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M.Pharm, MSc Recruitment under different Projects at CDRI

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M.Pharm, MSc Recruitment under different Projects at CDRI

CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow is a constituent laboratory under Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi.  It is a unique R&D Institution in the country with state-of-the-art infrastructure for fundamental chemical and biomedical research driven new drug discovery and development. Institute is richly contributing to the advancement of understanding of disease biology in the areas of national priorities, and set-off revolution of Indian pharma sector over the past 70 years. In the coming years, Institute would like to focus unmet as well as unaffordable medical needs of the nation, including re-emerging parasitic & infectious diseases and those diseases which Indian population is bracing due to changed life style including ageing related diseases.


Project Associate-I One (01)
Post Code : 002
Essential qualifications : M.Pharm. with GATE/GPAT qualified
Desirable qualifications : Experience in the area of HPLC method development work.
Stipend : Rs. 31,000 p.m. + HRA (HRA will be given as per central government norms applicable in the Lucknow City)
Upper Age limit : 35 Yrs.
Title & Tenure of the project : CSIR, TLP0014 (NMITLI) “Development of Novel anti stroke phytopharmaceutical formulation from the roots of a Ashwagandha variety, NMITLI-118.” Tenure up to – 31.03.2023
Project Associate-II One (01)
Post Code : 003
Essential qualifications : M.Pharm. with two years experience
Desirable qualifications : Experience in the area of pharmaceutical analysis using HPLC.
Stipend : (i) Rs. 35,000/- + HRA to Scholars who are selected through (a) National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions. (ii) 28,000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above. (HRA will be given as per central government norms applicable in the Lucknow City)
Upper Age limit : 35 Yrs.
Title & Tenure of the project : CSIR, TLP0014 (NMITLI) “Development of Novel anti stroke phytopharmaceutical formulation from the roots of a Ashwagandha variety, NMITLI-118.” Tenure up to – 31.03.2023

Project Associate-II One (01)
Post Code : 004
Essential qualifications : M.Sc. in Chemistry+2 years experience in R&D with GATE/NET qualification
Desirable qualifications : Experience in Natural product isolation and characterization.
Stipend : Rs. 35,000 + HRA (HRA will be given as per central government norms applicable in the Lucknow City)
Upper Age limit : 35 Yrs.
Title & Tenure of the project : CSIR, TLP0014 (NMITLI) “Development of Novel anti stroke phytopharmaceutical formulation from the roots of a Ashwagandha variety, NMITLI-118.” Tenure up to – 31.03.2023
Project Associate-I One (01)
Post Code : 005
Essential qualifications : M.Tech in Computer Science/IT
Desirable qualifications : Software development experience on ASP.NET c#/MS-SQL Platform
Stipend : Rs. 31,000/- +HRA p.m. (HRA will be given as per central government norms applicable in the Lucknow City)
Upper Age limit : 35 Yrs.
Title & Tenure of the project : CSIR, NWP0100 (Phase II) “CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative- Phase II (SDP-01).” Tenure up to – 31.03.2025

Scientific Administrative Assistant One (01)
Post Code : 006
Essential qualifications : BCA
Desirable qualifications : MCA
Stipend : Rs. 18,000/- +HRA p.m. (HRA will be given as per central government norms applicable in the Lucknow City)
Upper Age limit : 50Yrs.
Title & Tenure of the project : CSIR, NWP0100 (Phase II) “CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative- Phase II (SDP-01).” Tenure up to – 31.03.2025
Scientific Administrative Assistant One (01)
Post Code : 007
Essential qualifications : B.Tech in Computer Science
Stipend : Rs. 18,000/- +HRA p.m. (HRA will be given as per central government norms applicable in the Lucknow City)
Upper Age limit : 50Yrs.
Title & Tenure of the project : CSIR, NWP0100 (Phase II) “CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative- Phase II (SDP-01).” Tenure up to – 31.03.2025

Project Assistant One (01)
Post Code : 001
Essential qualifications : B.Sc. in Life Sciences
Desirable qualifications : MBA & interest in writing
Stipend : Rs. 20,000/- +HRA p.m. (HRA will be given as per central government norms applicable in the Lucknow City)
Upper Age limit : 50 Yrs.
Title & Tenure of the project : CSIR, NWP0100 (Phase II) “CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative- Phase II (SDP-01).” Tenure up to – 31.03.2025

Step by Step procedure for Engagement of Project Staff through online
1. The candidate will apply online through the link.
2. Received applications will be screened by duly constituted Standing Screening Committee. The Screening Committee may fix different set of criteria to short-list the candidates as per the project requirement. The Screening Committee will screen all applications received for the specified project and recommend eligible candidates will be called for online interview. In case of false information received through online application, the competent authority will cancel the candidature of the applicant and debarred for attending the interview in future.
3. Eligible applicants may be called for interview through online and Interview letter will be sent him/her through e-mail intimating the date & time of Interview, link/reference of online mode, terms & conditions, if any. The candidate will be allowed to join only after verification of original certificates and other information found correct.
4. Based on the performance of the candidates and availability of suitable candidates, Selection Committee may also recommend Panels for future engagement in different projects as and when need arises. The engagement process will be complete after the joining of the candidates.

General Conditions
1. Age relaxation will be admissible to SC/ST/OBC/PWD & Women candidates as per CSIR/Funding Agency Guidelines.
2. The date for determining age/qualification and experience shall be the last date of submission of online application.
3. The above positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the aforementioned projects. The engagement in these projects will not confer any right implicit or explicit on the candidate for consideration for regularization against any CSIR/CDRI post(s).
4. The number of positions against the various projects can vary at the time of selection depending on the requirement of the institute.
5. Extension beyond two years / movement from one level to next shall be subject to performance review by a committee.
6. Position Code will be cancelled if funds are not available in the advertised concerned project.

Last date of submission of online application : 19.02.2021


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