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PharmaTutor (January - 2018)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 6, Issue 1)
Received On: 04/10/2017; Accepted On: 04/11/2017; Published On: 01/01/2018
Nabadoy Roy*, Suprodip Mandal, Beduin Mahanti, Sandipan Dasgupta
Division of Pharmacology, Department of Pharmacy,
Bharat Technology, Uluberia, Howrah, India
Objective: The aim of this present study is to evaluate the activity of green tea extracted in different solvents on different microorganism such as on Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, Salmonella abony NCTC 6017, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027, Candida albicans ATCC 10231, Esteritia coli mutant NCIM 2567, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 &Lactobacillus lichmani ATCC 7830. Method: Zone of inhibition of aqueous, methanolic and ethanolic extracts were measured and compared by using cup plate method. 5μg, 10μg, 15μg & 20μg concentration of the extract were used. MIC (Minimum inhibitory concentration)& MBC (Minimum bactericidal concentration ) were observed with the concentrations of 100μg, 75μg, 50μg & 25μg .
Result: Result of zone of inhibition shows that aquous extract at the concentration of 20μg/ml is most effective to inhibit Escherichia coli growth compare to standard.Also minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) & minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) result suggest that aquous extract is more effective than ethanolic and methanolic extract to inhibit the growth of both Escherichia coli &Escherichia coli mutant. Conclusion: Significant antimicrobial activity has been shown by all extracts against Escherichia coli but other microorganism inhibition is not so significant compare to Escherichia coli . Methanolic and ethanolic extract has shown little antimicrobial activity against all microorganisms as compared to the aqueous extract.
How to cite this article: Roy N, Mandal S, Mahanti B, Dasgupta S; Antimicrobial activity of Green Tea: A comparative study with different Green Tea extract; PharmaTutor; 2018; 6(1); 23-29; https://dx.doi.org/10.29161/PT.v6.i1.2018.23

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