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Clinical courses

  • In trying to understand how "female Viagra" will affect the brain of women users, researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison have found that when brain metabolism dipped in monkeys during tests, desire went up in them for popping "female Viagra".

  • A team of researchers led by the University of Georgia has identified several biological markers that make it possible to classify mental disorders with greater precision. The findings may lead to improved diagnostics and treatments for those suffering from mental illness.

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  • Researchers at the University of Warwick have worked with Coventry-based Medherant, a Warwick spinout company, to produce and patent the World’s first ever ibuprofen patch delivering the drug directly through skin to exactly where it is needed at a consistent dose rate.

  • Some doctors may recommend that patients with the flu take acetaminophen, or paracetemol, to relieve their symptoms; however, a new randomized clinical trial found no benefits to the over-the-counter medication in terms of fighting the influenza virus or reducing patients' temperature or other symptoms.

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