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Walk in interview for Research Associate at Vector Control Research Centre

Clinical research courses

Walk in interview for Research Associate at Vector Control Research Centre

ICMR- Vector Control Research Centre (VCRC), established at Pondicherry (now Puducherry) in July 1975, is one of the permanent institutes of the Indian Council of Medical Research, Department of Health Research, Government of India. VCRC has been engaged in basic and applied research with the primary objective of finding newer methods and developing strategies of vector control for the control of vector borne diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated the VCRC as a collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Lymphatic filariasis and Integrated Vector Management.

The following post is to be filled up purely on Contractual and temporary basis from willing eligible candidates to work under the ICMR research project entitled Burden of scrub typhus infection and identification of Chigger mite vectors are transmitting the disease in Kerala, South India at ICMR-VCRC Field Station, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.

Post : Research Associate-I

Essential Qualification : Ph.D. in life sciences/equivalent degree with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.
Desirable Qualification : Research experience in Vector Borne diseases.
Nature of duties : Field & Laboratory work, Data analysis, managing whole project activities, Manuscript/report writing.

Age limit : Not exceeding 40 years (Upper age limit relaxed by two years in case of women candidates)
Consolidated Salary : Rs. 47,000/- + HRA Contract period One Year (initially) and likely to be extended as per requirement.
Place of posting : ICMR-VCRC Field Station, Madurai.

Selection Procedure : Interview or a written test, if the number of eligible candidates is more than 30

Other Information:-
1) Candidates who wish to appear for the above mentioned post may download the application form from the websites of ICMR-Vector Control Research Centre and ICMR . Candidates are requested to fill the application form and bring all the original certificates of educational qualification (Certificate/Statement of marks), experience certificates, etc., along with one set of xerox of the same duly self attested and a recent passport size photograph for attending the Walk-in-written test/interview.
2) Age, Qualification, Experience etc., will be reckoned as on the date of Walk-in-Written Test /Interview.
3) Mere fulfilling the essential qualification does not guarantee for the selection.
4) Person already in regular time scale service under any Government Department/Organizations are not eligible to apply.
5) No TA/DA etc., will be paid to the candidate for appearing in Walk-in- Written test/interview.
6) The selected candidate will have no claim for regular appointment in any ICMR Institutes/ Centres for continuation of his/her services in any other project.
7) Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidate or bringing political or other outside influence with regard to selection shall be a disqualification and such candidates will not be considered.
8) The Director has the right to accept/reject any application without assigning any reason(s) and no correspondence in this matter will be entertained.
9) The applicants are advised to visit our website regularly for any updates and changes in the recruitment.

General Instructions:-
1) Candidates are required to be present at the venue in time and Walk-in Written Test/Interview will commence after verification of all the original certificates.
2) The offer of engagement will be subject to verification of original certificates as per the advertisement.
3) No calculators, log tables, communication devices like mobile phone, Tablet/iPad etc., are allowed inside the Examination/Interview Hall.
4) Request for re-evaluation of answer sheets will not be entertained.
5) Candidates who resort to malpractice of any kind will immediately be sent out of the Examination Hall.
6) The candidates attending the above Written test /Interview must follow COVID appropriate behaviours.

Walk in Interview
Date of Written Test & Interview : 14.07.2022 (Thursday)
Reporting Time : Before 10.00 A.M. (Candidates will not be entertained after 10.00 A.M.)
Venue : ICMR-Vector Control Research Centre Field Station, No. 4, Sarojini Street, Chinna Chokkikulam, Madurai - 625002, Tamil Nadu, India

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