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Career for MPharm at RPRC - Pay Rs. 31000 per month

Clinical research courses

Career for MPharm at RPRC

Regional Plant Resource Centre was established in 1985 as a recreational garden and with an aim to provide a green lung for the inhabitants of Bhubaneswar – the capital city of Odisha. Gradually it became a dynamic and vibrant research organization of the State Government with a focus on the conservation of plant biodiversity. Over the year, it has made significant contributions in the field of ex situ and in situ conservation and assessment of genetic diversity of various groups of plants & its related aspects. With strengthening of scientific manpower and laboratory facilities, it expanded its areas of research which witnessed large outputs in terms of analysis of genetic assessment of plant groups through cyto-taxonomic and molecular techniques.

Post: Project Associate

Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for filling of positions of Research fellows (SRF/ JRF/ Project Associate/ Lab. Asst.) in Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar under different RKVY/DBT Projects( 2021-22). Details on research projects, eligibility criteria, emoluments etc. can be downloaded from RPRC website ( or collected from the notice Board of RPRC. The candidates are required to submit their bio-data (separate application for maximum two projects, mentioning project No.) along with documents in support of their educational qualification and experience.

Project Title: Harnessing the potential of traditional knowledge- based medicinal plants for identifying anti-SARS- CoV2 compounds (DBT Project: Govt. of India )22.3.2022

Qualification: M.Sc., Botany/ Biotechnology/ Life Science / M.Pharm.
Relevant experience is desired For Project Associate
Pay:@Rs.31000/- per month + 16%HRA (Consolidated)
Name of the PI: Dr.N.R. Nayak Senior Scientist

Interested and Eligible candidates are required to apply along with self-attested copies of certificates and mark sheets by post or submit in the drop box of the Centre addressing directly to “The Chief Executive, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar-751015 on or before 18th November ,2021 by 5.30 P.M. The envelope is to be superscribed with Advt. No., the project title and the position applied for. Incomplete application without the above mentioned documents will be rejected.

General Instructions :
1. The engagement is purely on temporary basis and will be terminated on completion of the project.
2. Short-listed candidates will be called for interview. No TA/DA will be given to candidates for attending the interview.
3. The date and time of interview will be published in the website ( and also communicated to shortlisted candidates through email and no separate call letter will be issued. Candidates should appear for interview along with their original certificates and other relevant documents in support of their application.
4. Selected candidate will not have any right to claim explicit or implicit for any post in the institute. Although there is indication for number of vacancy, the Chief Executive, RPRC reserves the right for selection of any number of candidates. The decision of the Chief Executive regarding selection of candidates will be final.
5. The initial engagement will be until the end of the grant i.e. upto 31st March 2022 which may further extend if project requires, subject to satisfactory performance.
6. The Research persons are expected to undertake extensive field works in the forest areas, coastal areas of the state and therefore, required to be physically fit.

Regional Plant Resource Centre

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