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Clinical research courses


1.Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research, Baba Mastnath University, Asthal Bohar, Rohtak, Haryana, India
2. P.D.M. College of Pharmacy, Bahadurgarh, Haryana, India

B.Pharmacy course is one of the leading professional courses in India. Two types of examinations are prevalent in B.Pharmacy course. One is the sessional examinations for internal evaluation. Second is the semester end/year end examination. Each examination has its own importance. The student should be well prepared for appearing in the examination. Appearing in the B.Pharm. Examination is not only merely science but it requires amalgamation of science and art.

Reference Id: PHARMATUTOR-ART-2537

PharmaTutor (Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679; e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881)

Volume 5, Issue 8

Received On: 22/06/2017; Accepted On: 15/07/2017; Published On: 01/08/2017

How to cite this article: Singh B, Jalwal P, Ruhil VK, Minocha N;Appearing in B.Pharmacy Examination (Sessional/ Semester End/ Year End Final Examination): An Art or Science?; PharmaTutor; 2017; 5(8);12-14

B.Pharmacy course is one of the leading professional courses in India. B.Pharmacy course  work is divided in 4 years duration. In many universities semester system is active, whereas in other universities yearly system is running. From this academic year, 2017-2018, Pharmacy Council of India made the semester system mandatory.   There is a saying that even GOD is afraid of appearing in the examination. We are just human beings. The students of B.Pharmacy are young human beings in their teens. So the examination system of B.Pharmacy is to be clearly understood.

Two types of examinations are prevalent in B.Pharmacy course. One is the sessional examinations for internal evaluation. Second is the semester end/year end examination. Each subject has maximum 100/50/25 marks. As per Pharmacy Council of India, previously 20 marks are there for sesssionals or internal assessment and 80 marks are there for final examinations. Presently, Pharmacy Council of India has changed the rules. Now, currently 25/15/10 marks are there for sessionals or internal assessment and 75/35/15 marks are there for final examination.

For each subject, two sessional examinations are to be taken in a semester or year. The average marks of best or top marks in two sessionals, will be considered for final internal assessment of that subject of the B.Pharmacy student. This exercise will be repeated for all the subjects.


Normally the students are not serious for this sessional/ internal assessment. They think that they will secure passing marks in final or main examination. But later on, when they failed in a particular subject, they realize that they failed due to poor scoring in sessional examination. It is just like in a cricket match 4’s and 6’s (sixer) play good role in winning the match, but role of single and double runs can’t be denied / ignored. Similarly every run or every marks of sessional examination matters.

The number of questions depends on the duration of examination. In 1hour sessional examination, normally six questions are asked. Out of these six questions, the student has to attempt four questions. In a 3hour duration final examination, normally nine to thirteen questions are asked and a student has to attempt six to ten questions.
Now let us come to the main point of discussion of topic of this paper that how a B.Pharmacy student should appear in the sessional and semester end/year-end final examination.

There are three stages for appearing in a B.Pharmacy examination. They are as follows:
(i)  Pre-Examination Preparations,
(ii) How to appear in B.Pharmacy Examination?
(iii)  Post-Examination Preparation for next Examination.

(i) Pre-Examination Preparations :
(a) Date-Sheet: Whenever there is an examination, whether it is sessional or final examination, college/ university authorities comes out with a date-sheet. The student should note down from notice board or download from university website and put up the date-sheet at a prominent place in the house or hostel. It is essential so as to prepare and appear for the right paper on right date.
(b) Proper Sleep: The B.Pharmacy student should take proper sound sleep in the night before the examination day. This rest will enhance the capability of the student for performance in the examination.
(c) Proper Diet: The student should take light, easily digestible food and plenty of fluid diet. The spicy, oily diet should be avoided. While going for appearing in the examination, the student should not go empty stomach. This will make the student weak and deprived of energy for actively appearing in the examination.
(d) Roll No.: The student should not forget to carry the roll number, while going to appear in the examination.  
(e) Identity Card: The student should carry identity card, issued by the college, so that in case of any need, the credentials of the student can be proved.
(f) Geometry Box: The student should carry two blue pens, one black pen, pencil, eraser, sharpner and other stationery items as per the requirement of the examination.
(g) Calculator: As per the instructions, the student can carry the calculator. In some examinations simple calculator is allowed and scientific calculators are not allowed.
(h) Mobile Phone: Do not carry mobile phone as they are not allowed and prohibited in most of the examinations hall. If the student kept in bags outside the examination hall, there are chances of stealing.
(i) Paper Board: In some examination halls, paper board is allowed, so as to provide solid support while writing the answer sheets.
(j) College Uniform: The students of those colleges, where proper uniform is implemented, are supposed to wear college uniform. Otherwise it is not a major issue.
(k) Reach the Examination Hall Before-Time: The student should reach the examination hall well before time, at least half an hour before commencement of the paper. If the student is late, the performance of the student in examination will be affected.



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(ii) How to appear in B.Pharmacy Examination?
(A) Thank the GOD: First of all, the student should thank the GOD that the student is able to appear in the examination. Remember the GOD and have faith on HIM, that this examination will be the best examination in which the student will be going to secure very good marks.
(B) Roll No. and other Details: The student should write the correct and legible Roll No. and other details on the front page of the answer sheet.
(C) Screening the Question Paper: After receiving the question paper, first of all the student should check whether the question paper received is as per the date sheet. Then the student should write the roll no. on top of the question paper. After that the student should go through the instructions. Now the student should calmly and quietly read the questions to be attempted.
(D) Well Begin is Half Done: Select the question that is best known to the student. In other words, the student should attempt that question, which can be best answered by the student. When the first question is over, the confidence level of the student will shoot up immediately.
(E) Time Management: The student should maintain strict control over time allotted to answer each question. If five questions are to be answered in 3 hours, then each question should be allotted half an hour and last half an hour should be kept for revision or giving extra time to difficult, lengthy questions or for the answers of the questions, not well remembered by the student.
(F) Main Points of Answer: The answer of a question may be divided into certain main points. In the start of answer, these main points should be written first. After that each point should be elaborated.
(G)  Flow Charts/ Diagrams: The answers should be well supported by the flow charts/ diagrams. First of all, the student should draw the flow chart / diagram. Then the student can discuss these flow chart/ diagram in detail. Colored pencils, sketch pens can be used to make the answers more colorful.
(H)  Neat and Clean Handwriting and Drawings: The student should take care that the answers should be written in a neat handwriting. The answers should be well supported by clear and neat diagrams. For this the student can use Gel pens, pencils etc. The headings of the answers can be written or underlined by black color pen.
(I) Water Bottle: Do not forget to carry water bottle with you. Although in most of Examination Centers, water arrangements are made.
(J) Wrist Watch: As mobiles are not allowed inside the examination hall, so do not forget to take wrist watch for proper monitoring of time. Otherwise, the student has to enquire about time from invigilator.
(K)  No Written Material: The students should check their pockets or geometry box. No written material should be there, intentionally or unintentionally. This written material will be treated as copying material and student will be booked for unfair means of copying.
(L) Closing of Examination: Complete or wind up the answers of examination, at least five minutes before the examination time ends. Although the student should tick the questions on question paper, after writing the answer of that question in the answer sheet; but the student should once again check and verify that all questions are attempted. In the last five minutes then the extra-sheets or any annexure, graph etc. should be tied to the main answer sheet. Lastly the student should check once again the Roll No. written on the answer sheet. In the end the student should properly handover the answer sheet to the invigilator.  

(iii)  Post-Examination Preparation for next Exam:
(a) When Examination is Over, Safely Keep the study material: When one subject’s examination is over, the student should collect all the study material, books, notes etc. of that subject. This material should be kept nicely for future use.
(b) Date Sheet of next Paper: The student should check the date sheet for the date of next examination.
(c) Relaxation: As per the gap or time available, the student can take a break or relax. The student can relax as per convenience by listening to music, talking to friends, parents, siblings, watching movie etc.
(d) On the Move for Next Examination: After relaxation, the student should take out the study material of next examination and start planning for next examination. The examination, which is over should now be over and out of the mind of the student. Now the student should fully concentrate on the next examination.

If a B.Pharmacy student reads this paper and appears in the Sessional / Final B.Pharmacy Examination, excellent results can be expected as the student will be careful enough and will not lose marks on silly mistakes. By keeping this small-small precautions, the student will definitely score more than whatever is the present performance.  So we can conclude that appearing in B. Pharmacy Examinations- Sessional/ Semester end or yearend examinations is not only merely science but it requires amalgamation of science and art.



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