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Interview for M.Pharm, MSc under different projects at IHBT

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Interview for M.Pharm, MSc under different projects at IHBT

The CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur is one of the National Institutes under the Council of  Scientific & Industrial Research which is an autonomous body working under the Department of  Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of  Science & Technology, Government of India. It is spread over 226.1 acres of land with the backdrop of snow-covered peaks of Dhauladhar Range in salubrious climate.

Walk-in- Interviews are scheduled to be held on the date(s) as mentioned below against the position(s) in the respective column for the selection of suitable candidate(s) in the areas under the following projects for recruitment on purely temporary basis for the duration of the projects as mentioned or till completion of the projects, whichever is earlier.

Senior- PAT
Project(s) Title& (Project Number) : “CRM-2 – Candidate Indian Certified Reference Materials (CRMs)/ Bhartiya Nirdeshak Darvya (BND) of Phyto & Aroma Chemicals for Quality and Safety Assessment of Derived Products” (FTT020503)
Post Code : 2001
No of posts : 01
Maximum Age (as on last date of receipt of application) : 40 Years as on 12.02.2025
Stipend Per Month Consolidated : Rs. 42,000 /- PM + HRA
Essential Qualification : Doctoral Degree in Chemical Sciences from a recognized University or equivalent. 
Desirable Qualification : Experience in the area of Natural Product Chemistry or Synthetic Chemistry
Tenure of the project upto : 31.03.2026

Project Associate PAT -1
Project(s) Title& (Project Number) : “Phytopharmaceutical Mission-Phase III” (MMP075201)
Post Code : 2002
No of posts : 01
Maximum Age (as on last date of receipt of application) : 35 Years as on 12.02.2025
Stipend Per Month Consolidated : (a) Rs. 31,000/- + HRA for those candidates who have qualified CSIR- UGC / ICAR / ICMR NET incl. lectureship / assistant professorship or GATE OR those who have qualified National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments like DBT/DST or equivalent and/or Agencies / Institutions. (b) Rs. 25,000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (a) above
Essential Qualification : Master degree in Chemistry/ M. Pharm from a recognized University or equivalent. 
Desirable Qualification : Experience in extraction fractionation and isolation of plant molecules, analytical chemistry with special emphasis on Natural Products. 
Tenure of the project upto : 31.03.2026

Intern (under SSR)
Project(s) Title& (Project Number) : “Dynamics of DNA methylation in grain filling under heat stress and development of epimarkers for buckwheat (Fagopyrum sp.) breeding programs” (GAP-0334)
Post Code : 2004
No of posts : 01
Stipend Per Month Consolidated : Rs. 5000/-
Essential Qualification : Pursuing M.Sc. degree in the area of Biotechnology / Molecular Biology/ Botany/ Biochemistry/ Genetics of plant Breeding from a recognized university or equivalent. 
Desirable Qualification : Understanding of the subject Genetics of Plant Genomics
Tenure of the project upto : Two months only (after date of joining)

Intern (under SSR)
Project(s) Title& (Project Number) : “Allele Mining for High-temperature tolerance in Buckwheat – a cold desert Pseudocereal from Himalayas” GAP-0320
Post Code : 2005
No of posts : 01
Stipend Per Month Consolidated : Rs. 5000/-
Essential Qualification : Master degree pursuing in the area of Biotechnology/ molecular Biology/ botany/ Biochemistry/ Genetics of plant breeding from a recognized university or equivalent 
Desirable Qualification : Understanding in the area of Genetics of Genomics
Tenure of the project upto : Two months only (after date of joining)

Senior- PAT
Project(s) Title& (Project Number) : “CSIR- Floriculture Mission Phase-II” HCP 0037
Post Code : 2006
No of posts : 01
Stipend Per Month Consolidated : Rs. 42,000 /- PM + HRA
Age limit : 40 Years as on 12.02.2025
Essential Qualification : Master degree in Agronomy / Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Plant Sciences / Botany from a recognized University or equivalent with 03 years experience. OR Doctoral degree in Agronomy/ Agriculture/Horticulture/ Plant Science/ Botany from a recognized university or equivalent. 
Desirable Qualification : Work experience in R&D in Agricultural/ Horticultural crops with proven experience in form of research publication in peer reviewed journals will be preferred.
Tenure of the project upto : 31.03.2026

General instructions
1. Candidates reporting for interview after 10.00 AM will not be allowed to appear for interview. 
2. Eligible candidates may appear for “Walk-in-Interview(s)” on the date, time and place mentioned above along with an application on prescribed format (with latest colored passport size photo affixed on it) which is available on the CSIR-IHBT website i.e. along with self-attested photocopies of their testimonials of age, educational qualifications, experience etc. at the time of interview. 
3. The relaxation in the age limit for the candidates belonging to the category of SC/ST/PwBD/Women and the category of OBC shall be 05 years and 03 years respectively or as per Govt. of India instructions issued in this regard from time to time. 
4. Engagement under any of this position shall be on behalf of the sponsoring agency and shall be temporary and co-terminus with the tenure of the project or 06 years whichever is earlier. Further such engagement, directly or indirectly, shall not provide any right/claim for regularization for permanent post of CSIR. Candidates must also bring with them original certificates of testimonials at the time of appearing for the interview failing which he/she will not be allowed to appear for interview
5. No Traveling Allowance will be paid for attending the interview.
6. Candidates must ensure that they bring self-attested copies of their essential certificates otherwise, their applications will not be accepted. 

7. The Selection Committee(s) may adopt the selection criterion at its own i.e. either by conducting direct interview or objective test (Based on Multiple Choice Questions) followed by interview on the same day
8. Number of selected candidates may vary from the advertised positions depending upon performance of candidates during the selection process. 
9. The positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the duration of the project. There will be no right implicit or explicit for regular position or any post in CSIR-IHBT, Palampur whatsoever. 
10. The decision of the Director, CSIR-IHBT, Palampur shall be final on any matter relating to engagement of above mentioned position in CSIR-IHBT, Palampur (H.P.). 
11. The Competent Authority reserves the right to relax any of the provisions contained in this advertisement on reasonable ground. 
12. The performance of the Project Staff would be reviewed after every six-months period and any one not found up to the mark, may be terminated. 
13. Request for online Interview will not be entertained at any circumstances.

How to reach at CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, Distt. Kangra (H.P.): 
Candidates can reach by following mode of journey at the venue of interview : 
1. By Train: (i) Upto Una, Amb (H.P.) and (ii) Upto Chakki Bank, Pathankot Railway Station (H.P.). 
2. By Bus: ISBT Palampur via Chandigarh, Una, Dehra, Kangra (H.P.) 
3. By Air: From New Delhi upto Dharamshala, Gaggal Airport (H.P).

1. Result awaited candidates are not eligible for interview.
2. Any query related to this advertisement may be made exclusively to email id
3. In case of any dispute, the English version will prevail.

Date : 12.02.2025
Time : 09.30 AM
Venue : CSIR- IHBT, Palampur (H.P.)

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