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Job for Pharmacist at District Coordinator of Hospital Service

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Job for Pharmacist at District Coordinator of Hospital Service

Eligible candidates from Kurnool district are invited to apply online for backlog posts reserved for the following various categories.  Date of receipt of applications: 15 working days from 30.03.2021 ie last day: 22.04, 2021 within 5.00 pm on office working days) should be submitted to the Assistant Directors, Diverse Talents, Hijra and Elderly Welfare, Collector Complex, Kurnool.

Post : Pharmacist Grade 2

No of Posts : 02
Job Location : District Coordinator of Hospital Service, Nandyala
Qualification : B.Pharm, Diploma in Pharmacy Training Course  Renewal registration must be done by Pharmacy Council.

Documents required for online submission
(1) Candidate Full Name.  (2) Father's name.  (3) Full address (including Pinco).  (4) Any kind of disability (including%).  (5) Date of birth.  (6) Age (Must be under 52 years as on 31-12-2020).  (7) Qualifications: (a) Eligible marks for the job applied for only).  (B) Technical Qualifications.  (8) Caste (9) Employment Card No.  And years completed (31-12-2020) along with the registered date).  (11) Phone No. / Cell No.  (12) Nativity: (a) own district.  (B) Details of education from 1st class to 10th class and school name, address and (13) other details along with the academic year.  The application should be obtained without any mistakes and the application should be taken in print form.  Medical certificate (s), Aadhar card, Ration card, Certificate of Education, Certificate of Permanent Residence (Nativity) (Deaf and Dumb Certificate of Residence of their parents who have not read in their own district and employment card should be attached and attested by the Gazetted Officer on 22-04-2021 till 5 pm, Assistant Directors, Diverse Talents, Hijra and Elderly Welfare Department, Collector Complex, Kurnool as well as different talents (disabled) should apply for the backlog post on the cover and submit it to this office either by registered post or in person.  No further applications or certificates will be accepted.

Until then, candidates who are government employees who wish to apply under this notice should apply only with the permission of their superior officer.  If not, the application will be rejected.  The information submitted by the candidate online is verified with the copies attached to the application and the option is assigned to the candidate.  It should also be given within the stipulated time.  The department will not be held liable for either the change of address of the candidate or their delay by the post office.  The above posts may increase or decrease depending on the occasional availability or the District Collector, Kurnool has all the powers to cancel the advertisement.  It is understood that civil and criminal action will be taken against those who submit false information / certificates and the appointment will be terminated in case of any mishap.  All of the above details are true as far as I know.  If any of these are found to be untrue, you will be required to write in the correct form at the bottom right the signature stating that you will not be liable for any action taken.

Last Date : 22-04-2021



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