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Government opening for B.Pharm and B.Sc in ACRI - 4 openings

Clinical research courses

The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) is an autonomous body under the Department of Ayurveda. Yoga & Naturopathy. Unani. Siddha & Homoeopathy (AYUSH), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. The Council is an apex body in India for formulation, development and promotion of research in Ayurvedic system of medicine. The Council carries out its activities and functions through its network of 31 Institutions located all over India. The Headquarters of the Council is situated in Delhi at the above address. The Council invites applications from suitable candidates for its peripheral Institute i.e. Ayurveda Central Research Institute located at Punjabi Bagh. New Delhi:-

Name of the post: Laboratory Technician-04 (SC-01, OBC-01 & UR-02)

Maximum Age: 25 years as on 1.1.2012.
Scale of pay: PB - I, Rs. 5200-20200+ Grade Pay of Rs. 2400.

Educational and other qualifications:
Essential: Degree in Science or B.Pharma from a recognised University with 01 year experience in Laboratory Technology in a Laboratory of a recognised Hospital Institution.
Intermediate Science from a recognised University with Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology of minimum of one year duration from a recognised Hospital/Institution and 02 years experience in a laboratory of a recognised Hospital/Institution.
Matric or equivalent with 05 years experience in laboratory technology in a laboratory of a recognised Hospital Institution.

Note: The candidates who intend to apply for the post should send their application to the address given below:
Director (Institute)
Ayurveda Central Research Institute
Road No -66
Punjabi Bagh
New Delhi - 110026

General Conditions:
1.    The posts are temporary but likely to continue. The fresh appointees shall be governed by new pension scheme. The candidates selected will be on Probation for two years and is transferable anywhere in India under the Council's Institutes Centres/Units.
2.    Age relaxation will be admissible for SC/ST/OBC/PH/persons in Govt. Service as per Central Govt, rules in force. Experience would be determined as on the last date of receipt of applications.
3.    Application form can be downloaded from Council's Website
4.    The application for the above post(s) is to be submitted within 30 days from the dale ol advertisement. The applications received after due date will not be considered under any circumstances.
5.    Persons already in service must submit their applications through proper channel. While forwarding applications of in service candidates. Head of the Institutions should certify that the applicants are free from Administrative and Vigilance angle and that no vigilance proceedings are pending or contemplated. Photocopies of ACRs dossier of the candidate(s) for the last five years may also be forwarded along with application in sealed covers.
6.    The Institute will hold a written test for each post.
7.    Selection will be based on the performance in written test and in interview. Only those candidates who qualify in the written test will be called for the interview.
8.    Late applications/ incomplete applications' application without attested copies of academic qualification, age, and community will summarily be rejected.
9.    Only SC/ST candidates called for interview will be paid second class fare by shortest route on production of documents.
10.    Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
11.    The Director (Institute), ACRI. New Delhi reserves the right to cancel the recruitment for all /any of the posts without assigning any reasons.

LAST DATE: 04-05-2012

Original Notification

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