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Opportunity for Ph.D, M.Pharm, M.Sc to join Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports | Pay upto Rs. 2 lakh

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Opportunity for Ph.D, M.Pharm, M.Sc to join Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports

National Anti-Doping Agency is an autonomous body of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India. NADA is responsible for promoting, coordinating and monitoring the doping control programme in sports in all its forms across the country.

Online applications are invited from Indian Citizens for recruitment of the following positions on deputation/absorption/re-employment/promotion basis in the National Anti-Doping.

Scientific Director - 01 Post
Method of Recruitment : Deputation (including short term contract)/ Absorption / Promotion / Re-employment (for short term contract)
Pay level in the pay Matrix : Level 13 in the Pay Matrix Rs 1,23,100 - 215900/-
Eligibility conditions : Officers of the Central / States / UTs Government / PSUs / Autonomous / Statutory Bodies / Universities / Recognized Research Institutes: -
(a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis or
(ii) with five (05) years regular service in the post in Level 12 of the Pay Matrix, and
(b) Possessing the following Educational Qualification & Experience
(i) PhD in Pharmacology / Biochemistry / Pharmaceutical Sciences / Sports Sciences from recognized University / College/Institutes with relevant experience in technical administration/management from recognized University/college/institutes.
(ii) having 15 years of working experience in technical administration/ management/ research from recognized institutions.
Promotion from Senior Project Officer [in Level 12 of the Pay Matrix]/Sr Scientific Officer [in Level 12 of the Pay Matrix] with five years of regular service in the grade.

Senior Scientific Officer - 01 Post
Method of Recruitment : Deputation (including short term contract)/ Absorption/Pro motion/ Re-employment (for short term contract)
Pay level in the pay Matrix : Level 12 in the Pay Matrix Rs 78,800-2,09,200/-
Eligibility conditions : Officers of the Central / States / UTs Government / PSUs / Autonomous / Statutory Bodies / Universities / Recognized Research Institutes:
(a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis or
(ii) with five (05) years regular service in the post in Level 11 of the Pay Matrix, and
(b) Possessing the following Educational Qualification & Experience
(i) MD Pharmacology / PhD in Pharmacology / Biochemistry / Pharmaceutical Sciences/ Sports Sciences from recognized University /College/Institutes from recognized University/college/institutes.
(ii) having 10 years of working experience in technical administration/ management/ research from recognized institutions.

Scientific Officer - 01 Post
Method of Recruitment : Deputation (including short term contract)/ Absorption/Pro motion/ Re-employment (for short term contract)
Pay level in the pay Matrix : Level 10 in the Pay Matrix Rs 56,100-1,77,500/-
Eligibility conditions : Officers of the Central/States/UTs Government/PSUs/ Autonomous/ Statutory Bodies/Universities/Recognized Research Institutes: -
(a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis or
(ii) with two (02) years regular service in the post in Level 8 of the Pay Matrix or three (03) years regular service in the post in Level 7 of the Pay Matrix or eight (08) years regular service in the post in Level 6 of the Pay Matrix, and
(b) Possessing the following Educational Qualification & Experience
(i) First Class in Masters/ M.Pharm / M Sc. in Pharmacology/ Biochemistry/ Pharmaceutical Sciences / Sports Sciences from recognized University /College/Institutes with relevant experience in Scientific/ technical administration/management preferably in Anti Doping
(ii) having 08 years of relevant experience in Government Institutions.
Promotion from Assistant Project Officer [in Level 7 of the Pay Metrix] with eight years of regular service in the grade.

Junior Scientific Officer - 01 Post
Method of Recruitment : Deputation (including short term contract)/ Absorption/Pro motion/ Re-employment (for short term contract)
Pay level in the pay Matrix : Level 08 in the Pay Matrix Rs 47,600-1,51,100/-
Eligibility conditions : Officers of the Central/States/UTs Government/PSUs/ Autonomous/ Statutory Bodies/Universities/Recognized Research Institutes: -
(a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis or
(ii) with two (02) years regular service in the post in Level 7 of the Pay Matrix or six years regular service in the post in Level 6 of the Pay Matrix , and
(b) Possessing the following Educational Qualification & Experience
(i) First Class in Masters / M.Pharm / M.Sc. in Pharmacology / Biochemistry/ Pharmaceutical Sciences / Sports Sciences from recognized University /College/Institutes with relevant experience in scientific research / technical administration / management
(ii) having 07 years of relevant experience in Government Institutions.
Promotion from Assistant Project Officer [in Level 07 of the Pay Matrix] with two years of regular service in the grade.
A departmental candidate in the feeder grade shall also be eligible to be considered for this post along with the outsiders and in case he is selected, his appointment shall be deemed to have been made by promotion

• Age Limit: for all the posts mentioned in the advertisement, the candidate should be below 56 years of age as on the closing date of the application.
• Period of deputation shall be of five years. The lending department may relieve an
officer for a lesser period as per their own policy/Rules. which should not be less than three years in any case.
• The terms of deputation, including the pay and allowances, shall be governed by the provisions laid down in the Department of Personnel & Training Office Memorandum No. 6/8/2009- Estt.(Pay II) dated 17 June 2010 and other orders/guidelines issued in this regard from time to time.

• The willing applicants are also to submit their application in the prescribed format through proper channel to the Director General, NADA, Hall No 103, JLN Stadium, New Delhi - 110003, along with supporting documents as under: -
(i) Attested copy of application in prescribed proforma as per
(ii) Cadre Clearance Certificate from the Controlling Authority.
(iii) Statement giving detail of Major/Minor penalties, imposed upon the Officer, if any, during the last ten (10) years
(iv) Vigilance Clearance/integrity Certificate
(v) Photocopies of the ACRs/APARs for the last five (5) years duly attested on each page by an officer not below the level of Under Secretary or equivalent
(vi) While forwarding the application it may also be verified and certified by the cadre controlling authority that the particulars furnished by the applicant are correct.
• A departmental candidate in the feeder grade shall also be eligible to be considered for this post along with the outsiders and in case he is selected, his appointment shall be deemed to have been made by promotion.
• Applications received after the last date/incomplete application shall not be entertained Candidates who apply for the post will not be allowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently. NADA reserves the right not to fill up all or any of the vacancies or to withdraw the circular at any time without assigning any reasons.

Last Date : 60 days from the date of issue of advertisement in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar.

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