June 2016 ARTICLE LIST >>
PharmaTutor (June- 2016)
Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679
e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 4, Issue 6)
Received On: 16/01/2016; Accepted On: 03/02/2016; Published On: 01/06/2016
Nirav Soni
Department of Quality Assurance,
A-One Pharmacy College,
Anasan, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
ABSTRACT: Isolation of Nucleic acid easily by Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and this approach, using commercially available Extraction of nucleic acid column-based kits, requires no toxic chemicals and is a rapid and consistent method for concomitant protein extraction. It is a modern technique useful for separation of Nucleic acid which is most reliable, less time consuming and separation of impurities and continuity of reactive products using listed techniques like column-based nucleic acid purification, Nucleic acid methods & ethanol precipitation, DNA separation by silica adsorption. Buffer choice is significant to completely solubilized all proteins in the sample. This technique provides a simple and effective way to analyze protein and nucleic acids simultaneously from the same sample not affecting yield and quality.
How to cite this article: Soni N; Extraction and Purification of Nucleic Acid using CBNP & PCIA Technique; PharmaTutor; 2016; 4(6); 20-22

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