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Job for B.Pharm, D.Pharm as Medical Assistant at Mobile Village Clinic

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Job for B.Pharm, D.Pharm as Medical Assistant at Mobile Village Clinic

Under letter no. 33 (9) dated 25.05.2023 of Additional Chief Secretary, Health Medical Education and Family Welfare Department, Jharkhand, Roche, through Walk in Interview for contract based appointment of AYUSH doctor and medical assistant for mobile village clinic in Giridih district. Applications of eligible candidates are invited from.

Post : Medical Assistant

Applications in the prescribed form (in sealed envelope) from eligible candidates through walk-in-interview for appointment to the post of AYUSH doctor and medical assistant in Sahebganj district on contract basis for the operational management of "mobile village clinic" for the purpose of registered post.  / Hand-in-hand are invited to the Civil Surgeon Office, Joint Health Building, Sahebganj by 05.00 pm on 16.09.2023.

No of posts : 02 (UR-01, BC-I-01)
Qualification : B.Sc Nursing / GNM or B.Sc Community Health or Bachelor / Diploma in Pharmacy from recognize university / institution.
Salary : Rs 15000/- pm

Maximum age limit for selection
Date for calculation of age in the light of Official Language Department, Jharkhand's letter number 7A/Policy-07-11/2010-Ka0 2096/Ranchi, dated 25.04.2011 Personnel Administrative Reforms
Minimum Age Limit : 21 year
Maximum Limit
UR - 35 years
Backward class and extremely backward class - 37 years
ST/SC - 40 years
Women General Class, Backward Class and extremely backward class - 38 years

Main responsibilities of the above post
• To provide health services through mobile clinics in remote rural areas of the primitive tribal community of Giridih district.   
• Mobile village clinics will be operated in government buildings such as Anganwadi centre/community building/school building located in every identified tribal dominated village.   
• The operation of the mobile village clinic will be conducted from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm as per the visit roster.   
• Services will be provided by doctors for at least 08 (eight) hours in the mobile village clinic.  
• General OPD services will be provided in this clinic.  For the arrival of doctor and medical assistant, transportation etc. will be done at the rate of Rs 5000/- (five thousand) per month per medical team.  Apart from this, no other amount will be paid.

Selection conditions
• They will be contracted to work against the accepted honorarium on the basis of contract.
• District level reservation roster will be considered in all the above mentioned posts.
• The contract will be valid for one year, as per requirement it can be extended in one year on the basis of Annual Performance Appraisal.
• All the original certificates submitted by the selected candidates will be verified by the certificate issuing institution within three months.  If the certificate is found to be incorrect, the contract of the concerned personnel will be canceled with immediate effect and legal action will be taken against them.
• On the basis of contract, the contract can be terminated by giving one month's notice or one month's advance honorarium to the contractual workers.
• Candidates who are submitting CGPA score card for educational qualification shall also submit CGPA Conversion Chart along with the mark sheet.
• The decision of the concerned District Civil Surgeon in the VIL appointment process will be final and binding.
• The terms and conditions of the advertisement may be amended by the Committee as per requirement.
• District Selection Committee, Giridih will finally approve the merit list.

Selection process
The selection process is determined as follows
1. Candidates will be selected through Walk-in-Interview.
Candidates will be selected as per the following table.
10th Board marks ; 25 Points will be awarded on pro rata basis. For example, a candidate securing 60% marks will be awarded 15 points for this section
12th Board Marks ; 25 Points will be awarded on pro rata basis. For example, a candidate securing 60% marks will be awarded 15 points for this section
Essential Qualification ; 25 Points will be awarded on pro rata basis. For example, a candidate securing 60% marks will be awarded 15 points for this section
Interview ; 25 Points will be awarded on pro rata basis. For example, a candidate securing 60% marks will be awarded 15 points for this section

2. All candidates will be present at the Civil Surgeon Office, Giridih from 11:00 AM on 20.09.2023 with all their relevant documents.
3. Candidates possessing the above qualification cum qualification will appear for Walk-in-Interview on the scheduled date along with self-attested copies of required marks sheets and certificates in the following prescribed form, residential certificate issued by the competent authority for claiming reservation, caste certificate, date of birth.  Matriculation certificate, computer proficiency certificate (if applicable) and two self-attested passport size photographs along with the application will be attached with the application in the prescribed form.
4. In the said appointment, the Locality Policy of the Department of Personnel, Administrative Reforms and Official Language, Government of Jharkhand, Resolution No. 14 / Locality Policy - 14-04 / 2018 No. 0-821, effective from 05.02:2021, will be fully complied with and the applicant should be a resident of Jharkhand state.  Will be given priority.
5. The finally prepared merit list will be published for a week in the office of Civil Surgeon/Deputy Commissioner and on the website of Giridih district
6. At the time of contribution, it will be mandatory for the selected candidate to submit an affidavit that he has not been punished in any criminal case and a health certificate issued by a civil surgeon.

All candidates will be present at the Civil Surgeon Office, Giridih from 11:00 AM on 20.09.2023 with all their relevant documents

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