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Profile of Pharm.D in compare to MBBS and their resposibilities

Clinical research courses

I wanted to do M.B.B.S, But anyhow I am a student of PHARMA-d (doctor of pharmacy). , But as it is new, I can not get exact knowledge about it . so can u please provide me what exact this course is about?

Pharmacy is a paramedical field and you better knowing about it, deals with all the direct and indirect aspects of medicines from development of new molecule to launch in the market.

Just clear with your thought as Pharmacy is nevertheless than MBBS or other degrees. Though there is less recognition of pharma field in India till now but still pharmacist have great career opportunities.
They can enter in the field of R&D, F&D, production, clinical research, IPR, regulatory affairs, sales, marketing, lectureship and many more. One will never find these much career choices after their graduation

One thing we let you know that Pharmacists are higher salaried professionals in US and other foreign countries, where pharmacists are allow to practice clinical pharmacy. They have statutory system in which patient is diagnosed by physicians or doctors (which is there exact responsibility not to prescribe drugs) and then the patient sent ahead to pharmacist with diagnosis report. Pharmacist is allow to prescribe the patient and normally who charge more than physician.
In India also the same course called as PHARM.D is introduced before one and half year only. So you are in the safe hands of career beginning. Although till now there is not a exact recognization of clinical pharmacy in India but it is sure that you have the greatest & the brightest career in US after you clear the NAPLEX and may be in future the India come arise with higher prospectus for the course.

And PCI also trying hard on the question about scope of Pharm.D in India. Our PCI president Dr. B. suresh is trying hard to give a new shape to pharma profession. So let it be leave on future about the scope in India. But for till date Pharm.D has precious respect in US.

One more thing is that always go in the field which you like to practice in. But now if you don't have any choice, then go ahead with Pharmacy, it is the real world of Life science.