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Workshop on The Development of Mass Spectrometry Techniques by CDRI (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)

Clinical research courses

Workshop on The Development of Mass Spectrometry Techniques  13thto 14th – January 2011 CDRI (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)  Chattar Manzil Palace  Lucknow – 226 001

Theme of the Seminar:
Sophisticated Analytical Instrument facility (Formerly known as Regional Sophisticated Instrumentation CentreRSIC) at Central Drug Research Institute,(CSIR), Lucknow has been providing excellent analytical service for the last 30 years and is one of the first four such facilities set up by the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India in mid seventies. The concept of the SAIF at Central Drug Research Institute evolved around the regional needs of scientists and research personnel engaged in research in the chemical and biological sciences. The sophisticated instruments at the centre have been updated from time to time, keeping pace with the advancement of science and technology and the requirements oft he users.

Objective of Seminar:
Mass spectrometry (MS) is among the most important analytical tools as well as a fast developing research area in chemical, biological, and forensic sciences. The versatility of MS techniques in addressing divergent issues has attracted the researchers’ attention inthe recent past. However, in spite of the rapid advances in MS, this has remained elusive and out of reach to majority of the scientific community due to the prohibitive cost of the equipment as well as its up-keeping. There is a need to increase awareness among the prospective users of this technique. The invited lecturers are all international experts and will expound the current state of mass spectrometry with the highlights of hot topics and potential future course of advances in massspectrometry.

Topics to be covered
Application of Hyphenated Mass Spectrometers in
1. Organic Chemistry
2. Natural Products / Herbals / Ayurveda / Plant Metabolomics
3. Proteomics
4. Instrumentation/Troubleshooting
5. Quantitative analysis, Drug metabolism and Pharmacokinetics applications

Objective of Workshop The proposed workshop will provide a golden opportunity to experience the state of the art MS techniques and initiate lively discussion among veteran research scientists, academicians and budding researchers to share their knowledge and strike collaborations in the frontier areas of chemical and biological sciences. The beginners will get a chance to familiarize themselves with mass spectrometric techniques and gain confidence by seeing its applications and data interpretation as done in real situations.

Topics to be covered
1. Basics & Applications of Mass Spectrometry
2. Instrumentation
3. Interpretation
Day Two
1. Practical demonstration & Discussion on various Mass Spectrometers viz LCMS, MS / MS and DARTMS.

Hotel accommodation in Lucknow is available in the range of Rs. 600/- to Rs. 5000/- per day. Limited budget guest house accommodation (300-500) is also available on request.

All those interested are requested to complete the enclosed registration form, which should reach us before 30th November, 2010.
Participants from chemical/Biological sciences are allowed to participate for the workshop on payment without accommodation. All those participants register for workshop are allowed free participation for National seminar.

Bank Draft should be drawn in favour of Director, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow Payable at Lucknow. Payment by cash at seminar secretariat/CDRI cash counter.