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IMA requests WHO to include spiritual well-being in official definition of health


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Lucknow Chapter  of  the Indian Medical Association (IMA) has written to the World Health Organization (WHO) requesting the addition of the words "spiritual well-being" in the official definition of "health". In a letter to Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO's Director General, the association highlighted the theme of World Health Day-2017 - Depression Let's Talk - as a reason for the demand.

"The current definition of health states that it is a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. But the theme of World Health Day this year being Depression, it is clear that it also belongs to Inner Wellness, "said Dr. PK Gupta, President, IMA Lucknow.

The letter claims that such an addition to the official definition will raise awareness of inner well-being through spiritual means such as yoga, meditation, prayer and others. World Health Day is celebrated every year around the world on 7 April.

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