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Vacancy for Young Professional at Indian Veterinary Research Institute

Clinical research courses

Vacancy for Young Professional at Indian Veterinary Research Institute

Established in 1889, the Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) is one of the premier research institutions dedicated to livestock research and development of the region. The institute with faculty strength of more than 275 has a major mandate of research, teaching, consultancy and technology transfer activities. The institute with its long scientific heritage has always enjoyed a certain prestige, a tradition all of its own.

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for engagement of One Young Professional-I and One Young Professional-II, purely on contractual basis under the ‘All India Network Project on One Health approach to Zoonotic Diseases (AINP-OH)’. 

Young Professional-I (01 post)
Post Code : 01
Qualifications : Essential: Graduate in Veterinary Science / Microbiology / Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Life Sciences / Biomedical Science. 
Desirable : Experience in molecular and epidemiological techniques, handling of large animals and cultures of infectious diseases. 
Age limit : Minimum 21 Years and Maximum 45 Years as on last date of submission of application with relaxation as per Rules. 
Emoluments per month : Rs. 30,000.00 
Duration of the project : Up to March 2026
Young Professional-II (01 post)
Post Code : 02
Qualifications : Essential : Postgraduate in Microbiology / Biotechnology / Biomedical Science / Bioinformatics / Animal Sciences or Veterinary Science 
Desirable : Master’s degree in VPH / VPE / Microbiology / Biotechnology with working experience of microbial isolation, identification, cell culture, molecular techniques. Proficiency in computers and basic office software. Age limit: Minimum 21 Years and Maximum 45 Years as on last date of submission of application with relaxation as per Rules.
Age limit : Minimum 21 Years and Maximum 45 Years as on last date of submission of application with relaxation as per Rules. 
Emoluments per month : Rs. 42,000.00
Duration of the project : Up to March 2026

1. The positions are purely temporary on contractual engagement / non regular nature / time bound. There will be no provision for absorption/ re-employment in ICAR-IVRI or ICAR and the candidate shall not claim for regular appointment against any regular post at this Institute or ICAR on termination of the project. 
2. The selection will be purely on merit basis. 
3. The candidate must produce No-Objection Certificate from his/her present employer (if employed) and experience certificate in original wherever applicable. 
4. The candidates reporting after the reporting time on the above-mentioned interview dates will not be considered for interview. 
5. The appointments may be terminated at any time in case of unsatisfactory performance without notice or assigning any reason thereof. The YP-I/YP-II may also leave the assignment, on their own, by giving at least one-month notice. 
6. Canvassing in any form would disqualify the candidature of the candidate and no interim enquiries will be entertained. 
7. Interested and eligible candidates may attend interview along with their bio-data, photograph, original and self-attested copies of the documents as proof of their date of birth, cast and educational qualification i.e., 10th class marks sheet, 12th class marks sheet, Graduation and Post-graduation degree certificate and consolidated marks sheet(s) and experience certificates (if any). 
8. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. 
9. The selected candidates may also be required to travel as per the requirement of research work. 
10. Candidates are advised to submit scanned copies of his/her full bio-data duly affixed recent passport-size photograph along with testimonials/experience certificate(s) etc. in a single file (pdf) as per format (Annexure I) by email to All the original documents will be required at the time of interview. 
11. Only the candidates having Provisional/ Final degree certificate can apply.

Date and Time of Interview : 08.11.2024, 10:00 am
Venue of Interview : Division of Veterinary Public Health, ICAR-IVRI
Application Form & More Info

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