M.Sc. in any branch of Science e.g. Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics M.Tech., M.B.B.S., M.Pharm., Integrated M.Sc., or equivalent qualification as per the norms of the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
GATE 2025 will be conducted for 30 subjects and it would be distributed over Saturday 1st Sunday 2nd, Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th of February 2025. GATE 2025 examination will be conducted in several cities across India. GATE 2025 will not be conducted in centres outside India.
Ph.D Tech in Pharmacy Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmcognosy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Online applications are invited for the following Ph.D. Tech. / Ph.D. Science programmes at ICT Mumbai, ICT-IOC Bhubneswar and ICT Marathwada Jalna campuses.
Candidates who have passed Diploma in Pharmacy course from an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India under section 12 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 can register for the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination.
Participate in engaging discussions on global healthcare careers; Get your questions answered in a Q&A session with Dr. Akram; Receive tailored guidance to align with your career aspirations
If you are a final year Pharmacy, Science, Engineering or Law student/graduate or a working professional in the pharma or any other industry? You have an excellent opportunity to enhance your career and job prospects by clearing the Patent or Trademark Agent Exam #2025 conducted by Indian Patent Office (DPIIT, Govt. of India).
If you are a final year Law, Science, Engineering and Pharmacy students/graduates? You have an excellent opportunity to enhance your career and job prospects by clearing the Patent or Trademark Agent Exam 2025.
To help you in the preparation of these exams, we are thrilled to invite you for a FREE WEBINAR on 25th July hosted by the Academy of Patents on “HOW and WHY to Clear the Patent Agent and Trademark Agent Exam #2025”.
M.Sc. or M. Pharm. or M. Tech. in Basic or Applied Sciences, Engineering or related areas. Students who have appeared for the final year, semester examinations are also eligible, provided that the degree will be granted by the time of joining. WALK-IN-INTERVIEW FOR Ph.D. - August 2024 SESSION