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Recruitment for B.Pharm as Analyst, Technical Assistant, Research Assistant at ICTM - Salary 1,22,800 month | 9 posts

Clinical research courses

ICT Mumbai Recruitment

Applications are invited in the prescribed form available on Institute website for the following non-teaching posts to be filled in Library and Administration at the Mumbai Campus of the Institute on permanent basis. The online application form can be submitted on the portal from 16/03/2024. Last Date for submission of online form along with supporting documents shall be 16/04/2024. Candidates are also required to submit three signed copies of PDF print outs of the submitted form along with supporting documents which should reach the Institute on or before 20/04/2024.

Junior Analyst
Salary: S-14: Rs.38600-122800/-
No of posts: 4 (Gen-1, SEBC-1, SC-1, OBC-1)

Senior Micro Analyst
Salary: S-14: Rs.38600-122800/-
No of posts: 1 (Gen-1)

Junior Micro Analyst
Salary: S-14: Rs.38600-122800/-
No of posts: 1 (Gen-1)

Senior Technical Assistant
Salary: S-14: Rs.38600-122800/-
No of posts: 1 (Gen-1)

Research Assistant
Salary: S-14: Rs.38600-122800/-
No of posts: 1 (Gen-1)

Qualification (For above all)
1. Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering / Technology/Pharmacy at least in second class
 or Master Degree Science (PCB) at least in Second class with Minimum Experience of 3 years in the given field 
2. Candidates with higher qualifications and experience in Chemical/ Instrumental Analytical work shall be given preference

Pilot Plant Assistan 
Salary: S-8: Rs.25500-81100/- 
No of posts: 1 (Gen-1)
1. Bachelor’s degree in science (PCB)
Diploma in Chemical Engineering / Technology/Pharmacy
2. Preference will be given to the higher qualifications in the relevant field
3. Experience of 3 years in handling laboratory equipment/instruments in research institute or industry.
4. Knowledge of computer is desirable.

• Reservation of seats for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) is prescribed as per the provisions under Government Resolution - BCC 2024/CR75/16C, dated 27th February, 2024.
• Reservations applicable to the Nomadic Tribes can be interchanged as per the Government Policy provided the candidates are available as per prescribed merit limits for the selections.
• 3% of the Reservation shall be applicable to the disabled persons having minimum of 40% disability as per GR: NYP 2011/P.K. 129/ Sudhar-3 dated. 4lh August 2011, subject to availability / suitability.
• The parallel reservation policy for various categories shall be applicable as per the norms of Government of Maharashtra.
• The selection and appointment with respect to this advertisement is subjected to the revision of roaster as per Government Resolution - BCC 2024/CR75/16C, dated 27th February, 2024.
• Nomenclature and vacancy positions of various posts under this advertisement may change subjected to review of positions for non-teaching staff by State Governments/ other administrative reasons.

Age Limit
i. Minimum age on the day of advertisement should not less than 19 years and unless in the service of Government / Institute, category wise maximum age limit for eligibility to apply shall be as following-
Open- 38 yrs
Reserved Category- 43 yrs
Ex-Serviceman- 43 yrs
Qualified Player- 43 yrs
Disabled people- 43 yrs
ii. Maximum age limit can be further relaxed for Institute / Government employees as per the norms of State Government.

Important points to note before filling up the Application Form
1. All rights to fill the number of posts or to extend the advertisement dates or to cancel the partial/full advertisement, etc. are reserved with the Competent Authority of Institute. The rights of the Institute can be exercised without any prior notice or information.
2. Online application form is available on the ICT website at portal from 16/03/2024 to 16/04/2024. The Candidates are required to submit online application form along with supporting documents on or before 16/04/2024.
3. The PDF printouts (3 copies) of the online application along with self-attested supporting documents must reach to the Institute on or before 20/04/2024 on following address.
The Registrar,
Institute of Chemical Technology,
Nathalal Parekh Marg,
Matunga, Mumbai - 400019.
4. The application fee of Rs.1000/- (for General Category) and Rs. 500/- (for candidates belonging to reserved categories of State of Maharashtra), to be paid online before submitting the online form to the following bank account details as provided below:
a. Name of the Account:- Institute of Chemical Technology Mumbai
b. Name of the bank:- Bank of Maharashtra
c. Account Number:-20019400624
d. Branch name and address:- Kings Circle, Kaverineeta Bldg., Matunga, Mumbai 400019
e. IFSC code:- MAHB0000339
5. Candidates employed in Government Organization must submit their applications through proper channel along with No Objection Certificate (NOC) from present employer.
6. Candidates employed in Semi Government / Private Organizations will have to submit NOC from the present employer at the time of interview.
7. Applications incomplete in any respect, without required supporting documents or those submitted after the last date of receipt will not be considered.
8. Candidates are requested to refer Institute website from time to time as all information and circulars will be notified on the website.
9. As per the Notification No. SRV.2000/CR (17/2000) XII, dated 28th March 2005 issued by General Administration Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai, a candidate shall submit the declaration of the small family in the prescribed proforma attached to the application form.
10. Candidates belonging to the reserved categories as recognized in the State of Maharashtra shall only be considered under reserved categories. The candidate belonging to the reserved categories from outside the State of Maharashtra will be treated as Open.
11. The candidates belonging to the category VJ (A), NT (B, C, D) and OBC / SEBC should submit Non-Creamy Layer Certificate issued on or after dt. 01-04-2023 by competent authority for claim under reservation. However Women’s Reservation will be applicable as per Government Resolution dated 25th May, 2001. Non-creamy Layer certificate is not essential for women as per Government Resolution dated 4lh May, 2023.
12. The age of the candidate shall be considered as on 16/03/2024.
13. The decision of the appointing authority will be final and binding on applicants and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
14. No correspondence with ineligible candidates will be made.
15. Candidates called for interview will have to remain present at their own expenses.
16. Candidates should mandatorily fill the information regarding court cases, pending criminal cases, disciplinary actions or equivalent, if applicable etc. in the relevant column of the application form. In such cases, the Scrutiny Committee reserves the right to consider or not to consider the candidature for the recruitment. Any changes in this information as and when occurred after the submission of application form till the date of selection committee meeting for recruitment process should be brought to the notice of the Institute by the candidate, failing which the Institute reserves the right to cancel the candidature and to debar him/her from selection or after selection.
17. Any dispute related to this advertisement is subjected to Mumbai jurisdiction only.
18. Candidates must attach the self-attested photocopies of the following supporting documents with printouts of submitted application form -
a. Documents for administrative scrutiny -
1. Document in support of Date of Birth.
2. Copy of Government Gazette or any other appropriate certificate in case of change in name.
3. Small family declaration
4. No objection certificate (NOC) from present employer.
5. Caste certificate issued by the component authority if candidate belongs to any of the reserved category, namely, SC/ ST/ DT NT-A/ NT-B/ NT-C/ NT-D/ OBC/ SBC/ EWS/ SEBC.
6. Caste Validity Certificate/commitment to submit it within six months from the date of appointment order.
7. Non creamy layer certificate for the candidate belonging to the DT NT-A, NT-B, NT-C, NT-D, OBC, SBC and SEBC categories, issued by the component authority.
8. Physically Disabled Certificate from competitive authority as may be applicable.
b. Documents for academic’s scrutiny -
1. Photocopies of mark sheets and certificates supporting the educational qualifications from SSC and onwards.
2. Photocopies of appointment orders and joining letters.
3. Photocopies of Certificate of experience
19. All the photocopies of the documents must be self-attested.
20. All the original certificates must be produced at the time of Interview.
21. Written test/ Aptitude test/ Practical test may be conducted prior to interview.
22. In case of any query, mail is to be sent to However, Institute reserves the right to reply based on the merit of query.

For Online Submission 20th May 2024
For hard copy submission 27th May 2024


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