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Applications are invited for post of Assistant Professor at Central University of Rajasthan

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for post of Assistant Professor at Central University of Rajasthan

The Central University of Rajasthan (CURAJ) has been established by an Act of Parliament (Act No. 25 of 2009) as a new Central University, and is fully funded by the Government of India. The President of India, His Excellency Shri Ram Nath Kovind, is the Visitor of the CURAJ. Prof. Anand Bhalerao is the Vice Chancellor of the University. CURAJ is located in  Ajmer district of Rajasthan.

Post : Assistant Professor for Master of Pharmacy (Pharmacology) Programme, Department of Pharmacy

The eligible candidates are invited for interview for appointment on the post of Assistant Professor (02-UR & 01-OBC) in the Department of Pharmacy at Central University of Rajasthan. The appointments on the post will be made on purely temporary basis for a period less than a year or till further orders, whichever is earlier. Applications received after the last date will not be considered and are liable to be summarily rejected. Candidates must report at University for Interview on prescribed date and time. The date, time of interview, prescribed Application Form, Details of essential qualification, experience and other particulars are available on the University website

No of posts : (02-UR) 
Minimum Eligibility : 1. A basic degree in Pharmacy (B. Pharm.),
2. Registration as Pharmacist under Pharmacy act 1948, as amended from time to time, including any succeeding enactments, 
3. A Master‘s degree (M.Pharm.) with 60% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale wherever the grading system is followed) in Pharmacology specialization of Pharmacy from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university. Desirable : Ph.D. in Pharmacy 
Preference will be given to the candidates having teaching experience.
No of posts : (01-OBC) 
Minimum Eligibility : 1. A basic degree in Pharmacy (B. Pharm.), 
2. Registration as Pharmacist under Pharmacy act 1948, as amended from time to time, including any succeeding enactments, 
3. A Master‘s degree (M.Pharm.) with 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale wherever the grading system is followed) in Pharmacology specialization of Pharmacy from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university. 
Desirable : Ph.D. in Pharmacy 
Preference will be given to the candidates having teaching experience.

Terms & Conditions
1. The Assistant Professor shall be eligible for consolidated monthly salary of Rs. 50,000/- per month only. 
2. The candidate will not be entitled to any other benefits, which are admissible to the regular employees of the Central University of Rajasthan. 
3. The relaxation in qualification etc. shall be applicable to the SC/ST/OBC/physically challenged candidates as per the University/ GOI rules. 
4. This engagement will not vest any right to claim for regular appointment in the University or for continued services in the University. 
5. The University reserves the right to terminate this engagement any time even before the stipulated period in case of unsatisfactory performance, misconduct or any other administrative reasons/ compulsions. 
6. In case of any dispute/ ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the University shall be final. 
7. The candidate will have to perform such other duties and work as assigned by the Central University of Rajasthan from time to time. 
8. On expiry of the period of this engagement as per the offer of engagement, the candidate will not be required to turn up for duties unless further extension is given by the University. 
9. If it is detected by the Central University of Rajasthan during the period of engagement that academic credentials/age/experience are without standing, fake or substandard or your documents are false, fabricated, manufactured, tampered with or the candidate is not eligible for the post as per the prescribed educational qualifications and experience etc. which could not be detected at the time of selection due to whatever circumstances, the engagement shall be terminated forthwith and action will be initiated against the candidate as per rules.

10. Candidates are required to send the application form with all supporting documents in an envelope, duly superscripted “Application for the post of Assistant Professor (Contractual), Department of Pharmacy " to the following address: 
Recruitment Cell, Central University of Rajasthan, 
NH-8, Bandarsindri, Kishangarh, District - Ajmer, 305817 (Rajasthan) 

11. The last date of submission of application form is 05.07.2024 upto 05:00 PM. 
12. Applications received after the last date will not be considered and are liable to be summarily rejected. 
13. The Schedule of interview will be published on university website separately. 
14. In case of any dispute/ suit or legal proceeding arises against the University, the Jurisdiction shall be restricted to the Rajasthan High Court Bench Jaipur.

The last date of submission of application form is 05.07.2024 upto 05:00 PM.

Advt.: CURAJ/R/F159/Rectt./2024/1113

Application Form

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