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Local Anaesthesia (LA): An Overview


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PharmaTutor (October- 2014)


ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 2, Issue 10)


Received On: 07/07/2014; Accepted On: 22/07/2014; Published On: 01/10/2014


AUTHORS: Mayure Vijay Kumar*, V. Sravanthi
Maheshwara College of Pharmacy (B-Pharm Scholar)
Department of pharmacology,
Maheshwara College of Pharmacy, Chitkul (V), Isnapur “X” Road, Patancheru, Hyderabad, A.P.


The anaesthetic agents are the drugs which causes anaesthesia-reversible loss sensation. It deals with the property of relieving the pain without eliminating sensation. These drugs are generally administered to facilitate surgery. It can be described by two main classes. General anaesthetic, which causes a reversible loss of consciousness, and local anaesthetics, which causes a reversible loss of sensation for a limited region of the body while maintaining consciousness. Here I explain about the Local anaesthetics agents that prevent transmission of nerve impulses without causing unconsciousness. They act by binding to fast sodium channels from within in an open state.
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this Review article is to summarize the Local anaesthetics agents, general mechanism, structures, therapeutic uses, adverse effects and also explains their properties.


How to cite this article: VK Mayure, V Sravanthi; Local Anaesthesia (LA): An Overview; PharmaTutor; 2014; 2(10); 68-79