the competent authority may determine
• If the candidate has given any details wrongly in the online application or if it is found to be wrong at any stage of the recruitment process, his application will be canceled at that stage and even if he has obtained the passing standard, his candidature will be canceled and also in future the date of birth submitted by the candidate at the time of appointment, If the educational qualification, age, caste, experience and other proofs are found to be wrong or suspicious, appropriate legal action will be taken against him and the appointment will be canceled at any stage if the appointment is made by selection of such candidate.

Last Date : 18/09/2023 05:30 PM

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