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    About Authors: HONEY JAIN, Mr Ranjan Bairwa

    Even with improvements in health care, many Boomers are finding themselves overwhelmed with the stresses of modern life. Luckily, there are natural ways to relieve stress, including daily exercise, meditation, deep-breathing techniques and the use of time-honored herbal supplements.‘Stress response’ are many and varied-marriage, divorce, death of a loved one, new job, move, etc.-any intense emotion such as fear or anger, fatigue, physical injury, surgery, temperature extremes, noise, crowding, illness.
    There is a definite relationship between stress and illness, although the exact nature of this relationship is not yet fully understood. The more frequent and severe the life changes, the more likely we are to become ill.Combination of key traditional anti-stress herbs may help settle down your world and step up your energy levels to dynamic new heights.

  • Preparation and Evaluation Antioxidant Activity of Mixed Herbal Hair Oil Formulation

    About Authors: Akram Ahmad(1)*,Vikas Kumar(1) ,G.P.Mohanta(2) and Hasna Ali(2).
    1-Christian school of pharmacy, FHMSIAMS (SHIATS) Allahabad (UP)-211007.
    2-Department of pharmacy practice,Annamalai University,Chidambaram (T.N)-608002.

    Antioxidants are helpful in increasing the blood circulation and thus help in hair growth as well as in the treatment a lot of diseases. Alopecia is a dermatological disorder with psychosocial implications on patients with hair loss. The Antioxidant property of plant and oil can be  utilise in hair fall .The objective of present study involves preparation of herbal hair oil using amla, brahmi, tridex, neem, shikakai and its evaluation for increase in hair growth activity. The oils with two different drug concentrations 5% & 10% were prepared using direct boiling, paste and cloth method. For determination of antioxidant activity DPPH method is used. Herbal hair oil formulation showing moderate antioxidant activity when compared with can be used as herbal hair oil for hair growth and other Free radical damage within cells has been linked to a range of disorders including cancer, arthritis, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and diabetes.

  • Tissue Culture of Endangered Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) (Linn) family Scrophulariaceae

    About Authors: - Tiwari1 Bhrigu Narayan*, Mr. Khatri1 Pankaj, Dr. Ali2 Julfikar.
    1 . Department of Pharmacognosy Gyan Vihar School of Pharmacy S.G.V. University ,Jaipur (Rajasthan)
    2. Department of Biotechnology, School of Science S.G.V .University, Jaipur (Rajasthan)

    Tissue culture
    (often called micropropagation) is a special type of asexual propagation where a very small piece of tissue (shoot apex, leaf section, or even an individual cell) is excised (cut-out) and placed in sterile (aseptic) culture in a test tube, petri-dish or tissue culture container containing a special culture medium.Several industries and nurseries have standardized protocols for the multiplication of ornamentals like orchids genera, carnation, roses, chrysanthemum and plantation crop like banana and cardamom..The compounds responsible for the memory enhancing effects of Bacopa monniera are triterpenoid saponins called bacosides .In the Ayurvedic Materia Medica, Bacopa has been recognized for its brain enhancement characteristics. Bacopa monnieri, a member of the Scrophulariaceae family, is a small, creeping herb with numerous branches, small oblong leaves and light purple flowers. In India and the tropics it grows naturally in wet soil, shallow water and marches. Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) (Linn) familyScrophulariaceaeis also known as Madhyarasayana in Ayurveda as it increase mental-clarityand brain stimulating action It also possesses anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, epilepsy, insanity, anticancer and antioxidant activities, saponins such as bacosides A, B, C and D which are the active triterpenoid principles and known as "memory chemicals".Only  a  very limited research has been  carried  out  on the plant,  under  the present study  assumes singular  significance and it is supposed to contribute a great deal to the existing literature. The present paper highlights the morphogenic response of various auxins and cytokinins on Bacopa monniera.

  • Eclipta alba (L.) A review on its phytochemical and pharmacological profile

    About Authors:
    Mithun NM*, Dr.Shashidhara S1

    Dept. of Pharmacognosy,
    Government college of pharmacy,

    Abstract: Eclipta alba (L.) is small branched annual herbaceous plant with a long history of traditional medicines uses in many countries especially in tropical and subtropical regions. The herb has been known for its curative properties and has been utilized as antimytotoxic, analgesic, antibacterial, antihepatotoxic, antihaemorrhagic, antihyperglycemic, antioxidant, immunomodulatory properties and it is considered as a good rejuvenator too. Recent studies showed an antivenom property & corrosion pickling inhibitor action on mild steel in hydrochloric acid. A wide range of chemical compounds including coumestans, alkaloids, thiopenes, flavonoids, polyacetylenes, triterpenes and their glycosides have been isolated from this species. Extracts and metabolites from this plant have been known to possess pharmacological properties. This contribution provides an comprehensive review on ethnomedicinal uses, chemical composition, and the pharmacological profile as medicinal plant. Particular attention is given to antihepatotoxic, analgesic, antioxidant , antihyperglycemic, antiaggresive, wound healing properties and insecticidal effects presented in this review such that the potential use of this plant either in pharmaceutics or as an agricultural resource can be evaluated.

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