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Pharmacist Job under the Administrative Control of the Superintendent

Clinical research courses

Pharmacist Job under the Administrative Control of the Superintendent

Applications in the prescribed proforma are invited from the eligible candidates for the recruitment of the posts in the annexure to work on out sourcing basis under the administrative control of the Superintendent District Jail, Kurnool.

Post : Pharmacist Grade-II (Category I)
No. of Posts : 01
Educational Qualification : 2 Years Diploma in Pharmacy / B.Pharmacy with AP Pharmacy Council registration.

Age : 1. OC Candidates should not have completed 42 years as on 01.07.2021 2. SC/ST/BC Candidates should not have completed 47 years as on 01.07.2021
3. Ex-Service men and PH candidates should have not completed 50 years as on 01.07.2021
Reservation : Rule of reservation will apply as per A.P. State Government rules inforce.
Remuneration : As per GO Rt. No 671 Home (Prisons &Fire) Department dated 09.08.2019.

Guidelines and Instructions to the Candidates :
The filled in application should be submitted in person duly enclosing the following certificates with self attestation at O/o the Superintendent, District Jail, Kurnool from 19.06.2021 to 03.07.2021 during the working days from 10.30 AM to 05.00 PM. The application without the signature of the candidate or without the following enclosures will summarily be rejected.

1)  Filled in prescribed Application Form
2)  S.S.C or Equivalent Examination Marks Memo
3)  Intermediate or 10+2 Examination Marks Memo
4)  Qualifying Examination Pass certificate 5)  Marks memos of all the years (Qualifying examination)
6)  Registration certificates from the respective Council/Board
7)  Internship/ Apprenticeship /Clinical Training certificate if applicable
8)  Latest Caste certificate issued by the Tahsildar concerned
9)  Study certificates for the Years from 4th Class to 10th Class. In case of private study candidates, the residence certificate obtained from the Tahsildar concerned for 04 to 07 years prior to SSC and its equivalent
10)  PH Certificate(SADAREM CERTIFICATE) in respect of candidates claiming reservation under PH quota
11)  Sports certificate in respect of candidates who claims under Sports Quota
12)  Relevant certificates in respect of candidates who claim Ex Service man/Woman Quota
13) The candidates who are working on Outsourcing/Contract basis under earmarked Government Institutions/State and Central Government schemes should enclose their service certificate signed by competent authorities along with attested copy of appointment order to allow for service weight age.
14) First Aid Certificate in respect of candidates applying for the post of MNO/FNO

Filled application shall be submitted in the O/o the Superintendent, District Jail, Kurnool during the office working days from 10.30 AM to 05 .00 PM along with all the required certificates and requisite application on or before 03.07.2021 by 05.00 PM.

Last date for submission of filled applications is 03.07.2021 at 05.00 PM.

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