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Patent Search


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Clinical courses

About Authors: Patel Rahul G.
Quality Assurance Devision,
Arihant School of pharmacy and Bioreseach institute,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

Reference ID: PHARMATUTOR-ART-1071

Patent right can be conformed  to any invention which can fulfill the criteria of novelty, non obviousness and commercial utility .To check the novelty and non obviousness aspect of invention, patent search and prior art search are very essential. Every country  has its own patent right. As India is growing very rapidly in pharmaceutical sector, there is a need of information about the patent search. Patent search has to be done for both granted patents and published patents as well as for  research publications. There are number of databases are available to do patent search which includes ..
(1) Free databases like google patents, USPTO, EPO, Free patents online etc.
(2) Paid databases like scifinder, micropat, patent insight pro etc.
Each databases have its own merits and demerits. Hear we have included statements  and all databases regarding patent search also how to file a patent in more than one country by single patent application.

The objective of this paper would be to provid ready reckner to any researcher  who would like to begin their patent search and will get better idea regarding scopes and limitation of his search to develop research strategy accordingly.

Patent search is a grant given by the government to an inventor  on his , invention for limited time period. Invention possesses the property of novelty, non obvious and industrial utility. To fulfill the criteria for the novelty we have to concern about the patent search and prior art search.

Patent search in most systems of patent law constitutes all information that has been made available to the public in any form before a given date   that might be relevant  to a patent’s claim of originality. If an invention has been described in patent search, a patent on that invention is not valid.

Patent search is the process by which prior inventions or ideas  are examined with the goal being to find information that bears close similarity  to a given patent or proposed invention.

Patent Search Includes
*Previous patents
*Public discussion
*Trade journals articles
*trade shows     
*Products, Devices and Equipments.



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Need of Patent Search
Patent  search make sure to inventor that his invention is unique before he spends time and money to obtain a patent and also for infringement search.

Importance of Patent Search
Patent search is used to determined whether or not you can get a patent or  if your invention has already been  printed.

Other reason includes
*Understand competition
*Competitor tracking
*Avoid patent infringement
*Technology tracking
*Patent application writing

Types of Patent Search
There are six types of patent search
1) Novelty search
2) Validity search
3) Infringement search
4) Clearance search
5) State of the art search
6) Patent landscape search

*Patent  Database
Two type of patent databases
1) Free databases
2) Paid databases
Free databases like Google, USPTO, EPO etc. This all databases are online and free but it gives a  limited information like, Google patent search gives information about US patents only. USPTO gives patent search only of US so it is not use to safe. But paid databases are like scifinder, micropat etc. paid databases but it gives patent search world wide.
PCT (patent co-operation theaty) is a patent filing system where single patent application provide patent  to the inventor in more than one country.

Here we try to give a ready reckner to how patent search in databases  carry out and how to file a patente in more than one country by single PCT application.


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