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Online applications are invited for Pharmacists (7 posts) for Govt. Superspeciality Hospital

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Online Applications through website of ESIC ( & are invited for filling up the posts of Paramedical and Nursing Staff for kerala region on regular basis by Direct Recruitment. The detail of  vacancies is as under

Post: Pharmacist (Allo.)
No. of posts: 6 [UR-4, OBC-2]
Education: Degree in Pharmacy / Sr. Secondary with Diploma in Pharmacy from a  recognized Institution and qualified & Registered as pharmacist under pharmacy Act,1948 .
Age: Not Exceeding 32 years (Relaxable up to 37 years in case of Government  Servants and employees of ESI  Corporation.)
Pay Band: 5200-20200; GP 2800,

Post: Pharmacist  (Ayur.)
No. of posts: 1 [UR-1]
Education: Essential : -
1. Matriculation or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board.
2. Diploma in Ayurvedic from  recognized Institution.
3.  Three years experience in Ayurvedic  Pharmacy in a recognized  institute/Hospital after duty registered  under pharmacy act 1948.
Age: Not Exceeding 32 years (Relaxable  up to 37 years in case of Government  Servants and employees of ESI  Corporation.)
Pay Band: 5200-20200; GP 2800

The Advertisement for filing up the post of Staff Nurse under PiVD category is already issued on 15-09-2015 under Special Recruitment Drive for PWDs The Written Examination in respect of vacancies advertised under Special Recruitment Drive for PWDs and above vacancies will be conducted by holding a single examination Since the vacancies advertised under Special Recruitment Drive for PWDs are to be filled from the above vacancies under UR, SC, ST & OBC; the PWD candidates who have NOT applied for the above post under Special Recruitment Drive for PWDs can apply to the above advertisement

As such the crucial date for determining the eligibility criteria n respect of vacancies advertised under Special Recruitment Drive for PWDs stands extended up to the dosing date of receipt of online application for the above vacancies i.e 0601.2016. The PWD candidates who have already applied in response to this office advertisement dated 1509-2015 under Special Recruitment Drive for PWDs need not apply again.

The PWD candidates who have already applied in response to this office advertisement dated: 15-09-2015 under Special Recruitment Drive for PWDs need NOT apply again and the list of such candidates to be admitted In the Online Examination under Special Recruitment Drive for PWDs is appended as Annexure D of this advertisement

The selection of candidates under different categories {UR, SC, ST, OBC, PWD & Ex Servicemen) who have applied for the above post under Special Recruitment Drive for PWDs as well as those who will apply in response of above vacancies will be made by holding a single examination and on the basis of combined merit list of all the candidates"

A Candidate must be either:
a) A citizen of India, or
b) A subject of Nepal, or
c) A subject of Bhutan, or
d) A Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before the 1st January, 1962, with the
intention of permanently settling in India, or
e) A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
f) Provided that a candidate belonging to categories b, c, d and e above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Govt. Of India.

Note: The application of a candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary, may be admitted to the Examination but the offer of appointment will be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him/her by the Government of India.

SC/ST/PWD/ESIC Employees, Women Candidates & Ex-Servicemen: NIL
All other categories: 300/-

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Mode of payment:
i. The candidates who are not exempted from payment of application fee should pay the requisite fee by generation of challan through online application.
ii. Fee once paid will NOT be refunded under any circumstances.
iii. To pay the fee, candidates should take print out of challan generated online after filling application and uploading scanned photograph and signature, deposit the requisite fee in any branch of State Bank of India and then continue remaining part of submitting online application. The fee is to be paid only through State Bank of India. Detailed instructions for filling online application and generation of challan are also available on the website.
iv. All women candidates, ESIC Employees and candidates belonging to Scheduled
Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Person with Disabilities (PWDs) and Ex-servicemen are exempted from paying fee. The candidates exempted from payment of fee are not required to generate challan for payment of fees. Such candidates can submit online application and take print out of application.
v. Fees paid by modes other than through SBI challan as indicated above will NOT be accepted and the applications of such candidates will be rejected forthright and the payment made shall stand forfeited.
vi. Copy of challan through which fee is paid must be retained by the candidate and produced on demand.

a. Candidates must apply online through the website & No other means/mode of receipt of application will be accepted and applications received through any other mode will be summarily rejected. To apply online visit our website & e.g. enter ESIC Home page (>> Recruitment>>All consolidated>apply online for Recruitment for PARAMEDICAL & NURSING POSTS in ESIC – 2015.
b. Detailed instructions for filling online application are available on the website. Candidates should read the instructions carefully before making any entry or selecting options.
c. After submitting the online application, the candidates are required to take print out of the finally submitted online application and retain the same with them.
d. Candidates are NOT required to submit to ESIC either by post or by hand the printout of their online application or any other documents. They will be required to submit printout of online application along with self-attested documents in support of their eligibility etc. at a later stage when called for.
f. The candidates are advised to submit ONLY SINGLE ONLINE APPLICATION FOR A POST AS ONLINE EXAMINATION FOR A PARTICULAR POST FOR ALL THE STATES MAY BE HELD IN SINGLE EXAMINATION. However, if somehow, he/she submits multiple online applications, then he/she must ensure that online application with the higher “Application Number” is complete in all respects including fee. The applicants, who submit multiple online applications, should note that only the online application with higher “Application Number” and complete in all respect shall be entertained by the ESIC and fee paid against one “Application Number” shall not be adjusted against any other “Application Number”.
g. Application once submitted cannot be modified; hence utmost care should be taken to furnish the correct details before submitting the online application.
h. Candidates are required to keep active their personal Email-ID and Mobile Number during the currency of this recruitment process. Hence, for their own interest Candidates should not give E-mail-ID of others.
i. Before applying online, candidates will be required to have a scanned (digital) image of his/her recent photograph and signature for uploading. Uploaded photograph and specimen signature must be clearly identifiable/visible, otherwise the application of the candidates is liable to be rejected by the ESI Corporation and no representation from the candidate will be entertained by the ESI Corporation. The candidate should scan his/her photograph and specimen signature (in Black Ink pen put on white paper) in .JPG format. Scanned images, each of photograph and signature in .JPG format, should not exceed 40 Kb in size. For Photograph, the pixel size is 140 pixels height x110 pixels width and for signature it should be 110 pixel height x 140 pixels width. To upload the images of recent photograph and specimen signature click on upload Photograph/upload Signature buttons. [Candidates using MS window/MS office can easily obtain photo and signature in JPG format not exceeding 40 kb by using MS Paint or MS office Picture Manager. Scanned photograph and signature (scan at 200dpi) in any format can be saved in .JPG format by using ‘Save As’ option in the File menu and size can be reduced below 40 kb by using crop and then resize option in the ‘Image’ menu. Similar options are available in other photo editor also.]
j. Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online much before the closing date and not wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection / inability / failure to log on etc.


Type of Examination

Duration of Examination





(125 Marks-

Multiple choice objective type paper)

2 Hours

I. 100 Questions (100 Marks) will be based on Technical professional/ subject/ post &

II. 25 (25 Marks) Questions on Aptitude/General awareness/General Intelligence/Arithmetic Ability

• The question will be set in Bilingual (i.e. English and Hindi) language

• The Maximum marks will be 125

• The level of difficulty will be as the educational qualification of the post. The question on Arithmetic Ability will be of 10th Standard level.

• There will be negative marking at the rate of 0.25 marks to be deducted for every wrong answer to eliminate the element of chance.

• ESIC reserve the right to introduce additional stage of examination which would be notified at suitable time, if considered necessary.

The candidates qualifying in written examination (out of total 125 marks) shall be considered for final selection on the basis of their performance in Written Examination (out of total 125 marks).
ESIC shall have the discretion to fix minimum Qualifying marks in the Written Examination (Out of total 125 marks)

1. Reserve category candidates, selected on their own merit without relaxed standards, will not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies. Such reserve category candidates will be accommodated against the unreserved vacancies as per their merit position in accordance with the instructions of Govt. Of India.
2. Success in the examination confers no right of appointment unless ESIC is satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects of appointment to the service/post.

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The candidates are advised to carefully choose the Centre of Examination while filling the Online Application. No request for change of examination centre shall be entertained by ESI Corporation. However, the ESIC however reserves the right to cancel any centre and ask the candidates of that centre to appear from another centre. ESIC also reserves the right to divert candidates of any centre to some other centre to take the examination in case of insufficient number of candidates at a particular center.

1. Before applying, candidates in their own interest are advised to go through the detailed instructions contained in this notice and also available on the website of ESI Corporation ( &

2. Copy of challan through which fee is paid and printout of online application must be retained and produced on demand.

3. ESI Corporation will NOT undertake detailed scrutiny of online applications for eligibility and other aspects at the time of written examination and, therefore, the Candidature is accepted only provisionally. Before applying, candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational qualification, age etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the post.
The candidates finding place in the Select/Reserve Panel will be required to submit printout of online application along with self-attested documents in support of their eligibility etc. at a later stage when called for. Detailed scrutiny and document verification of applications with regard to eligibility criteria in respect of such candidates will be under taken. If any claim made by the candidate in the application is not found substantiated during verification, the candidature will be cancelled and the decision of ESIC shall be final.

4. Candidates are NOT required to submit to ESIC either by post or by hand the printouts of their online applications or any other documents.

5. Candidates seeking reservation benefits available for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex- servicemen must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in the Notice and as per the instructions issued by Govt. Of India. They should also be in possession of the certificates in the prescribed format of Govt. Of India in support of their claim. Candidates claiming reservation/age relaxation under OBC Category should submit the OBC Certificate given at Annexure-'A' prescribed vide Govt. Of India, Department of Personal and Training OM No: 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT), Dated: 15-11-93 along with Self Declaration given at Annexure-'B' failing which the benefit of reservation or age relaxation will not be given.

6. Ex-Servicemen who have already secured employment in civil side under Government in Group 'C & 'D' posts on regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation given to Ex-servicemen for their re-employment are not eligible for fee concession and for claiming benefits of reservation under Ex-Servicemen category. However they are eligible for age relaxation only.

The period of "Call up Service” of Ex-servicemen in the Armed Forces shall also be treated as service rendered in the Armed forces for purpose of age relaxation.

For any servicemen of the three Armed Forces of the Union to be treated as Ex¬Servicemen for the purpose of securing the benefits of reservation, he must have already acquired, at the relevant time of submitting his application for the post/service, the status of ex-servicemen and/or is in a position to establish his acquired entitlement by documentary evidence from the competent authority that he would complete specified term of engagement with the Armed Forces within the stipulated period of one year from the closing date, or otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency. Serving Defence Personnel shall have to produce certificate issued by the competent authority in the proforma given at Annexure-'C'.

7. CLOSING DATE: The closing date for submission of online application through ESIC http://www. & www. is 06-01-2016 (upto 5:00 P.M)

8. The last date for printing of completely submitted online application is 15-01-2016 (upto 5:00 P.M) The candidates who have generated SBI challan for payment of fee by 06-01-2016 (upto 5:00 P.M) can deposit the application fee in cash in any branch of SBI upto 12-01-2016 and can complete the remaining part of online application by 15-01-2016 (upto 5:00 P.M)

9. The crucial date for determining the Age limit, Essential Qualification and other criteria regarding eligibility for the post shall be the closing date of submission of online application i.e. 06-01-2016.

Last date of receipt of online application is 06-01-2016

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