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Anna University

Clinical research courses

  • Career for M.Pharm in research of nanoparticles for NASF sponsored research

    Anna University Chennai Regional Office Tiruchirappalli (Formerly Anna University Tiruchirappalli) has been established as a Anna University Chennai Regional Office Tiruchirappalli by the Government of Tamilnadu. The Regional Office is functioning from 01-08-2012 at Tiruchirappalli, which is famously known as Rock Fort city. The Regional Office is situated 17Kms away in the main highway of Tiruchirappalli to Pudukkottai.

    Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow on temporary basis for the NASF, New Delhi sponsored research project in the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024.

  • BIRAC Innovation fellowships (5 posts) for M.Pharm/Ph.D - Government of India | pay up to 50000 / month

    Anna University was established on 4th September 1978 as a unitary type of University. It offers higher education in Engineering, Technology and allied Sciences relevant to the current and projected needs of the society.Besides promoting research and disseminating knowledge gained therefrom, it fosters cooperation between the academic and industrial communities.The University was formed by bringing together and integrating two well-known technical institutions in the city of Madras.

    BIRAC’s University Innovation Cluster in Anna University funds and actively supports technically as well as professionally student entrepreneurs (See BIRAC Innovation Fellowships below) to establish their Biotech start-up. The attaractive fellowship is highly competitive. Motivated students with passion for innovation and drive for start-ups can apply with their business proposal to this UIC (see Scope & support of BIRAC Innovation Fellowship)

    Post : Innovation Fellowship

  • Career for M.Pharm, M.Sc work in NFBP Project at Anna University

    Applications are invited for the various research position (Purely Temporary) for the DST, sponsored research project in the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Centre for Excellence in Nanobio Translational Research (Autonomous), Anna University, Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu. PIN – 620024.

  • Application are invited for M.Pharm, M.Sc as Project Assistant in the SERB in Anna University

    Applications are invited for the Temporary post of Project Assistant in the SERB sponsored research project in the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Centre for Excellence in Nanobio Translational Research (Autonomous), Anna University, Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu. PIN – 620024.

    Post: Project Assistant

  • Applications are invited for PhD placements between the UK and Indian institutions at ANNA UNIVERSITY

    British Council, India in collaboration with Department of Science and technology (DST) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT), India are pleased to invite applications for funding to support short-term PhD placements between the UK and Indian institutions.
    The programme will sponsor UK and Indian PhD scholars to spend a period of their study (2 to 4 months) in Indian and UK higher education institutions between April to December 2017. Through this opportunity, scholars will learn new research skills or techniques, develop international training pathways, access facilities or resources which may not be readily available in their home country and build relationships with potential new collaborators, including industry partners where relevant. Priority areas:

  • Working opportunity for Pharmacist in Health center of Anna University

    Anna University was established on 4th September 1978 as a unitary type of University. It offers higher education in Engineering, Technology and allied Sciences relevant to the current and projected needs of the society.Besides promoting research and disseminating knowledge gained therefrom, it fosters cooperation between the academic and industrial communities.The University was formed by bringing together and integrating two well-known technical institutions in the city of Madras.   

    Applications  are  invited  for  the post  of  Pharmacist (Equivalent  to  Professional Assistant - III)  to  work  at  Health  Centre,  Main  Campus,  Anna  University,  Chennai - 25. The appointment is purely temporary (daily wage basis @ Rs.493/-) and it is based on current  requirement.

  • Application are invited from M.Pharm as Project Assistant for research project at Anna University

    Applications are invited for the Temporary post of Project Assistant in the SERB sponsored research project in the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Centre for Excellence in Nanobio Translational Research (Autonomous), Anna University, Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu. PIN – 620024.

    Post: Project Assistant - 01

  • Application are invited for BIRAC Innovation Fellowship under University Innovation Cluster (UIC) Anna University

    University Innovation Cluster (UIC) has been funded by Biotechnology Innovation Research and Assistance Council (BIRAC). This council has developed a focused strategic action plan to foster the culture of innovation and techno – entrepreneurship in Universities, leveraging the Cluster Innovation Centre (CIC) model recommended by the National Innovation Council (NInC).
    University Innovation cluster is a pre-incubation Centre to fund and foster innovations and entrepreneurship of Post master students & Post-docs to start own businesses. The attractive fellowships are highly competitive. Motivated students with keen eye for innovation and drive for start-ups can apply with their business proposition to Anna University UIC.

    Post: Post Master and Post Doctoral Fellowship

  • Application are invited for project in Metabolic disorders at Anna University

  • DBT sponsored 5th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION OF ASSOCIATION OF PHARMACY PROFESSIONALS THEME Redefining Pharmacy Education and Regulations for Translational Drug Research in India at Anna University

    APP is a professional organization (Registered under Society Registration Act, Govt. of India) consisting of more than 600 pharmacy professionals from all over India and abroad. APP is willing and committed to serve pharmacy profession in all possible aspects, promote pharmaceutical education and research, recognize and honor experts, create awareness, continuing education, industry academic relationship and overall welfare of the pharma community through various professional activities.

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