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IITM invites applications for MS and Ph.D program from Pharmacy & Lifesciences

Clinical research courses

The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM ) is established as an autonomous instit ute of national importance in 1959 by the Government of India with an initial technical and financial support from Germany. IIT Madras with a number of well equipped laboratories, advanced research facilities, sophisticated services and computing and networking capabilities, is recognized to have done exceedingly well in the fields of higher technical education, research and industrial consultancy.

The IITM is internationally renowned for the quality and diversity of its research, with over 350 academic staff and 2800 post - graduate students. Ample opportunities are provided for research - minded students to hone their research skills and participate actively in pioneering research studies through Ph.D and M.S (by research) programmes . The faculties of engineering , science, Humanities and Management departments, along with their scholars do active research in frontier areas , which often results in highly acclaimed publications in I nternational and National Journals and patents . Most of the research work is also presented in International and National conferences. A large number of sponsored research projects are funded by agencies such as the Department of Science &Technology, Aeronautical Research & Development Board, Indian Space Research Organisation, Ministry of Non - Conventional Energy Sources and Defence


Biotechnology - Masters Degree in Engineering / Pharmacy / Science

Chemical Engineering - Master’s degree in Chemical Engine ering or any other discipline of Engg. or Technology or equivalent. Science/Mathematics postgraduates to be considered should have exceptional merit and/or Research / Industrial experience in the appropriate field. BTech/BE in Chemical Enginee ring, allied disciplines (eg. petroleum, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, environmental, polymer, biochemical, biotechnology, electrochemical, instrumentation) and other disciplines of engineering/technology with exceptional merit can also be considered for direct PhD admissions.

Chemistry- Master’s degree in Sciences (in areas such as chemistry, applied chemistry, biochemistry, chemical physics, physics, material sciences, mathematics, pharmacy, or similar such area) with a good academic record and having a valid GATE score or UGC/CSIR - NET - JRF /INSPIRE qualification in the relevant area.

Interdisciplinary research MS/PhD
Science of the small
(a) Nanoscience and nanotechnology: Materials, biology and devices
(b) MEMS and NEMS
a. Lab on a chip
b. Microfluidics and applications
c. Novel methods to understand physics, chemistry and biology 
Eligibility: B.Tech./ M.Tech. in all disciplines or M.Sc. in Phys., Chem., BT or B.Pharm./M.Pharm. or M.B.B.S./M.D

Last date for submission of completed application 10th April 2013 24:00 hrs


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