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Vacancy for Project Associate at NIBMG

Clinical research courses

Vacancy for Project Associate at NIBMG

National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG) Kalyani is an Institute of Government of India, Ministry of Science & Technology, Department of Biotechnology. The Institute has created necessary physical infrastructure and critical platform technologies to support research, translation, and training in biomedical genomics. NIBMG is looking for motivated and bright individuals interested in exploring career opportunities in this multi-organization national initiative, of which NIBMG has a lead role to perform.

Post : Project Associate-I

Project Name : Investigating the role of PTPRM gene in lens thickness, identified from quantitative trait genome-wide association study. 
Project Tenure : Three months. 
Principal Investigator’s name : Dr. Moulinath Acharya. 
Project Description : PTPRM is a widely studied protein tyrosine phosphatase expressed in the lens. A quantitative trait-GWAS identified PTPRM as a risk loci for lens thickness. The current project will explore the role of PTPRM in lens development and differentiation with respect to its interaction with gap junction proteins connexins, which play a crucial role in lens homeostasis.
Consolidated Remuneration [INR] Per month : i) 31,000/- + 24% HRA to be given who are selected through (a) National Eligibility Tests – CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions. (ii) 25,000/- + 24% HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Essential Qualifications : i) Post Graduate Degree in Natural Sciences or bachelor’s degree in engineering or technology or medicine from a recognized University or equivalent.
 ii) Age limit 35 years as on last date of application
Desirable Qualifications : i)A prior research experience of basic molecular biology techniques (like immunoblottin g, immunostainin g and real-time PCR)/ animal cell culture ii) zebrafish handling, microinjection, deep phenotyping, cryosection

Nature of Duty : The person hired will be responsible for day-to- day research activities as required for the proposed project. The person also needs to take responsibilit y of laboratory management and record keeping.

Online Walk-in interview : Date 19-06-2024 from 11.00 AM onwards. 
1. This position is contractual, and the selected candidate will be appointed for 03 months. 
2. Interested candidates should fill-up a Google Form (using your google account) within 18- 06-2024 (midnight) with the Link. 
3. If selected, you will be asked to produce all documents in the original. If the documents don’t truly reflect what is mentioned in the advertisement, your candidature will be cancelled. 
4. Please visit our website for further information. The decision of NIBMG in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of application, mode of selection, and conduct of interviews will be final and binding on the candidates.

Google Form

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