Write an exhaustive note on DSA technique

Q.4.(c) Write an exhaustive note on DSA technique, its principle and pharmaceutical applications.


Ans.4.(c)Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is a type of fluoroscopy technique used in interventional radiology to clearly visualize blood vessels in a bony or dense soft tissue environment. Images are produced using contrast medium by subtracting a 'pre-contrast image' or the mask from later images, once the contrast medium has been introduced into a structure. Hence the term 'digital subtraction angiography'Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) remains the most accurate imaging technique for the evaluation of the cerebrovascular system.

Applications DSA is primarily used to image blood vessels. It is useful in the diagnosis and treatment of:
1.  Arterial and venous occlusions, including carotid artery stenosis, pulmonary embolisms and acute limb ischaemia.
2. Arterial stenosis, which is particularly useful for potential renal donors in detecting renal artery stenosis. DSA is the gold standard investigation for renal artery stenosis.
3. Cerebral aneurysms and arterio-venous malformations (AVM)