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Recruitment for Pharmacists under Department of Atomic Energy, 14 vacancies

Clinical research courses

Recruitment for Pharmacists under Department of Atomic Energy

The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) was set up under the direct charge of the Prime Minister through a Presidential Order on August 3, 1954. As per this order, all businesses of the Government of India, related to Atomic Energy and to the functions of the Central Government under the Atomic Energy Act, 1948 (XXIX of 1948) were directed to be transacted in the Department of Atomic Energy.  Research and development for the peaceful uses of atomic energy had made important and rapid strides by the year 1958. These developments called for an organisation with full authority to plan and implement the various measures required for the expansion of the atomic energy programme. Accordingly, the Atomic Energy Commission with full executive and financial powers was set up by the Government through a resolution dated March 1, 1958. The Atomic Energy Commission is responsible for formulating the policy of the Department of Atomic Energy.

Post : Pharmacist/B 

Post Code : PHM-01
No of posts : 14 (UR:08, OBC:05, SC:01)
Level in Pay Matrix : 5
Initial Pay* (Rs.) : 29,200

Educational Qualification : HSC (10+2) + 2 years Diploma in Pharmacy + 3 months Training in Pharmacy + Registration as a Pharmacist with Central or State Pharmacy Council. 
Age Limit : Minimum age is 18 years and maximum age is 25 years as on the closing date of receipt of online application.
Emoluments : Rs.29,200/- in Level 5 of the pay matrix + allowances as due and admissible to Central Government servants.

Method of Selection
The Process of selection involves three stages i.e. 
Stage 1 – Preliminary Test, Stage 2 – Advanced Test and Stage 3 – Trade/Skills Test. Stage 1 – Preliminary Test Screening examination (CBT) to be held to shortlist candidates. The format of screening examination shall be common for all disciplines and will be in the following format: 
1. Online Examination to comprise 50 Multiple Choice Questions (choice of 4 answers) of one hour duration in the following proportion : 
Mathematics : 20 questions 
Science : 20 questions
General Awareness : 10 questions
2. Three (3) marks will be awarded for each correct answer and One (1) mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer. 
3. Candidates scoring <40% in General Category will be screened out. For reserved categories, the lowest cut-off will not be fixed below 30%. 

Stage 2 – Advanced Test 
1. All candidates Screened in Stage 1 will be allowed to undertake Stage 2 (Advanced Test) in their respective trade. 
2. The test will comprise 50 Multiple Choice Questions (choice of 4 answers) with three (3) Marks awarded for each correct answer and one (1) marks deducted for each incorrect answer. Test will be of two hours duration. 
3. Candidates scoring <30% in General Category will be screened out. For reserved categories the lowest cut-off will not be fixed below 20%. 
4. A merit List of candidates will be prepared after Stage-2 based upon the scores obtained in Stage-2 only. 
5. In the event of a tie, following criteria shall be adopted in sequence for deciding position in merit list:
i. Candidate with lower negative Marks in Stage 2 to be placed higher on the merit list. 
ii. Candidate with higher marks in Stage 1 to be placed higher on the merit list. 
iii. Candidate with lower negative Marks in Stage 1 to be placed higher on the merit list.
iv. Candidate with higher positive marks in Mathematics in Stage 1 is placed higher. 
v. Candidate with higher positive marks in Science in Stage 1 is placed higher.
“Please Note that Stage 1 – Preliminary Test and Stage 2 – Advanced Test will be conducted in a single session as Section A and Section B. The test will be of three hours duration. Response sheets of the Stage 2 – Advanced test will be evaluated only of those candidates who qualified in Stage 1 – Preliminary Test.”
Stage 3 – Trade/Skills Test 
1. Based on the merit list prepared after Stage 2 candidates in each trade will be shortlisted for Trade/Skills Test. 
2. The number of candidates to be shortlisted for Trade/Skills Test would depend upon the number of candidates qualifying for Stage 2 but shall not exceed 4-5 times the number of vacancies in each trade. 
3. Trade/Skills Test will be conducted on a “Go/No-Go” basis.
Candidates clearing the Trade/Skills Test will be shortlisted and empanelled in order of merit based on marks secured in Stage 2.

Relaxation in Upper Age Limit
No relaxation in upper age limit shall be applicable for the posts where there is no reservation. Relaxation in age limit for various categories shall be as follows: 
1. Candidates belonging to SC/ST and applying for a post that is reserved for the respective category, shall be eligible for a maximum of 5 years relaxation from the upper age limit.
2. Candidates belonging to OBC and applying for a post that is reserved for that category, shall be eligible for a maximum of 3 years relaxation from the upper age limit. 
3. Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (viz. PD, OA and OL) and applying for the post of SOC-01 are eligible for a maximum of 10 years relaxation from the upper age limit. PwBD candidates belonging to OBC category and SC/ST category shall be eligible for an additional of 3 years (i.e. PwBD+OBC = 13 years) and 5 years (i.e. PwBD+SC/ST = 15 years) respectively from the upper age limit.
4. Relaxation in the upper age limit for Central Government servants who have rendered not less than three years continuous service in posts which are in the same line or allied cadre will be relaxed as per Govt. orders. 
5. Widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands and who are not re-married are eligible up to 35 years of age belonging to UR category (38 years for candidates belonging to OBC category & 40 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST category) for applying against Group A, B & C posts subject to production of documentary proofs.

Application Fee
Fee: Rs.100/-
Note : Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Persons with Benchmark Disabilities and Women Candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.

General Instructions
1. Before applying, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility conditions mentioned in the advertisement. Candidates should ensure that they fill in the correct information. The candidate would be admitted to various stages of the recruitment process based on the information furnished by the candidate in his/her application. Only a summary scrutiny of the application would be made before the final stage of the recruitment process and detailed scrutiny of the eligibility of the candidate would be done only at the final stage of the recruitment process. As such, the candidature of the applicant shall remain provisional till detailed scrutiny is undertaken and the candidate is found eligible in all respects. IGCAR would be at liberty to reject any application at any stage of the recruitment process if the candidate is found ineligible for the post or if it comes to its notice that the candidate has furnished false information. The decision of IGCAR with regard to eligibility of the candidate shall be final. The mere fact that a call letter has been issued to the candidate and allowed to appear in the written Page 8 of 11 test/skill/trade test/interview will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared or that entries made by the candidate in his/her application have been accepted as true and correct. 
2. All the examinations shall be Online Examination (Computer Based Test). However, if Screening Test is conducted to shortlist candidates for Personal Interview, such Screening Test will be paper-pen based examination. 
3. The candidates will be given choice to answer the questions in Computer Based Test / Interview in Hindi or English (as applicable).
4. During the course of selection process, candidates’ photograph and Biometric impression will be captured and used for subsequent stages of selection process.
5. As the selection process for the posts of Scientific Officer/E, Scientific Officer/D, Scientific Officer/C, Technical Officer/B, Scientific Assistant/C & Scientific Assistant/B is based on Personal Interview only, candidates who have applied for these posts are required to submit the printout of the online application form along with self-attested copy of necessary educational, experience and other relevant documents to the below address by Speed/Registered Post only so as to reach this centre on or before 08/07/2024. Applications sent through normal post will not be accepted.
Assistant Personnel Officer,
Recruitment Section,
3rd Floor, Homi Bhabha Building,
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research,
Kalpakkam, Chengalpattu District,
Tamil Nadu-603102.
Envelope shall be superscribed as 'Application for the post of <Post Name>’. Candidates who fail to send hardcopies of their application along with documentary evidences of Educational Qualification, Experience etc. or whose application reaches this Centre after the aforesaid date shall not be shortlisted for selection process. 
6. Filling up of vacancies indicated in the advertisement is subject to the approval of Competent Authority and may not be filled if decided otherwise in terms of the orders issued by the Government from time to time. IGCAR reserves the right not to fill up the post or even to cancel/restrict/modify/alter the whole process of recruitment without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof. 
7. Candidates empanelled under WAIT LIST will be offered appointment ONLY in case candidate in the main list does not join. The validity of operation of wait list will be one year from the date of preparation of the select panel or after notifying any such recruitment whichever is earlier. 
8. The eligibility criteria including the age, educational qualification and period of experience as prescribed in the advertisement will be determined with reference to the last date of receipt of applications. 
9. Candidates who do not possess Educational Qualification/Experience as on the Closing Date of receipt of application will not be eligible and need not apply. 
10. All the qualifications acquired by the candidate should be recognized by the Regulatory Authorities in India. 

11. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC should clearly indicate their category in the application even if they apply against UR posts.
12. Reservation for Economically Weaker Section shall be in accordance with DoPT OM No. 36039/1/2019-Estt.(Res) dated 31/01/2019, 11/06/2019 and No.43011/11/2022-Estt.(Res-II) dated 19/09/2022 as amended from time to time. Documents as prescribed in the OM shall be furnished at the time of verification. 
13. SC/ST outstation candidates called for CBT/skill test/interview will be paid to and fro Travelling Allowance (TA) of second-class (Sleeper) Railway fare by the shortest route (subject to production of tickets) as per rules. However, Traveling Allowance is not admissible to those SC/ST candidates who are already in Central/State Government Services, Central/State Government corporations, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous bodies, Local Government Institutions and Panchayats or availing concessions from Railways. Candidates are required to submit TA Form (as per format given in Annexure F) along with self-attested copies of tickets and valid Caste certificate. 
14. Posting of the selected candidates would be at the discretion of the Competent Authority as per the availability of vacancies. They are liable to serve in any part of India, in any constituent unit of the Department of Atomic Energy including PSUs and work on round the clock shifts. 
15. On their appointment they will be governed by the National Pension System as notified by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India vide Notification No.F.No.5/7/2003-ECB & PR dated 22-12- 2003, as amended from time to time. 
16. Candidates working under the Central/State Government, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies etc., shall apply Online and forward the printout of the online application form through proper channel. Further, they should furnish “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” at the stage of Document Verification.
17. Appointment to the post is subject to being found medically fit by the Competent Authority. 
18. Compensatory time for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (Divyangjan) will be provided as per the extant orders of Government of India. 
19. Selected candidates should be willing to work on Round-the-Clock (RTC) shifts, Call Duties (outside/beyond the normal working hours) and also perform any other duty as assigned by the Hospital Authorities. 20. Provision of Scribe is not permissible for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (Divyangjan) applying for the post of Scientific Officer/C (Medical) (General Duty/Casualty Medical Officer).

Cancellation of the Candidature
1. Candidate is cautioned not to furnish any incomplete, false or misleading information or submit any document which is defective, forged or fabricated or otherwise not admissible or claim fraudulently reservation on the grounds of belonging to EWS/SC/ST/OBC/Persons with Benchmark Disability (Divyangjan) etc. or resort to any sort of malpractice during the selection process. Notwithstanding verification of original documents during various stages of the selection process, if any case of illegality is detected at any stage of the selection process or later on, this Centre reserves the right to cancel candidature or selection apart from taking other appropriate legal actions. 
2. The candidates shall not directly or indirectly engage in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice during the Selection Process. If any case of illegality is detected at any stage of the selection process or later on, this Centre reserves the right to cancel candidature or selection apart from taking other appropriate legal actions without prejudice to its any other rights or remedies.

How to Apply Online
1. Facility for submission of online application will be available from 01/06/2024 (10:00 hrs) to 30/06/2024 (23:59 hrs) on website of IGCAR i.e. 
2. Applications will be accepted only through online mode. Only one application should be submitted for one post. Candidates should submit separate application for each post, if they intend to apply for more than one post. 
3. Candidate should read the instructions in the advertisement and online application form carefully before making any entry or selecting any option.
4. Before filling application form, candidates should keep ready the necessary documents/certificates required. 
5. Candidates are required upload recently taken front facing passport size photograph with plain background. Selfie photographs, photographs with any background/cap/sunglasses/illegible/ blurred images are liable to be rejected. 
6. Candidates are also required to upload their legible signature. IGCAR’s decision shall be final with regard to legibility or otherwise of the photograph and/or signature. 
7. A valid e-mail ID and Mobile Number is mandatory for submitting application online and email ID should be kept active till the declaration of results. IGCAR will send admit card for written test/skill/trade test/interview to the registered/given e-mail ID or candidates may be required to download the Admit Card from the website of IGCAR. No correspondence will be sent through post/courier. 
8. Date, Time and Venue for various stages examination will be intimated through Admit Card only. 
9. The candidate must ensure that their photo and signature is clearly visible in preview at the time of filling application in online mode. If photo/signature displayed is small or not visible or not as per the required format in preview, in that case the application will be rejected. Therefore candidates must ensure that photo and signature are clearly visible.
10. Instruction for uploading Photo and Signature: Photo: Image should be of size 165 x 125 pixels in .jpg / .jpeg format and size should be between 20 and 50 KB. Signature: Image should be of size 80 x 125 pixels in .jpg / .jpeg format and size should be between 10 and 20 KB. 
11. For any clarification candidates may please contact the Help Desk No. 044 – 47749014 between 09.30 am to 06.30 pm (Monday to Friday) or email: 
12. Candidate may also ensure that name, date of birth, etc. are entered correctly in the application form as per Secondary School Certificate (SSC). Any incorrect information may disqualify candidature. After final submission of application no request for change/correction in any of the information in the application form shall be entertained under any circumstances. 
13. After submitting the online application form candidates are required to take print/save copy of the online application form and preserve it till the certificate verification/all the selection process completes. 
14. Selection process for the posts of Scientific Officer/E, Scientific Officer/D, Scientific Officer/C, Technical Officer/B, Scientific Assistant/C & Scientific Assistant/B is based on Personal Interview only, candidates who have applied for these posts are required to submit the printout of the online application form along with self-attested copy of necessary educational, experience and other relevant documents to the below address by Speed/Registered Post only so as to reach this centre on or before 08/07/2024. Applications sent through normal post will not be accepted.
Assistant Personnel Officer,
Recruitment Section,
3rd Floor, Homi Bhabha Building,
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research,
Kalpakkam, Chengalpattu District,
Tamil Nadu-603102.
Envelope shall be superscribed as 'Application for the post of <Post Name>’. Candidates who fail to send hardcopies of their application along with documentary evidences of Educational Qualification, Experience etc. or whose application reaches this Centre after the aforesaid date shall not be shortlisted for selection process.

Certificates to be Submitted
Candidates would be required to produce all the relevant following certificates in Original and one set of self-attested photo copy along with print out of online application at the time of document verification prior to Interview / Skill Test. Candidates will be solely responsible for furnishing the requisite certificates, failing which their candidature shall be summarily rejected. Candidates may also note that their candidature will remain provisional till the verification of veracity of the documents by the Appointing Authority. Candidates belonging to OBC, SC, ST or EWS category should produce the relevant certificate that was valid as on closing date for receipt of application (crucial date) while appearing for Document Verification, failing which their candidature shall be summarily rejected and he/she shall not be allowed to appear for the further selection process.

Documents to be produced
1. Educational qualifications supported by appropriate mark sheets/certificates as proof of possessing the minimum educational qualification as on the closing date, failing which the candidature of such candidate will be cancelled. 
2. Valid proof of Date of Birth (Matriculation / Secondary School Certificate). 
3. SC/ST candidates’ caste certificate should be issued by designated authority in the prescribed format and the community should have been included in the Presidential orders in relation to the concerned state (as per the format given in Annexure A). 
4. OBC candidates’ caste certificate should be issued by an authorized authority in the prescribed format with non- creamy layer certificate (as per format given in Annexure B) and the caste/community should have been included in the Central lists of Other Backward Caste. The crucial date for determining the OBC non-creamy layer certificate will be the closing date of online application. OBC for the purpose of AGE RELAXATION AND RESERVATION means “persons of OBC categories not belonging to the Creamy Layer” as defined in Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training OM No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08/09/93 and as amended from time to time.
5. Candidates who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SC / ST / OBC and whose family gross annual income is below Rs.8 Lakh (Rupees Eight Lakh) are to be identified as EWS for benefit of reservation for EWS. The income shall also include income from all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession etc. for the financial year prior to the year of application in accordance with OM No. 36039/1/2019-Estt (Res), dated 31/01/2019, No. 43011/11/2022-Estt.(Res-II) dated 19/09/2022 and as amended from time to time. The Income and Asset Certificate issued in the prescribed format as given in Annexure C shall only be accepted as proof of candidate’s claim as belonging to EWS. 
6. Disability Certificate from the appropriate authority regarding physical disability (as per the formats given in Annexure D & E - applicable only for Persons with Disability) 
7. No Objection Certificate in case working under Central/State Government, Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous Bodies, etc.
8. Experience certificate(s). 
9. Any other certificate in respect of claims made in the application form.

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