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Job for Pharmacy Officer under Department of Health & Family Welfare

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Job for Pharmacy Officer under Department of Health & Family Welfare

Applications are invited on prescribed proforma from Person with Disabilities (PwD) for filling up of 06 posts Pharmacy Officer in the Health & Family Welfare Department against vacancies on contract through Direct Basis.

Post : Pharmacy Officer

No of posts : 06

Essential Qualification
(a) (i)10 plus 2 in Science from a recognized Board of School Education.
(ii) Degree or Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University or an Institution duly recognized by the Central/ State Government.
(iii) Must be registered with the Pharmacy Council of the concerned State/Central Government.
Desirable Qualifications :- Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
Note : withstanding the provision contained in sub Rule a(i) supra the candidates who have done diploma in Pharmacy prior to 12-09-2001 and are matriculates shall not be rendered eligible.

Age Limit
Between : 18-45 years
Provided that the upper age limit from direct recruits will not be applicable to the candidates already in service of Government including those who have been appointed on ad-hoc basis or on contract basis.
Provided further that if a candidate appointed on ad-hoc basis or on contract basis has become overage on the date when he/ she was appointed as such he/ she shall not be eligible for any relaxation in the prescribed age limit by virtue of this adhoc or contract appointment.
Provided further that the employees of all the Public Sector Corporations and Autonomous Bodies who happened to be Government Servants before absorption in Public Sector Corporations/Autonomous Bodies at the time of initial constitutions/ of such Corporations,' Autonomous Bodies shall be allowed age concession in direct recruitment as admissible to Government servants. This concession will not, however, be admissible to such staff of the Public Sector Corporations/Autonomous Bodies who were/ are subsequently appointed by such Corporation/ Autonomous Bodies and who are / were finally absorbed in the service of such Corporations/ Autonomous Bodies after initial constitution of the Public Sector Corporations/ Autonomous Bodies.
Provided further that the candidates have registered their names in the concerned Employment Exchanges before attaining the age of 45 years.
(a) Age limit for direct recruitment will be reckoned on the first day of the year in which the posts(s) are advertised for inviting applications or notified to the Employment Exchanges or as the case may be.

Job Description
1. Dispensing of medicines on prescription issued by the Medical Officer.
2. Dressing and giving injection including intravenous to the patient. However, the intravenous fluid will preferably administered under the supervision of Medical Officer
3. Proper maintenance of surgical instruments and equipments in Civil Dispensaries and PHCs.
4. Emergency duties during off hours.
5. Change of dressing of operated cases in out door.
6. Assisting the Medical Stores / Surgical Instruments and Indenting thereof.
7. Maintenance of Medicine Stores ' Surgical Instruments and indenting
8. To prepare the abstract reports and returns under the guidance of the N JR i 0;h- ei Medical Superintendent.
9. Assisting the Medical Officer in operative work in C Ds and PHCs.
10. He will be responsible for getting these accounts audited.
11. He will maintain the record of all the drugs and injection etc issued to the patients both in the out door and indoor also where his duty is assigned.
12. He will keep records of "Purchase Fee", where required medical and other account.-; o: money.
13. Help the Medical Officer in keeping the record of correspondence in connection with functioning of institution. (Where ministerial staff is not in position . .
14. Help the Medical Officer in updating the instruments and permanent store and store register every year on 1st January or 1st April.
15. Prepare list of all such medicines, which are to expire in next 6 months and put up such list for orders of S.M.O./ M.O. in outdoor.
16. See that all rubber articles are stored properly a.- also instruments so that those do not get rusted.
17. Maintain properly the list / Almirah of Emergency Medicines and keep up to date
18. Ensure proper cleanliness and up keep of the Dispensary / Stores.
19. Prepare the usual mixture for use in O P.I) as also Eye and Ear Drops. *
20. Ensure proper storage of all vaccine (ARV. ASV. T"l) and era r: required temperature.
21. To impart practical knowledge to the internee or trainee Pharmacist if part on duty with him her and keep proper record for the same.
22. Maintenance of proper record of these prescription and medicines used.
23. He will be a member of drug purchase committee at all levels.
24. He will prescribe the medicines to patients in the .absence of Medical Officer
25. He will be the In-charge of the CDs/ PHCs in the absence of Medical Officer.
26. Any other duties assigned by the Medical Superintendent / S.M.O. / M .O concerning-to pharmacy work.

Those candidates who are not willing to serve in the interior/tribal area of Himachal Pradesh need not for appear counseling.
However, the appointment of the above candidate shall be subject to the final outcome of CWP NO. 4327/2021

Important Conditions :-
1. The candidate shall be eligible for appointment, if he/she has passed Matriculation and 10+2 from any school/ institution situated within Himachal Pradesh. Provided this condition shall not apply to Bonafide Himachalis.
2. The certificate of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes should be on parental basis, failing which candidature of such candidates will be rejected.
3. The candidates belonging to OBC of HP Category must produce OBC certificate(s) on the prescribed format, which should not be more than one year old at the time of last date fixed for submission of Recruitment Application. The validity of the certificate is required to be seen at the time of documentation'.
4. The benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of an Income and Asset Certificate issued by the Competent Authority i.e. DC/ADC/ADM/ SDO (Civil) of the area where the candidate and /or his family resides; and revenue officer not below the rank of Tehsildar. The validity of IRDP/BPL certificate is of six months from the date of its issuance. The candidate is required to furnish the valid certificate including the old certificate of the time of the filling the application in support of his/her claim.
5. The validity of the certificate is required to be seen at the time of documentation. The candidate belonging to unreserved BPL category are not required to submit Income & Asset Certificate. They shall be treated as eligible for EWS reservation on the basis of valid BPL Certificate issued by the competent authority and supplemented by the non-SC-/ST/OBC Certificate. If any BPL candidate applies for the post reserved for EWS category he/she shall have to submit a valid B.P.L. certificate countersigned by the Block Development Officer and also a non SC/ST/OBC certificate issued by the competent authority. The candidate must possess these certificates on prescribed formats at the time counselling
6. If in any recruitment year any vacancy earmarked for EWS cannot be filled up due to non-availability of suitable candidate belonging to EWS, such vacancies for that particular year shall not be carried forward to the next recruitment year as backlog. In other words, when an EWS candidate is not available for selection, the post will be treated automatically as de-reserved and will be filled up from a non-EWS candidate of unreserved category.
7. The candidates are required to submit their requisite documents in support of their eligibility for the concerned post(s)at the time of documentation.
8. The requisite documents submitted by the candidates, will be scrutinized and list of proposed rejected candidates will be uploaded on the website of the Health Department for information of all concerned and No separate intimation in this regard will be sent by post. 07 day’s time will be given to file representation(s) against the proposed rejections, if any, from the date of uploading the list of rejected candidates on the official website of the Department for the concerned post(s). The candidates are advised to visit the Health Department’s official website from time to time for updates in their own interest.
Proforma alongwith necessary original certificates and self attested photocopies will have to be produced at the time of documentation.
10. CATEGORY' CLAIMS:- The category once claimed by the candidate(s) will not be allowed to be changed at any stage. The S.C. of Himachal Pradesh / S.T. of Himachal Pradesh O.B.C. of Himachal Pradesh/ WFF of Himachal Pradesh / Ex Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh and Physically Disabled of Himachal Pradesh candidates must possess such certificates(s) in support of their claims made while applying for the concerned post(s). All the candidates belonging to reserved categories are also required to go through the relevant instructions of the Government of Himachal Pradesh issued from time to time in order to ensure that they are eligible under a particular category and submit the applicable certificates only on the prescribed formats at the time of documentation.

Eligibility Conditions
i. The date of determining the eligibility of all candidates in terms of Essential Qualifications, experience etc. shall be reckoned as on the closing date as mentioned, ii. The decision of the Department regarding eligibility etc. of a candidate will be final, iii. Onus of proving that a candidate has acquired requisite degree/ essential qualifications by the stipulated date is on the candidate and in the absence of proof the date as mentioned on the face of certificate/ degree or the date of issue of certificate / degree shall be taken as date of acquiring essential qualification. Iv The candidates of the concerned subject only be apply upto dates(s) given against each category only if the % of disability is 40% | or more than this. In case of any deviation they shall be personally responsible. Further the) may also ensure that the list of eligible candidates be sent once.

1. Incomplete, illegible or over written application form.
2. undersigned and without any thumb impression application form.
3. Application form without photograph
4. Application from received before the date of notification and after closing date and time.
5. No Application shall be entertained after the last date.
6. Incomplete/ defective applications from will be summarily rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this respect.
7. Only a single application will be entertained. In case of multiple applications of the same candidate received, then the candidature will be cancelled.
8. Names received after the scheduled date shall not be considered and will be straightway rejected

The candidates can submit their application on the prescribed Application Format to the address given either personally or through registered/ speed post on or before to the Directorate of Health Services latest by 10.10.2023 and from tribal areas respectively by 15.10.2023 as per proforma. The Department will not be responsible for delay in receipt of application due to any reason whatsoever.
The Director Health Services,
Health and Family Welfare Directorate,
SDA Complex Kasumpti, Shimla-9.(H.P.)

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